Online Kundali: Popular Astrology Horoscope Predictions Report

Popular Horoscope Reports

Horoscope or a Kundali are the two sides of the same coin which basically mean the same thing. They are names in two different languages for one same thing. In this digital age, one can easily get an Online Horoscope or an Online Kundli and he/she is free to go for either a Horoscope in English or a Kundli in Hindi depending upon the language of their interest and understanding. One can easily figure out what the child will be like when he/she grows up, to the probable career and course they might end up taking. A Horoscope is a brilliant way to decipher the future and safeguard oneself from getting into a situation that is adverse.


Sampurna Maha Kundali

A detailed print of how your future is going to be for the next 30 years! The Sampurna Maha Kundali is a comprehensive Online Horoscope Report that focuses on all significant areas of life along with

Sample Horoscope
English | Hindi

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Brihat Parashar Patrika

An extensive Parashar horoscope Report that focusses on providing you a brighter life, this 300+ page report is the Ultimate Horoscope Guide one could ever need! Solving and cornering each and every f

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Bhrigu Patrika Online Kundali

Bhrigu Samhita PDF Online Kundli: Known under the name of the great sage Bhrigu, the Bhrigu Samhita is the most wonderful gift to mankind! The great ancient Sage of India, in the form of astrology, ga

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Navgraha Report

The 9 planets of Vedic Astrology each represent a different component of our life and then translates into the blueprint thus created. These 9 planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Su

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All Dosha Report

Crippled by the fear of what’s going to happen tomorrow, we live in the anxiety of not making it big in life. And amidst all these problems comes the issue of past-life troubles and Karma, which is b

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Gem & Rudraksha Report

Getting rid of your problems is not a big deal when you take the blueprint that your Online Janam Kundali provides! Once you have a layout of all the things holding you down in life, you can progress

Sample Horoscope
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All Yoga Report

Decoding what our life would be is an impossible feat, but Vedic Astrology has made it crystal that nothing is beyond our reach. Planets and stars dictate the course of our lives as is apparent from o

Sample Horoscope
English | Hindi

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Shani Sadesati Report

Considered the most important planet in the Vedic Astrology, Saturn plays a crucial role in defining what course we set our life upon. Known as the planet of Karma, Saturn plays the deciding role in c

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Purpose of a Horoscope or a Kundli

The age-old ancient Indian wisdom of preparing one’s Birth chart or Horoscope aims at providing solutions to the problems arising in current life due to the karma of the past. These adverse results in one’s life will haunt the native’s past life that he/she is bound to face unless some timely remedial measures are taken. The entire purpose of making a Horoscope or a Kundli is not to cater to popular web terminologies such as Online Horoscope Predictions, Birthday Horoscope, Kundali Matching, Free Horoscope Predictions, etc. but to make sure that these are useful to the common man in predicting what their chances are of living a happy and prosperous life.

A horoscope or a Kundli enables one to get all the answers related to all the areas of life and questions one might have. A natal chart or a birth chart denotes the astrological placement of planets and constellations in your birth chart at the time of your birth. With every Planetary Transit, your future changes a bit and that is what creates either problems or celebrations! Similarly, there are different horoscopes or Kundli derived and designed from the first and foremost one called a Basic Horoscope or a Natal Horoscope, which works on deciphering the normative calculative side of one’s horoscope. This chart features the basic calculations of the planets and nakshatras present in your horoscope and how they’re capable of altering the course of your life. To read this, you will have to get an astrologer’s consultation and get it analyzed to know more about your future.

Benefits of a Horoscope or a Kundli

  • Spread into the infinite realms of wisdom, the benefits of a horoscope or a kundli can be infinite. As it deals with the divine science of astrology.
  • When carefully analyzed, A horoscope or a kundli tells about the true nature of an individual irrespective of how he/she may appear on the outside.
  • It can help people realize their true potential and the favorable direction in which they can channelize their efforts to reap the maximum benefits.
  • It can also help in timely avoiding or minimizing mishaps that are slated to haunt you in the future.
  • It can guide people in the matters of their health, finances, and career so that they can make informed decisions beforehand and navigate through these aspects with minimum or no friction at all.
  • It gives answers to questions that at times even modern medical science fails to give. Such as "Why am I facing problems in childbirth when the medical report says that everything is normal". Or even the remedies that medical science can’t comprehend but still work miracles.
  • It helps you to identify the suitable streams of education that would paint a bright career for you.
  • It makes a person aware of what line of the business/profession to enter in order to make a hassle-free living.
  • It also raises the level of awareness of a person to the extent of knowing which partnerships would prove to be friendly and which would create animosity in his/her life.

These Popular Online Astrology reports would also provide you with the personality analysis of the individual and would let us know about all the yogas, doshas and all the planetary transitions and positions along with the effects on the kundli of an individual. The remedies to treat any unfavourable situation in the kundli of a person would also be part of the popular horoscopes reports. These popular horoscopes reports come up with the basic calculative charts and other calculations predicting the life events of an individual. These Online Astrology report would suggest you with the right path that you should take on in life to maintain positivity.

Reason to choose the Popular Online Horoscope Predictions Reports at Future Point?

We could not depend on the time to achieve anything that we want and desire in our lives. And the reason behind all our sufferings could be because of the unauspicious planetary combinations formed in our kundli. The Popular Horoscope Reports at Future Point would provide you with the predictions concerning all the areas of your life. You will get the answers to all your queries and doubts regarding anything by going through these horoscope reports. These reports would provide you with the planet reading depicting the actual meaning of all the planets in your life. Your life will be much easy and meaningful when once you get to know about your approaching times. You will be able to figure out every situation only with the help of these popular Janam Kundli Reports.

Popular Online Kundli Reports Provided by Future Point

The section of Popular Horoscope Reports come armed up with the following reports predicting all the events of the native’s life with a detailed analysis of the native’s birth chart. All the horoscope reports that are available at Future Point consists of the various calculations and detailed predictions depicting the nature and the strength of the native’s birth chart. The popular horoscopes reports are mentioned below:

All Dosha Report

The All Dosha Horoscope Report at Future Point would highlight all doshas namely Manglik Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, Pitra Dosha and their effects in the life of the person along with the remedies in case if any dosha resides in the kundli of a person. Get your Kundli Dosh Report online available at the site of Future Point.

Brihat Parashar Patrika Report

The Brihat Parashar Patrika Horoscope report having 300+ pages depicting the life of an individual in detail predicts 5 key areas of the life of a person namely career, education, finance, health and family for a long period of up to 20 years along with the monthly predictions for 3 years. Get your hands over the Brihat Parashar Patrika Online horoscope report now.

Navgraha Report

The Navgraha Horoscope Report highlights the position and the transition of all the nine planets affecting the life of an individual. This report covers up various calculative charts along with the planetary degree and positions and all the other important factors depicting the future events of the native’s life.

All Yoga Report

The All Yoga Report at Future Point would provide you with the important information of all the yogas in the kundli of a person together with their effects in the native’s life. You will get to know about all the planetary combinations and their nature formed in the kundli of the native.

Shani Sade Sati Report

The Shani Sade Sati Report would let you know when the period of Shani Sade Sati would hit you along with the remedial measures to treat it to eliminate its effects from the life of the native.

Gem and Rudraksha Report

The Gem and Rudraksha Report would suggest you the favourable gem and the method to wear it as per the position of the planet in the kundli of the native to bring positivity in the life of an individual.

So, instead of taking risks that could harm your life, you can go for these popular Vedic Horoscope Reports that have the power to change your life to some extent and make it more wonderful and prosperous than ever. You can also Consult an Astrologer to have a better understanding of your birth chart and the times to come.

Other Reports


Lal Kitab Ratna

Lal Kitab Ratna is 37 page long Horoscope of Lal Kitab Calculations & Lal Kitab Predictions with Remedies. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevailin

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Lal Kitab Pearl

Lal Kitab Pearl is 75 page long Horoscope of Lal Kitab Calculations & Lal Kitab Predictions with Remedies. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevailin

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Lal Kitab Shree

Lal Kitab Sree is most comprehensive model of Lal Kitab Calculations & Lal Kitab Predictions with Remedies. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevaili

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Numerology Reading

Numerology Reading is one complete 9 to 11 page long numerology horoscope reading. It includes detailed prediction like numerological result, numerology life graph and interpretation. The report is fi

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Varsh Details

Varsh means "Year" and Varshphal in the context of astrology means "result of the year". We all want to know how our life will pan out in terms of our health, wealth, career, marriage, child birth and

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Janam Kundali

Get your life sorted with the Janam Kundli that contains not just your future, but your past, present, and everything in between. Janam Kundli and complete Life Report created by your Natal Details by

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Janam Kundli Plus

A one-up from Janam Kundli report, the Janam Kundli Plus Report contains a detailed description of one’s birth chart along with extra information about remedies and flaws in the horoscope. Janam Kundl

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Kundli Phal

With problems never ceasing to amaze the normal individual, it becomes a mundane activity to keep a track on what’s happening and what’s about to happen. This gives them a purpose and inclination towa

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Kundli Darpan

Kundli darpan is a complete 110 page report of numerology prediction and astrology calculations along with all essential remedies. The online kundali report contains five year transit prediction with

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My Kundli

Your Kundli or Janampatri or Janam Patrika is your own birth chart that is derived by taking into account your birth details. It is of paramount importance when it comes to knowing about the significa

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Numerology Report

Numbers are perhaps the most common entities that come across in multiple activities that we perform on a day-to-day basis. So many things have their identities associated by numbers, for example: Veh

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30 Year Report Pack

30 Year Report is most comprehensive Horoscope of astrological calculations and predictions along with all essential remedies. In a way it is a life book containing all sorts of astrological calculati

Sample Horoscope
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Health Report

Health Report is around 45-50 page report. It is a compact model which gives Birth-details, Planetary degrees, Lagna charts, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Dasamamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga, Vimshottari Da

Sample Horoscope
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Finance Report

Are you curious about what the stars have in store for your financial future? Look no further than our expertly crafted finance horoscope by date of birth. Our comprehensive report uses the power of a

Sample Horoscope
English | Hindi

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Education Report

These days a good educational background is very important for a successful career. The world today is extremely competitive. Today lifelong learning is not a choice it is a necessity. Education is im

Sample Horoscope
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Career Report

Identifying one’s personal strength is very easy step in astrology. Your birth chart puts a light on your mental area to define the professional success and direction. Having a successful profession i

Sample Horoscope
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Milan Kundli

Another model of Kundli and Horoscope Matching available at Future Point, the Milan Kundli is a top-notch model featuring a detailed revision of the Kundlis’ of the individuals. Matching horoscope tak

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Milan Phal

Matching the horoscopes before marriage holds great importance in Vedic Astrology. Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two ind

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Match Analysis

Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals, usually by comparing their birth charts to one another. Matching-M3 horos

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Match Analysis Detailed

Kundali Matching for Marriage: Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals, usually by comparing their Birth Ch

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