Varshphal Horoscope & Kundali Report | Future Point

Varsh Details


Varsh means "Year" and Varshphal in the context of astrology means "result of the year". We all want to know how our life will pan out in terms of our health, wealth, career, marriage, child birth and many other aspects.
It is for this purpose we take the help of the divine and ancient science called Astrology. While it is wonderful to know about long term future, it is equally important to be aware of what lies ahead on an immediate basis as we all live in the present and it is the decisions taken in the present that eventually mould our future.
Therefore, one must go for Varshphal Predictions to navigate wisely through the immediate time frame of an year. A Varshphal Chart of a native is carefully constructed by incorporating many tedious Varshphal Calculations and the predictions that are made thereafter, paint a clear picture of what the said year has in store for the native.

Price: 775 395

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Yearly Prediction will starts from this year.

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Features of Varsh Details

  • Varsh Details is a comprehensive 30-31 page Varshphal report with detailed predictions for a specific year.
  • This Varshaphal report can be cast for any specific year.
  • The incredibly useful predictions made here are not just something that involves the Varshaphal chart but they also assist in better understanding of a natives natal chart, dasha and transit as well.

Varsh Details contains numerous highly useful charts and tables arrived after sincere calculations such as:

  • Varshphal Chart, Varshphal Chalit, Varshphal Moon, Varshphal Navamsa etc.
  • Dwadas Varga Table & Friendship Table
  • Varsh Triptaki Chart
  • Varsheshwar (Year Lord) Determination

Extremely crucial & useful predictions are included such as:

  • Year Lord Prediction
  • Muntha Prediction
  • Muntha Lord Prediction
  • Varsh Ascendant Lord Prediction

After a thorough analysis, it provides a month wise detailed prediction report for 12 months that includes almost each and every aspect affecting our day to day life such as- health, finance, business, family, relationships, society and status, theft, children etc.

Benefits of Varsh Details

  • It provides useful insights into the specific year that we want to know the Varsh Details for.
  • It helps people from the business community in taking informed financial decisions by looking at their favourable & unfavourable planetary transit during the year, thereby turning the risk reward ratio in their favour.
  • It helps professionals know about their career outlook in that particular year e.g. growth opportunities signified in terms of promotion in the same job or a switch with an increase in remuneration & a better job role.
  • It is in particular beneficial for students appearing for competitive examinations in an year, as it reveals the level of help that they are poised to get from the planets during that period.
  • It warns us beforehand if a bad period for our health is slated to come, so that we can take necessary dietary & lifestyle precautions.
  • People who are speculative businesses like the stock markets and trading in the commodity markets can benefit from the useful predictions by taking low risk trades in the year that is does not has strong financial gains signified.
  • It suggests the best periods for property & vehicle purchase and the periods where large investments or expenditures must be avoided.

  • This Varsh Details report provides you with your Varshphal in Hindi as well as in the English language. So, if are looking for your Varshfal by your Varshfal Kundli then Varsh Details report from Future Point is the perfect solution for all your needs.