Online Janam Kundali | Janam Kundali Predictions

Janam Kundali


Get your life sorted with the Janam Kundli that contains not just your future, but your past, present, and everything in between. Janam Kundli and complete Life Report created by your Natal Details by the #1 Astrology Software will aid you in deciphering your future plans better and in good taste. The detailed information provided will be a highly effective method to understand the forecast of your future and horoscope.

Every single flaw or Dasha present in an individual’s horoscope will also be highlighted, like Mangal Dosha if it is present in your birth chart as calculated by the birth details provided by you. The Janam Kundali Report is strictly based on planetary exploration as per the birth details submitted. The extensive report will declare all the major and minor planetary periods in your Kundli as well.

Price: 1125 565

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What is Janam Kundali?

Janam Kundali is an extensive report in view of the birth chart which is ready applying your own personal elements like name, gender, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth. Online Kundali chart is being utilized for ages to foresee the future of a person which comforts in creating a superior choice. In the present quickly developing the world, it’s hard to rival others yet it’s vital for advance.

Thinking about your future can help in arranging a superior tomorrow, take a better choice, avoid certain activities, and live a healthy and beautiful life. Being prepared for the time to come is the least a person can do to ensure they have a great time. An online Kundli will be helpful in advancing further in life with a successful career, business, or education that is enlisted in the report for one’s perusal.

This is the reason Janam Kundali is imperative and it’s prescribed to continue with our calculator and get your detailed Janam Kundali Report prepared at the earliest to have a better problem-free life.

Janam Kundli Features:

Janam Kundli is prepared on the basis of Vedic astrology and the 12 houses present in a birth chart- each containing the 9 planets and signifying all the facets of our life. Our zodiac signs are also calculated through this algorithm of the birth chart.

A Janam Kundli can easily predict the future and character of the native. It is very beneficial to unwrap ones hidden potentials through a Kundli, in order to calculate the accurate Janam kundli the person should have the exact birth details i.e. Date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth. Each house in the birth chart represents a facet of life-be it our marriage, career, or finance. Our entire life is represented in the diagrammatic representation of a birth chart or Kundli.

  • The first house of the birth chart reflects the physical structure, health, vitality and vigour of the individual. The house also controls natural inclination.
  • The second house of the birth chart rules the monetary gains and losses, fortune, wealth and material belongings depending on the presence of sign and planet in the house.
  • The third house of the birth chart represents the relationship with brothers and sisters, neighbours, short travel, communication, writings and agreements of an individual.
  • The fourth house of the birth chart signifies all things that are personal related to mother, property, ancestral wealth, house, income and education.
  • The fifth house in the birth chart can tell the whole story about one’s progeny. Also, artistic pleasure and speculative business are seen from this house.
  • The sixth house in the birth chart is called as Dustanta house. The presence of evil planet gives good result in this house.
  • The seventh house of the birth chart is a house early marriage and partnership signifying the legal bandages, ties, relationship with spouse and gains after marriages.
  • The eighth house of the birth chart stands for longitivity, inheritance, legacy, secret dealings and accidents.
  • Ninth house of the birth chart puts the light on individuals spiritual tendencies. One’s faith, pilgrimage, wisdom, and religious dispositions are judged from this house.
  • The tenth house of the birth chart solely displays honour, dignity, status, social belonging, fame and profits from the government. Ones ambitious nature can be interpreted from this house.
  • The eleventh house in the birth chart is beneficial to gain light on ones social image like you can easily judge the person’s friends, society, community, ambitions, wish and fulfilment from this house.
  • Twelfth house in the birth chart is a house of gains and losses. The 12th house mainly deals with someone’s under dealings. It educates about one’s sinful behaviours, secret enemies, bed pleasures, scandals and secret sorrows.

All Astrology Calculations present in Janam Kundli Report

  • Avakhada Chakra
  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Chalit, Narayan Bhava Chalit - Basic important charts to get an idea about the strength of horoscope.
  • Karak, Avastha, Rashmi - Signification & Power of planets.
  • Sudarshan Chakra - Represent the comparative positions of the planets in the Sun, Moon and Lagna charts simultaneously from outer to inner circle respectively. To study a house consider the signs in all the three charts simultaneously.
  • KP System
  • Tables of Significator & Ruling Planets in KP
  • Tables of Aspects on Planets, Bhava Middle & Cusps
  • Shodashvarga Charts - 16 divisional charts to study the various areas. An event can’t be predicted in independently on the basis of a divisional chart rather it needs to be studied along with the birth chart. It should be remembered that there is no aspect of planets in divisional charts. The strength of planets is limited to the sign and house occupied.
  • Shodashvarga Tables
  • Friendship Table
  • Shadbala and Bhavabala Tables
  • Shadbala and Bhavabala Graphs
  • Upagraha & Arudha, Shannadi Chakra, Tripapa Chakra
  • Prastharashtakvarga Tables, Ashtakvarga Tables
  • Bhinnashtak and Ashtakvarga Graphs
  • Vimshottari Dasha with Sub-Sub-Sub period
  • Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha & Char Dasha
  • Astro Graphs: 12 Year Astro Graphs for Health, Finance

With a detailed and comprehensive outlook at our birth chart, the Janam Kundli Report is one’s answer to achieving a problem free and blissful life. To know more about the report that you’re going to receive you can view the sample enlisted above or reach us at