Navgraha Report

Navgraha Report


The 9 planets of Vedic Astrology each represent a different component of our life and then translates into the blueprint thus created. These 9 planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Rahu, & Ketu, are in a major way responsible for all the major happenings in our life.

The Online Horoscope Report of Navagraha Reading will focus majorly on the 9 planets and what they bring about with their position. Each planet shares a relationship with the other, it might be that of animosity or friendly banter, and their position is the one that makes it the key here! Once you have a clear picture of what these planets are capable of hampering in your future, you can work towards a path that is free of all woes and troubles.

Navagraha Report at Future Point is your ultimate solution to have a problem-free life! With the knowledge of 9 planets and what they bring about in your future, you can aim to reach the apex of your growth!

Price: 2100 1050

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What would the Navagraha Report include?

  • Basic Calculative Horoscope: This report would contain a basic horoscope with detailed calculations to facilitate in the future predictions and to give a generic idea of the time to come.
  • Panchang: A detailed panchang would be included in the online horoscope report to imbibe the knowledge of important tithi and planetary dasha at the current time.
  • Birth charts: Lagna charts & moon chart would be included.
  • Planetary Degree and positions: A detailed analysis of the positions the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology are posited in.
  • Chalit & Bhava Chalit Charts
  • Vimshottari Dasha, along with sub-sub periods.
  • Favorable Points: This section correlates to Numerology reading and how it can affect your destiny.
  • Planet Reading for all 9 planets: The most important section of the Navagraha Report would circle around the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology and what will their position be in your horoscope. The place or house in which they will be posited will be the major influencer of your fate. An in-depth reading of your horoscope with respect to the position of all major planets would help you figure out what they would ensue in life.
  • Life & Personality Reading: This would include your personality, behavior, attributes, health, physique, nature and demeanor, finance, family, eyes, & speech, co-borns, siblings, relationship with your peers, short travels, education, mother, property, and music. This would also include an analysis of marriage, love relationships, career, diseases, enemies in life, servants and the fate of affluence and abundance in life. Along with the above-mentioned points, business partner, longevity, accidents, insurance, savings, and investments, power, friends and society, elder brother, profession, father, societal stature and foreign journeys would also be there in the predictions.
  • Dasha Analysis for Next 5 Year: The major aspect of this Navgraha Report is to decipher the true meaning of the 9 planets in your life. A detailed Dasha analysis of the current Dasha period of the planet along with the impending Dasha phases in life will be mentioned.

Navagraha Report is a 80+ page long report that will enlighten you about the key role the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology will play in your life. The report is a genius amalgamation of Calculations and Predictions that attribute to perfect harmony in your life. With this exclusive Online Horoscope Report, you can pave a way to an amazing life!