Kundli Milan for Marriage | Online Milan Kundli

Milan Kundli


Another model of Kundli and Horoscope Matching available at Future Point, the Milan Kundli is a top-notch model featuring a detailed revision of the Kundlis’ of the individuals. Matching horoscope takes the concept of natal astrology and applies it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals, usually by comparing their birth charts to one another. This type of Horoscope Compatibility helps those who are looking to get married or are in talks of getting married to someone.

The Kundli Matching holds supreme importance in Vedic Astrology and one must abide by it to live a prosperous and happy life with their partner. When you get the horoscopes compared, the chances of you knowing the person better skyrocket. This, in turn, helps both the individuals tying the knot to succeed in attaining stability in the relationship. The Milan Kundli report by Future Point features an Online Kundli that compares both the horoscopes according to the strict guidelines of Gina Milan and ashtakoot matching. The detailed insight that this report gives helps the families of the natives along with them finalise the nuptial union and proceed further with the marriage.

Price: 300 150

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Why choose Milan Kundli?

The purpose of this type of consultation is to determine the areas of compatibility and incompatibility in a relationship, as well as information about the timing of important events in the future of the relationship. Milan Kundli matching model is around 4-page report which gives Birth Details, Planetary Degrees, Lagna charts, Lagna Chalit and Moon Charts and Navamsa Chart of both male and female natives. It includes Ashtakoot Guna Table with Bhakoot Dosh (if present) and Varga for both boy and girl along with Manglik dosh Compatibility. Deciphering if the boy or the girl has Manglik dosha in their Kundli is important before marriage, as special Manglik Dosha Remedies are prescribed by marriage specialist Astrologers to curb the issue at hand and eliminate all problems that might come in between the couple’s union.

Milan Kundli Features:

Charts & Calculations

  • Avakhada
  • Varan, Vashya, Yoni, Gana, Nadi, Varga
  • Planetary Degree and Current Vimsottari Dasa
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart - Basic important charts of both to get an idea about the strength of horoscopes.
  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart
  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility


  • Ashtakoot Guna Chart Conclusion
  • Manglik Dosh Compatibility Conclusion

Those looking for Kundli Matching must take this horoscope and get desired results in their life! With the detailed predictions of the report, one can be certain about their life partner and dream of a vivid future with them. The Kundli Matching works strictly in accordance with the Guna Milan and Ashtakoot matching rules and principles, so as to give the most accurate and reliable marriage prediction.