Lal Kitab Pearl - Get Your Online Horoscope Prediction at

Lal Kitab Pearl


Lal Kitab Pearl is 75 page long Horoscope of Lal Kitab Calculations & Lal Kitab Predictions with Remedies. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevailing traditional knowledge of astrology.
In Lal Kitab horoscope, nine planets have been accorded prominence as in the Vedic astrology. In addition, the predictions are based on the planetary position according to the twelve houses. However, there are differences in Vedic astrology and Lal Kitab. In case of Vedic Astrology, the houses are fixed but the zodiac signs are not fixed whereas in Lal Kitab both houses and zodiac signs are fixed. Lal Kitab Varshphal and Remedies for each year for next 5 years.

Price: 1099 879

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Lal Kitab Pearl Features:

Lal Kitab Charts & Calculations

  • Avakhada Chakra
  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Chalit, Nirayan Bhav Chalit - Basic important charts to get an idea about the strength of horoscope.
  • House Position
  • Birth Chart, Lal Kitab Chart, Moon Chart, Moon Lal Kitab Chart
  • Friendship table and Graha/Rashi phal
  • Lal Kitab Dasha/Antardasha
  • Debts of previous birth as per Lal Kitab
  • Lal Kitab Varsh Charts for 5 years

Numerological Calculations

  • Numerological Results

Astrology Predictions

  • Planet Reading
  • Personality Analysis

Lal Kitab Predictions

  • Lal Kitab Planetary Predictions
  • Lal Kitab Debts with Predictions
  • Lal Kitab Varsh Chart Predictions for 5 years

Numerology Predictions

  • Numerological Predictions

All Astrological Remedies

  • Gem Selection, Favorable Gems
  • Detailed Analysis of Gems
  • Gem Recommendation as per Dasha
  • Gems, Mantra, Donate Item & Fast as per Dasha along with benefits
  • Method of Gem Wearing with Muhurat, Mantra & Donate Item
  • Dasha Graph
  • Favourable Stone
  • Manglik Dosh Remedies
  • Kalsarp Dosh Remedies

Lal Kitab Remedies

  • Guidelines about Lal Kitab Remedies
  • Remedies for all planets as per Lal Kitab
  • Remedies for Lal Kitab Debts
  • Remedies for Lal Kitab Varsha Chart for 5 years - Special remedies to be used in the beginning of the year to make the year more auspicious.