Career Astrology: Career Prediction by Date of Birth

Career Report


Identifying one’s personal strength is very easy step in astrology. Your birth chart puts a light on your mental area to define the professional success and direction. Having a successful profession is must these days. Your blooming career is a reflection of successful status in the society. If you are doing good in your profession, people will take interest in you otherwise you are just another individual in the society. A thriving career can pull a good amount of wealth that you desire for. The 10th house of your natal chart is called as house of a career in astrology. The placement of planet like Saturn is seen first while predicting the direction of one’s career. Similarly, there are many planetary conditions that aspect your career house.

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Astrology Profession reports has a reasonable answer to every question coming in your mind regarding your profession. What are your career interests that you can convert into profession? What profession will suite you the best? If you desire to start a business and want to know which business will be good for you in long run? The astrological assessment using profession report will definitely help you to find a solution. The placement of particular planet in your natal chart can tell a nature or seriousness of your interest and abilities.

Using profession report you can always explore the various careers option you have according to your abilities. A right kind of assistance from right source can help you save lots of time and money. And our acclaimed astrologers are full capable of solving your queries regarding your profession.

Astrological Profession Report is a compact model of astrological report which contains astrological calculations and detailed profession predictions that can help the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about the future as well as some remedies to overcome the problem, if any.

Profession Report Features:

  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Avakahada Chakra
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga Chart, Dasamamsa Chart
  • Vimshottari dasha
  • Yogini Dasha
  • House Reading for Profession, Father, Status and Power
  • 2 Year Monthwise Detailed Profession Prediction
  • Dasha Analysis for 5 Year
  • Gem Selection and Recommendation
  • Rudraksha Remedy
  • Detailed analysis of Gems

People who are confused about the professional future can rely on guidance of our astrologers. You can use this profession report to unveil various career options that will shape your future life through achievements.