Lal Kitab Sree is most comprehensive model of Lal Kitab Calculations & Lal Kitab Predictions with Remedies. Lal Kitab is considered to be the practical knowledge which is quite different from prevailing traditional knowledge of astrology.
In Lal Kitab horoscope, Nine planets have been accorded prominence as in the Vedic astrology. In addition, the predictions are based on the planetary position according to the twelve houses. However, there are differences in Vedic astrology and Lal Kitab. In case of Vedic Astrology, the houses are fixed but the zodiac signs are not fixed whereas in Lal Kitab both houses and zodiac signs are fixed. Vimshottari Dasha Analysis for health, Finance, Profession, Vehicle, Journey, Property, Education and Family for approximately 50 years, Lal Kitab Varshphal and Remedies for each year for next 10 years.
Price: 2700 1350