Health Report - Get Your Online Horoscope Prediction at

Health Report


Health Report is around 45-50 page report. It is a compact model which gives Birth-details, Planetary degrees, Lagna charts, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Dasamamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga, Vimshottari Dasha and Yogini Dasha. It includes 5 Year Dasha Analysis along with 5 Year Detailed Yearly and Monthly Predictions about Health.

Sample Horoscope : English | Hindi

Price: 499 399

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Yearly Prediction will starts from this year.

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Health Report

It is a compact model contains Astrological Calculations and Detailed Health Predictions which helps the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about native’s future.

Health Report Features

  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Avakahada Chakra
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga Chart, Dasamamsa Chart
  • Vimshottari dasha
  • Yogini Dasha
  • House Reading for Physique, Health and Nature
  • 2 Year Monthwise Detailed Health Prediction
  • Dasha Analysis for 5 Year
  • Gem Selection and Gem Recommendation
  • Rudraksha Remedy
  • Detail Analysis of Gems