Wear Yellow Sapphire to Bring in the Auspicious Blessings of Jupiter in Your Life! | Future Point

Wear Yellow Sapphire to Bring in the Auspicious Blessings of Jupiter in Your Life!

By: Future Point | 07-May-2020
Views : 2564Wear Yellow Sapphire to Bring in the Auspicious Blessings of Jupiter in Your Life!

Gemstones are undoubtedly one of the most effective tools to harness the incredibly powerful cosmic energies of planets in our lives. Each planet has a specific gemstone associated with it that reverberates on the same frequency as that of the planet itself. Hence, every gemstone attracts the energy emitted by the particular planet with which it is associated. Now, as per the planetary positioning in a person’s horoscope, an astrologer identifies the planet/s that are beneficial to that person. Once a benefic planet is identified as per the horoscope of a person, the astrologer recommends the person to wear the gemstone associated with the benefic planet to further increase its positive effects by attracting the cosmic energies linked to that planet. In simple words, a gemstone amplifies the positive effects of the planet that is favourably placed in your horoscope.

Jupiter: A Manifestation of Auspiciousness

Jupiter is considered as a naturally benefic planet and is arguably the most crucial planet whose placement & condition are taken into account very carefully while performing an analysis of the horoscope of an individual as per the principles of Vedic Astrology. This is simply because of the significance that Jupiter holds when it comes to the highly significant aspects of education, career, finances, marriage, childbirth and health of an individual’s life.

Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion and if this planet is positively placed in a person’s horoscope, then the house that it is placed into, the houses that it rules, as well as the houses that it casts its aspects on, become positively charged in the horoscope. As a result, the functionalities signified by those houses turn out to be favourable in that person’s life.

For example, if Jupiter positively affects the 2nd house in the horoscope of a native, then functionalities that are linked to the 2nd house i.e. Accumulated Wealth, Bank Balance etc. turn out to be in favour of that native and he/she enjoys abundant wealth & prosperity in life. This goes for all the houses that Jupiter positively affects and therefore the importance of the auspicious & expansionary qualities of Jupiter, simply cannot be ignored.

Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj

The gemstone that is associated with Jupiter is Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj. If Jupiter is favourably placed in your horoscope, then you can wear Yellow Sapphire to enhance the positive effects that it is signifying as per its positioning in your horoscope. However, do remember that only an astrologer can tell who can wear Pukhraj after performing a deep & comprehensive analysis of an individual’s horoscope . 

Moreover, since this gemstone represents Jupiter which symbolizes ‘Brihaspati’ who is the Guru of the Gods, it is wise to consult with an astrologer to know how to wear Pukhraj in a proper way that is prescribed by the holy Vedic scriptures. Also, there is a specific mantra for wearing Pukhraj that if chanted by an individual before wearing this gemstone, amplifies its powers manifold. 

So, before opting to wear this phenomenal gemstone that has the potential to turn the wheel of fortune in your favour, we would urge you to consult with an astrologer and get all your questions answered about how to wear yellow sapphire or which finger to wear yellow sapphire etc. etc.

Also Read: Yellow Sapphire and Its Role in Bringing Wealth, Health, Wisdom & Prosperity in Life!

Benefits of Wearing Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj

Let's look at a few of the countess benefits that the incredibly powerful & auspicious gemstone of Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj brings in the life of an individual who wears it!

    • Pukhraj increases the concentration, focus and retention power in students.
    • It is known to impart wisdom & knowledge and hence, helps a student significantly to perform well in the academic domain of his/her life.
    • Yellow Sapphire enhances the communication skills of a person and makes that person a good orator in life.
    • It increases the confidence level and refines the overall personality of an individual.
    • Pukhraj attracts prosperity in life and blesses an individual with abundant wealth and ensures an overall sound state of finances throughout life.
    • It is considered highly beneficial for those who are indulged in business activities as it brings an expansion in gains & margins of profit in the business.
    • Yellow Sapphire is known to help a business profitably sail through all kinds of challenges that emerge from the competition that is around in the field of business.
    • The prosperous energies that Pukhraj attracts are known to shield a business from sudden losses as well as unfortunate bankruptcies.
    • A person who wears Yellow Sapphire never faces shortage of capital in his/her life.
  • Pukhraj blesses an individual with a job opportunity in a career field that is poised to bring enormous professional growth & success in life.
  • Yellow Sapphire brings in the positive energies of Jupiter in the career domain of professionals & executives and helps them climb the corporate ladder much quickly.
  • Pukhraj removes the delay that is happening in a person’s life in getting married.
  • It is a wonderstone for bachelors as it helps them in getting a suitable match for themselves and ensures a blissful married life ahead.
  • Yellow Sapphire infuses love, bliss and harmony in the lives of married couples and helps them to successfully fulfill their marital duties in life.
  • This gemstone is also known to ward off all confusions and misunderstanding between a husband & a wife and rekindle the element of love & trust between them.
  • Since Jupiter signifies expansion, Pukhraj naturally helps a couple to conceive and extend their family tree by welcoming a newborn in their lives. 
  • Yellow Sapphire removes all problems related to childbirth from a couple’s lives and is found to be very effective in astrologically treating the problem of infertility.
  • Pukhraj is known for its healing properties and bestows sound health upon the native that wears this gemstone.
  • Wearing Yellow Sapphire in left hand cures all chronic diseases.
  • It regulates the secretion of bile juice by the liver, thus promoting a healthy digestion.
  • Pukhraj cures ailments related to the heart and normalizes the blood pressure in the body.
  • Yellow Sapphire results in the spiritual advancement of a human being and assists in reaching deep states of meditation as well.
  • It blesses an individual with a calm & still mind and brings clarity in thinking.
  • People who suffer from anxiety or depression, experience mental peace & tranquility by wearing Yellow Sapphire.
  • Yellow Sapphire cures insomnia and disorders related to the nervous system.
  • Pukhraj is also known to remove hurdles and obstacles from our lives. 
  • It is known to significantly help an individual in coming out of a litigation or legal hassle.
  • Yellow Sapphire makes a person emerge victorious over enemies both open as well as hidden.
  • Pukhraj creates a protective aura around an individual and has the potential to absolutely ward off all evil influences and black magic spells that are casted upon that individual.

These were the few of many amazing and life changing benefits that Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj brings in the life of a person who adorns this magical stone. There are no side effects of wearing Yellow Sapphire provided one wears it after consulting with an able & experienced astrologer. So, what are you waiting for? Harness the auspicious & prosperous energies of planet Jupiter in your life by wearing Yellow Sapphire and bring unforeseen wealth, success, growth & happiness in your life!

If you are facing any type of problems in your life you can talk to Astrologers