Rahu Transit 2024: How will the ‘Shadow Planet’ affect all 12 signs?

Rahu Transit 2024

Who is Rahu?

As per the principles of Vedic Astrology, Rahu is one of the naturally malefic planets which is known for affecting people with sudden and more often than not- negative effects. Rahu is basically the North Node of the Moon and is also called a ‘Shadow Planet’ because it does not have a physical dimension and its existence is subtle in nature. But make no mistake, this subtle element of existence makes the effects of Rahu felt even more than other planets who are physical in nature.

Rahu is also referred to as the ’Dragon’s Tail’ and is a highly feared planet. It primarily signifies Illusion, Cheating, Tricks, Treachery, Lies, Spying, Sudden Events, Lawlessness, Narcotics, Tea Leaves, Saturday Night, Gambling, Disease, Supercomputers, Sophisticated Surgery, Encryption and much more.

Rahu Transit in 2024

Rahu entered the sign of Pisces on 30th October 2023 and will traverse through that sign till 18th May 2025. This means that for that entire 2024, Rahu will be transiting in Pisces.

While all transits of Rahu exert phenomenal and varied effects on people, its transit in Pisces is a very crucial one. This is because Pisces is the 12th and the last sign of the zodiac belt.

Therefore, fasten your seatbelts as this transit of Rahu in Pisces will be a very intense one!

Rahu Graha Shanti Puja

One of the best remedial measures to pacify the malefic effects of an aggravated Rahu is the Rahu Graha Shanti Puja offered by Future Point. This puja is a Vedic puja (worship ritual) which is performed on your behalf by a highly learned Brahmin priest.

We urge you to book a Rahu Graha Shanti Puja to be performed in your name and ease out the negative karmic burden signified by Rahu that is slated to unfold in your life ahead.

Now, without further ado, let us find out what effects will the notorious Rahu exert on people belonging to all 12 ascendant signs during its transit in Pisces in the year 2024?


Rahu will transit in the 12th house of your horoscope which signifies Jail, Hospitalization, Expenditures, Losses, Liberation and Foreign Settlement, to name a few. In 2024, you are likely to incur expenditures on your health or the health of some elderly from your family. Things on the financial front are looking weak post April 2024. The temptation of making quick money might trap you into some risky investment decision. Some enticing news of professional growth & opportunity might come from a foreign land, however, perform due diligence before making any decision.


The malefic Rahu will traverse through the 11th house of your horoscope which represents Gains, Fulfillment of Wishes, Realization of Goals, Friends and Social Circle. This will be a positive period for you especially on the financial front. Some friend or social acquaintance of yours would help in clocking those last miles to achieve your goals & objectives. However, things will not pan out smoothly as far as your relationship with family members is concerned. There might be differences in opinions that will cause uneasiness in relationships within the family.


Rahu will go through the 10th house of your horoscope which is the house that represents Name, Fame, Power, Position and Career/Profession in life. While you will face stiff resistance from all directions in your professional life, you will eventually emerge victorious. You will achieve your objectives with your dedication, grit & determination. Your popularity will rise and not necessarily in a good way. However, keep focussed on your goals and do not take any challenge lightly. Your health will pose challenges to you hence, you must adhere to a healthy diet and a moderate physical activity.


‘The Shadow Planet’ Rahu will transit through the 9th house of your horoscope which signifies Spirituality, Fortune, Higher Education and Foreign or Long Distance Travels. You will be tempted to go on the unethical path to achieve your goals and this will bring a bad name to you. You will find it hard during this time to maintain clarity of mind and you will have conflicting thoughts that will keep you in a state of confusion. This is not a good time to start new endeavours. Your relationship with your father might also go through some rough patch during this period.


The naturally malefic Rahu will transit in the 8th house of your horoscope which signifies Sudden Event/Shock, Accident, In-Laws. Inheritance, Longevity and Insurance. This is not at all a conducive time for you as your health & well-being is at a serious risk. You are likely to injure yourself if you foray into outdoor or adventurous activities. Some troubling situations might arise pertaining to your ancestral property. This is a time to maintain a low profile. Your blood sugar levels could fluctuate with wild swings on either or both sides.


The notorious Rahu will transit in the 7th house of your horoscope which signifies Marriage/Spouse, Business and Partnership. If you are married then this is a time to be very conscious about maintaining the peace & harmony in your marriage. You are very likely to have an argument with your spouse that will destroy the bliss component in your marriage. There will be differences in opinions which you must resolve with an open mind to ensure a smooth relationship with your spouse. Your spouse’s health is also at risk during this time. This is a tough time for you if you are running a business of your own. Some unexpected regulatory hurdles might arise making it hard for you to continue registering profits.


Rahu will go through the 6th house of your horoscope which represents Job, Competition, Loan, Litigation, Enemies and Disease. You will triumph over your enemies and emerge victorious in most of the competitions that you would go through during this time. However, your health will be at risk which warrants you to be cautious of what you eat. Build your immunity by following a healthy dietary and exercise routine. New job opportunities are coming your way. Avoid taking loans and keep a check on your expenses.


Rahu- the ‘Shadow Planet’ will transit in the 5th house of your horoscope which represents Comprehensive Intelligence, Love & Relationship, Children and Speculation. You will be tempted to get into speculative activities but this will put a dent in your pocket. Chances of losing money are on the higher side so be careful and do not give in to the idea of making quick money. There could be some misunderstanding between you & your loved one. If you are a parent then you should spend more time with your child/children.


Rahu will traverse through the 4th house of your horoscope which signifies Mother, Motherland, Property, Vehicle and Comforts. If you have been trying to visit or settle in a foreign land then this is a favourable time for you. Students who wish to go abroad for educational purposes will be successful in their endeavours. This period also signifies a change of residence or renovation in your home. Expenditures will rise therefore, it is recommended to plan your expenses wisely and defer purchases that are not vital. You will find it hard to stay motivated in your career.


Rahu will move across the 3rd house of your horoscope which signifies Younger Siblings, Neighbours, Short Travels, Courage, Struggle, Documents and Communication. You will excel at conveying your desired message to the person concerned. This period will bring new challenges in your life but you will face them with courage. Short travels will not yield the results that you would be expecting out of them but do not lose hope and keep striving with a positive attitude. Keep your documents in order as chances are that you might not find the one that you need the most at the last minute.


Malefic Rahu will transit in the 2nd house of your horoscope which represents Family, Accumulated Wealth, Savings, Bank Balance, Speech and Food Habits. Your equation with your family members and your near & dear ones would deteriorate as you are likely to speak in a harsh tone. This could do irreparable damage to your relationship with people. Refrain from speaking in a harsh tone. Your tolerance levels will drop which will result in creating unnecessary friction leading to long term losses in terms of harmony in relationships. Your health is likely to be affected in a negative manner owing to your unhealthy food choices.


Rahu will transit in the 1st house or the Lagna of your horoscope which signifies Self, Ego, Personality and Nature. You will gain popularity but not necessarily in a positive way. You will end up achieving your objectives through external support as well as your determination. Things might appear confusing to you in the beginning but with consistent efforts & unwavering focus you will arrive at the right decision. However, avoid taking judgement calls in haste as they might backfire. You are likely to come under the weather more frequently than before so build your immunity and be mindful of what you consume.


So this was the in-general prediction of how the transit of Rahu will affect the people of all 12 ascendants during 2024. If you want to know the precise effects of Rahu upon yourself in 2024 then do get your personal horoscope thoroughly analyzed by one the highly experienced astrologers of Future Point.