Ketu Transit 2024: Effects of the ‘Dragon’s Tail’ on all 12 signs

Ketu Transit 2024

Who is Ketu?

Ketu is the South Node of the Moon, also referred to as the ‘Dragon’s Tail’. It is a naturally malefic planet which is known for providing more often than not, negative results to a native. Ketu is a planet with very strange characteristics that often makes it a very tricky planet to deal with as far as its effects on people are concerned.

Ketu signifies Liberation or Moksha, Dissatisfaction, Accident, Surgery, Spirituality, Renunciation, After-Life, Intuitive Ability and much more.

Ketu Transit 2024

Ketu entered the sign of Virgo on 30th October 2023 and will transit in that sign till 18th May 2025. Since Ketu will be in the sign of Virgo throughout 2024, its effects must be analyzed comprehensively (of course along with other planets) in order to anticipate the overall expected trajectory of 2024 for a person.

Let us now look at the expected effects that Ketu will cast upon you as per your ascendant signs.


If you have an Aries ascendant, then Ketu will transit in the 6th house of your natal horoscope which signifies Job, Enemy, Loan/Debt, Competition, Legal Proceedings and Illness. You will find it hard to stay enthusiastic in your job as the outlook for future growth will appear very bleak to you. You are at a risk of suffering from some stomach related ailment during the second half of 2024. Things will not work in your favour as far as overpowering your enemies is concerned. Therefore, it would be wise to maintain a low profile during this time and avoid unnecessary confrontations. If you are preparing for competitive exams then this is a period wherein you would have to put in a lot of effort to stand a chance at succeeding. However, persistent hard work will eventually help you in achieving your objectives.


If you have a Taurus ascendant, then Ketu the ‘liberator’ will transit in the 5th house of your natal horoscope which signifies Comprehensive Intelligence, Progeny, Speculative Activities and Love/Relationship. Circumstances will turn such that you would become emotionally distanced from your loved one and this will be negative for your relationship. You will experience an increase in your focus and if you are a student then this will be a great period for you. Work hard and leave no stone unturned to achieve your academic goals. If you are a parent then your relationship with your child would require a lot of effort from your side to keep it harmonious.


If you were born with a Gemini ascendant, then Ketu will traverse through the 4th house of your natal horoscope which represents Mother, Vehicle, Real Estate, Motherland, Conveniences and Basic Intelligence. You will be very active in pursuing your professional goals. You will adopt every strategy that ensures your triumph. People around you will consider you self-absorbed & arrogant as you will not pay attention to anyone’s suggestion which might prove to be negative for your relationships with people in the long term. This is a good time to invest in property but do perform due diligence and do not get enticed by proposals or deals that sound too good to be true.


If you have the sign of Cancer as your ascendant, then Ketu during its transit in Virgo will transit in the 3rd house of your natal horoscope which represents Documents, Communication Skills, Struggle, Courage, Short Travels and Younger Siblings. Your equation with your younger siblings would warrant patience from your end to remain harmonious. Any difference in opinions with anyone should be treated as a diverse point of view and not a reason for confrontation. You will find it hard to convince others of your approach, especially in your job place. You might have to visit some authority repeatedly due to missing or incomplete documents from your side. You would desire for a vacation but your tight work schedule will not allow you to take off some time for yourself.


If you have Leo as your ascendant, then Ketu will move across the 2nd house of your natal horoscope which points toward Family, Speech, Food Habits, Bank Balance and Accumulated Wealth. You will register financial gains that will strengthen your monetary position. This will also be a good time period for you as far as your domestic or family life is concerned. You will spend a great deal of time with your family which will bring joy in your life. However, beware of sudden hiccups in your health and consciously follow a healthy diet to avoid losing out on all the fun in your life due to bad health. You will effectively convey your views or messages to your intended audience during this time.


If you have a Virgo ascendant, then Ketu will transit through the 1st or ascendant house of your natal horoscope which signifies Self, Worldly Outlook, Inner/Core Nature, Attitude, Personality Attributes and Overall Likings/Dislikings. You will find it difficult to stay motivated and will lose interest in your surroundings. You will prefer to be alone and contemplate a lot about your mistakes in the past. You will eventually come up with a renewed plan or course of positive action for your future. People will find you less interesting as you will turn out to be quite an introvert during this time. Your health will bother you frequently and it will act as a demotivating factor in your life as far in the short term.


If you are a person with a Libra ascendant, then the naturally malefic Ketu will transit in the 12th house of your natal horoscope which signifies Hospital, Prison, Foreign Settlement, Expenditures, Losses and Ashram (Spiritual Center). You will feel highly detached from the outside world. You will spend a lot of time travelling inwards by means of spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. You will strive for peace of mind and would like some time exclusively for yourself. This might create friction in your relationship with your spouse, if you are married. Your health will deteriorate very quickly if you become complacent with your diet and routine during this time. Some rewarding opportunities might come to you from distant lands.


If you have a Scorpio ascendant, then Ketu will traverse through the 11th house of your natal horoscope which represents Fulfillment of Desires, Positive Gains, Friends, Elder Siblings and Social Networking. Ketu will provide you with positive results during this time, especially pertaining to your finances. You will accomplish some of your long pending goals. You will receive all the support that you need from your near & dear ones resulting in both personal as well as professional accomplishments. Some efforts from your past will bear fruits and you will be delighted with the results. You will gain from your social circle and things will move on the right track as far as your long term goals are concerned.


If you were born with a Sagittarius ascendant, then Ketu will transit in the 10th house of your horoscope which signifies Profession/Career, Fame, Power, Position and Social Standing. This is not a good period for your professional life. You would face challenges at the workplace that will increase your overall workload thus affecting your efficiency in a negative manner. Do not offer any suggestion or advice unsolicited as it your helpful attitude could be misinterpreted as arrogance or unprofessional behaviour. Arguing with a woman could malign your image in society. If you are thinking of making a job switch then this is not a good time for that as your performance in your current job would not likely get you a good word from your seniors.


If you have Capricorn as your ascendant, then Ketu will transit in the 9th house of your natal horoscope which signifies Luck/Fortune, Higher Education, Spirituality and Long Distance or foreign Travels. You are likely to get drawn towards spirituality and the longing to know ‘what lies beyond’ will rise exponentially within you during this time. A pilgrimage to a spiritual destination or a spiritual retreat is on the cards. Students who are pursuing higher education will get suitable rewards of their hard work in the academic sphere of their lives. You will enjoy good health and will work consciously towards building a stronger immune system. Your father or some elderly male will offer you good advice that if followed would yield positive results to you in the future.


If you are a person who was born with an Aquarius ascendant, then Ketu will traverse through the 8th house of your natal horoscope which represents Accidents, Sudden Gains or Losses, In-Laws, Inheritance and Insurance Claims. If you have been going through a litigation or a confrontation for your ancestral property, then this is a tough period for you. You are a heightened risk for getting injured so be utmost cautious while driving and during other physical activities as well. Follow an extra safe approach during this period. If married, then you are likely to experience some bitterness in your relationship with your in-laws. It is better to avoid any uncalled for arguments during this time.


If you have a Pisces ascendant, then Ketu will traverse through the 7th house of your natal horoscope which represents Spouse or Life-Partner, Business and Partnership. Your harsh and accommodating attitude towards those around you will put a dent in your social image and people might distance themselves from you. Your relationship with your spouse could go through some testing times. You will be accused of not being a good listener and someone who tries to impose his/her will onto others. Some sudden new regulations or a competitor could act as a roadblock to the profit trajectory of your business. Differences in opinions with your business partner would also limit the scope of your business partnership.


This was the in-general expected results of the transit of Ketu in the sign of Virgo upon people in 2024, as per their ascendant signs. If you want to know the precise effects that Ketu as well as other planets will cast upon various aspects or domains of your life in 2024, then we urge you to book a personal consultation with Dr. Arun Bansal from Future Point.

Get occult remedies that are specific to your personal or natal horoscope to pacify the negative effects of ill-placed planets that are posing hurdles in your life as well as strengthen the planets that are favourably placed in your horoscope to maximize your chances of succeeding and realizing your goals in life.