Can Astrological remedies help in my health issues? | Future Point

Can Astrological remedies help in my health issues?

By: Dr. Arun Bansal | 16-Feb-2018
Views : 4314Can Astrological remedies help in my health issues?

Health is wealth” is a common cliché but we do not realise its truth until we ourselves face some health issues. At times, no matter how much we try to get ourselves treated or to get rid of the health problems, we still cannot escape with its presence in life.

Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of astrological aspects and planetary influence that may be the reason for constant health deterioration or problems. But, worry not there are some astrological remedies which you can follow if facing with health issues. Listed below are some of the easy and simple astrological remedies that you must follow to get rid of health issues:

For weak and afflicted Sun placement in the horoscope:

If you have consulted an astrologer and has been told to have an afflicted Sun in your horoscope, then you must be suffering from health problems related to eyes, head, bile and heart. If suffering from these issues, you may do the following:

Astrological remedies


  • Always drink a glass of water mixed with sugar, before leaving for work or any important task.
  • If you are a non-vegetarian, you may avoid eating meat.
  • Also, it is suggested to not except any kind of gifts from anyone except from parents.
  • You may also consider feeding monkeys and cows (especially black cow) frequently.
  • It would be beneficial to donate ruby colored, red colored or dark colored clothes to the needy.

For negative influence from Moon and its remedies:

If you under the influence and ill effects of Moon in your horoscope, then most likely you are expected to suffer from health issues related to mind. You may have extreme stress, depression and face some mental trauma and frequent mood swings and irritation. If such is your case, then you may consider doing the following remedies:

  • Always make an effort to not make mother unhappy. Do things which your Mother likes and work under guidance. You may always try to win her divine blessings for a better future.
  • If planning to start a business, you must not consider any business related to milk and dairy products.
  • You must never cage birds in your home instead you should feed them.
  • It would also be beneficial if you donate some sweets to young girls.

For an afflicted Jupiter and its influence on the horoscope:

Astrological remedies for health for an afflicted Jupiter in the horoscope are also very simple and easy to follow. If you have an ill placement of planet Jupiter, then it is more likely to happen that you may be suffering from problems that are related to obesity, cancer, diabetes, liver and Jaundice. To get rid of Jupiter related health problems, you must consider doing the following:

  • Yellow is associated with the planet Jupiter. To do away with its negative influence, you may wear a yellow cap or turban.
  • Give yellow colored offerings such as bananas, yellow lentils to the ones who are in need (orphans or poor people).
  • It would be beneficial if you make it a habit to help your siblings with whatever difficulty they face in life.
  • To gain the positive influence of this planet, it is also suggested to wear gold jewellery.
  • Daily applying Sandalwood paste or tikka on the forehead would also be auspicious for such individuals.
  • Jupiter is also said to be associated and representing the importance of father or any fatherly figure. Using your father’s prized possession could also help.


Horoscope Report


For ill placement of Mercury and its related problems:

Mercury is a planet representing intelligence, wisdom and intellect in a person. If you have bad mercury in your horoscope, then you may be suffering from diseases related to voice, skin and neck. When suffering from these health problems, try following these Vedic astrological remedies:

  • Donating milk and rice in temples would prove to be an easy and simple astrology remedy for afflicted Mercury in the horoscope.
  • If you drink and eat non-vegetarian food, then you may avoid doing this for gaining the positive influence of this planet.
  • Before eating, you may also feed cows for better results in health related issues.
  • Make sure that you always wear clean clothes.
  • Drinking water in a silver glass would also be beneficial for people suffering from ill effects of Mercury.

For a negative and Bad Saturn in the Horoscope:

  • Keeping small objects of silver with you would be beneficial.
  • Always help blind and poor people.
  • You may also donate footwear to the needy and orphans.
  • It is suggested not to drink milk late at night for people with weak Saturn.
  • Also, make sure that you never drink buffalo milk.
  • The other effective astrological remedy would be to fill an earthen pot with honey and cover it. Bury this earthen pot in running water.