Adolf Hitler
Al Gore
Aung San Suu Kyi
Barack Obama
Benazir Bhutto
Benjamin Franklin
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Boris Yeltsin
Dick Cheney
E. Roosevelt
Elizabeth Dole
Fidel Castro
George W Bush
Helmut Kohl
Henry Kissinger
Hillary Rodhom Clinton
Jacques Chirac
John Dean
John Major
Kenneth Starr
Margaret Thatcher
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mikhael Gorbachev
Monica Lewinsky
Nelson Mandela
Prince Charles
Princess Diana
Queen Elizabeth-II
Saddam Hussain
Sheikh Hasina Wajed
Tony Blair
Vladimir Putin
Winston Churchill
Which Zodiac Sign will get Lucky in Love in 2025?
Weekly Horoscope 23rd December to 29th December
Lucky Wallet Color According to Date of Birth
How to Know My Future Career by Date of Birth
Start 2025 Right! January Monthly Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign
Jupiter in Vedic Astrology is known as ‘Brihaspati’. It is considered as the planetary manifestation of ‘Dev Guru’ Brihaspati who is the ‘Guru of the Gods’. Jupiter is the most auspicious & benefic planet of all ruling the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces.
The naturally malefic Rahu will transit in the last sign of the zodiac throughout 2024. Find out how it will affect you.
Know the periods when Mercury will be in retrograde motion in 2024. Learn about what a retrograde Mercury signifies in all 12 houses of a horoscope.
New Year 2024 has so much in store for everyone. It is a year during which the world as a whole will witness unprecedented changes, both good as well as bad with respect to a number of domains.