‘Yogas in Astrology’ That Are Extremely Powerful | Future Point

‘Yogas in Astrology’ That Are Extremely Powerful

By: Future Point | 04-Aug-2020
Views : 11500‘Yogas in Astrology’ That Are Extremely Powerful

Yoga simply means a ‘Union’. In Vedic Astrology, a Yoga is referred to as a special planetary union formed by conjunction of certain planets in the same house or through placement in different houses.

Some of these Yogas in Astrology are extremely positive for an individual and some are just the opposite. All planets provide specific types of results to an individual as per their placement in the individual’s horoscope.

However, once the planets form a certain Yoga then the whole picture changes and the individual experiences some pretty strong planetary effects in his/her life.

Planets provide very strong results once they form a Yoga in the horoscope, simply because their interaction with specific planets in specific houses yield highly powerful results in the life of a native.

Let us look at some Yogas that are very carefully analyzed while reading a horoscope in Vedic Astrology because they have the potential of considerably changing the trajectory of a person’s life.

Gajakesari Yoga

The first scenario in which a Gajakesari Yoga is formed in a horoscope is when Moon and Jupiter are conjunct together in any house of the horoscope. 

Another condition for the formation of this Yoga is that Jupiter should be placed either in the 4th, 7th or the 10th house from the Moon in the horoscope.

It must be kept in mind that Gajakesari Yoga provides very strong results if Jupiter is the lord of a house in ‘Kendra’ or ‘Trikona’ of a person’s horoscope.

Similarly, if Gajakesari Yoga is being formed with the Moon being present in its own sign in a horoscope or Jupiter being present in its own sign or sign of exaltation, then this Yoga yields extremely powerful results.

The preconditions for the successful formation of Gajakesari Yoga are:

  • Jupiter or Moon should not be placed at the starting degrees of a sign such as 0 Degree or 1 Degree as well as at the last degrees of a sign such as 29 Degree or 30 Degree.
  • Jupiter should not be the ‘Maraka’ planet in the horoscope.
  • Jupiter should not be Combusted or Debilitated in the horoscope.

Results/Effects of Gajakesari Yoga on a Person

Gajakesari Yoga makes a person humble and intelligent as well as blesses the individual with high moral values. A person born with this Yoga has many friends and is the favourite of all his near & dear ones. Also, such a person earns respect in the society, excels in education and acquires knowledge of multiple domains. The person is blessed with sound health and interestingly, likes to eat sweet dishes a lot!

Gajakesari Yoga provides a person with wealth, fame and authority in life as well as earns him/her favours from the government or high ranking officials and makes him/her lead a life that resembles that of a king! This Yoga also blesses a person with children and such a person enjoys a happy & harmonious family life.

Malavya Yoga

Malavya Yoga is formed in a horoscope when Venus is present in any one of the ‘Kendra’ houses i.e. 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th and in any one of the three signs among Taurus, Libra or Pisces.

The preconditions for the successful formation of Malavya Yoga are:

  • Venus should not be placed at the starting degrees of a sign such as 0 Degree or 1 Degree as well as at the last degrees of a sign such as 29 Degree or 30 Degree.
  • Venus should not be the ‘Maraka’ planet in the horoscope.
  • Venus should not be Combusted in the horoscope.

Results/Effects of Malavya Yoga on a Person 

A person born with Malavya Yoga is beautiful, attractive and has a very mesmerising aura attached to his/her personality. This Yoga makes the eyes, nose & lips of a person extremely beautiful & well formed. A person with Malavya Yoga never loses the ability to stay calm & composed in challenging situations and always remains firm on his/her principles in life.

This Yoga provides the comfort of vehicle, property and luxurious travels to a person and the person can excel as an actor, musician, dancer, poet or a painter in life. The person rises to great heights in politics if he/she chooses politics as a career field. This Yoga makes a person very popular among the opposite gender. The person born under this Yoga is widely respected in society and earns name & fame in his/her life.

Malavya Yoga bestows success on an individual from foreign lands as well. The individual takes up foreign travels multiple times in his/her life and is even seen settling abroad in many cases.

One very interesting benefit of Malavya Yoga is that Venus in this Yoga strengthens not only the house in which it is placed but also the house that it aspects as well.

Vipreet Raj Yoga

There are three inauspicious houses in a horoscope i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th. However, if the lords of these houses are placed in any of these three houses, then a Vipreet Raj Yoga is formed.

The preconditions for the successful formation of Vipreet Raj Yoga are:

  • Lord of the Ascendant or ‘Lagnesh’ should not be placed at the starting degrees of a sign such as 0 Degree or 1 Degree as well as at the last degrees of a sign such as 29 Degree or 30 Degree.
  • Lord of the Ascendant or ‘Lagnesh’ should not be the ‘Maraka’ planet in the horoscope.
  • The planet forming the Vipreet Raj Yoga should not be conjunct with naturally malefic planets such as Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and Ketu (South Node of the Moon).

Results/Effects of Vipreet Raj Yoga on a Person 

Vipreet means opposite and Raj Yoga means Royal Yoga. In this type of Yoga, a person first encounters obstacles & troubles in various domains of life such as health, career, finances etc and then eventually transcends those troubles to surprisingly clock phenomenal growth & success in life!

A person with Vipreet Raj Yoga in his/her horoscope earns a lot of name, fame and money after initially suffering from problems in life. 

Vipreet Raj Yoga after becoming operational during the ‘Vimshottari Maha Dasha’ of the planet that is forming such Yoga, gives a 180 Degree turn in the life of an individual who is likely to go through a tough time initially but eventually bestows unimaginable prosperity & success upon that individual.

These Yogas in Astrology are extremely powerful and are known to change the trajectory of a person’s life dramatically, especially at the time of their operation as per the Vimshottari Dasha in that person’s horoscope.

If you have such Yogas present in your horoscope and want to know more about them e.g. their exact results, timings of those results or want to strengthen a Yoga if it is weak in your horoscope, then simply consult with the highly experienced astrologers of Future Point and pave the way of attracting success, wealth, health & happiness in your life!