Weekly Horoscope 8th November to 15th November | Future Point

Weekly Horoscope 8th November to 15th November

By: Future Point | 08-Nov-2018
Views : 2402Weekly Horoscope 8th November to 15th November




The beginning part of the week might keep you low confidence wise however good compatibility and the mutual cooperation between husband and wife especially for the purpose of increase in income shall prove effective. In the mid of the week although there might remain some mood swings related problems however there would be sudden financial gains from speculation, lottery, gambling or some other unexpected source. These gains might come from family also. You might face some frustration also because of health related trivial issue however there is no need to lose patience as it shall get cured shortly. The remaining part of the week is auspicious for going on beneficial journeys. The journey would be related to business or else you might go to address a social gathering somewhere. The support of brothers would prove instrumental for the enhancement of your destiny.




The beginning of the week is giving this indication that you would be confident in handling your enemies and expenses in this week. You would be happy while going on journeys. You will make plans to manage your expenses and competitive examinations. You would be a good strategist in terms of shaping your marketing plans during tough competition in the market. In the mid of the week you would be highly attached to your spouse. The destiny and advice of spouse shall help you earn more gains. Partners shall also be happy with you. There would be better compatibility between you and your spouse. The conjugal bliss shall get enhanced. The remaining days of the week won't be auspicious for your health, happiness, confidence and working efficiency. You would suffer from the problems of mood swings and expenses would go out of control. It would be difficult to accomplish your tasks however journeys would bring lot of pleasure.




The beginning of the week indicates that you would be spending money on your education or on children's health and education. You would also spend on entertainment related activities. This is favorable time for speculative activities like gambling, lottery and share market investment. Your emotional relations shall get strengthened suddenly. You would also spend money for solving litigation matters, curing health problems etc. in the mid part of the week. Abstain from paying bribe to bankers and avoid getting into some illegal activities. The concluding part of the week indicates that you would be spending lot of money on your spouse and in addition to that there is strong probability that you might visit a beautiful hill station of tourist attraction along with your spouse. There would be excellent conjugal bliss in your married life. In nutshell the whole week would be absolutely auspicious for family life and reputation with an increase in the compatibility between husband and wife.




The beginning of the week would be highly stressful, tiresome and full of tensions with an atmosphere of bitterness at home which would affect your confidence, working efficiency and health. You would be worried about your mother's health too. In spite of all these difficulties you would keep your patience intact.The mid of the week is favorable to plan and explore better prospects in share market, gambling and speculation. You would be happy with the performance of your children. There would be good understanding between you and your children. The intensity of love in emotional relation shall go on increasing. The remaining part of the week would be tiresome again as you would be handling issues related to competitors, debt, litigation and diseases. Your expenses would increase because of some journeys and sudden expenses.




The beginning of the week is indicating social activities at its peak where you would be enthusiastic about such activities of yours as you are likely to earn recognition from your social life. Your friends and relatives would appreciate you for your remarkable efforts in business/work and social life. You would put in every effort to create a strong bonding with relatives and friends for which the parties, get together and other social functions organized by you are going to be very successful. The mid of the week is favorable for domestic happiness but some argument with somebody or else some other type of disappointment is likely to disturb your peace of mind. The remaining part of the week would be highly hectic as you would bebusy in giving your valuable advice to your friends. It is a good time for education and the health and happiness of your children. This is equally beneficial time for speculative activities, entertainment and emotional relations.




The beginning of the week indicates prosperity, unity and integrity in the family. All family members shall put in efforts for strengthening the bond of affection among all. There would be a possibility of the celebration of an auspicious ceremony in the family. In the middle of the week you would participate in social activities and in this connection the encouraging attitude of all family members would enhance your confidence. You will be getting lot of affection from your friends, relatives and siblings. Your health and confidence would remain intact throughout the week. There would be slight mental tensions in the concluding part of the week however obstaclesare not coming in the way of your progress. You would be paying lot of attention while taking care of your parents.




The beginning of the week indicates rise in position, increase in happiness & reputation. Your working efficiency and skills would improve. Your mental and physical health shall be perfect throughout the week. You would be enjoying the favor of your seniors. Your recognition at work place shall get multiplied and in the middle of the week there would be more financial gains and support and co-operation of family members. There would be an atmosphere of love, laughter and mutual harmony in the family. Domestic happiness shall increase and you would be pleased with the support and affection of your mother who would advise you to extend some extra support in the affairs of the family. There would be deliberations regarding development in matters related to property/vehicle etc. The concluding part of the week indicates active participation in social activities. You would be happy with the association of close friends and relatives.




The planetary transit in the beginning of the week indicates financial losses, unnecessary expenditure of energy and money. You would be frustrated because of this negative situation and in addition to that you would be facing lot of humiliation without any fault of yours therefore you are advised not to lose your patience so that your confidence remains intact. Be optimistic and don't give-up hopes but for the time being it would be better to postpone the Muhurat of undertaking any new activity. The mid part of the week gives an indication of lethargy, tiredness, physical weakness, lack of confidence and energy. You would put efforts to cope with the stress coming out from so tiring and frustrating situations. Your success in restoring working efficiency and confidence would prove to be very average. In the remaining days of the week you would find yourself slightly better in association with your family members but even then the lack of confidence would not let you enjoy life peacefully. In addition to that it would be difficult for you to bring in effective solution for the rectification of issues related to scarcity of funds and lack of harmony in the family.




The beginning of the week is beneficial to worship any black God and Goddess and this type of remedy would eventually prove beneficial for overcoming the malefic influence of planets. More financial gains are likely. The mid part of the week is not favorable for accomplishing important tasks undertaken therefore this time should not be considered favorable for starting any new task. Your expenses would remain uncontrolled. You might have to go on some tiresome journeys which might cause problems like loss of health and money and in the process the problem of mood swings is sure to chase. Don't get irritated, postpone important task, work with patience and try not to lose your confidence. The concluding part of the weekis auspicious as you would be focusing all your energies for the consolidation of source of income, increasing the possibilities of gains thereby multiplying resources of income by creating new sources. The increased inflow of money would be the main hall mark of this week.




The beginning of the week would prove excellent for your professional life and you might attain the desired recognition on professional front. It is for sure that you would be getting the desirable advice, favor, support and cooperation or your senior officers. You can expect promotion in job shortly. This is most suitable Muhurat for worshiping Goddess Kali. The middle days of the week are going to be excellent for sudden gain of money and increase in income because of your glorious performance in your area of work. The advice, support and cooperation of spouse and siblings would be an additional advantage for your increase in the inflow of money. The concluding days of the week won't be auspicious for your children's health and state of mind. You shall also be worried about the health of your spouse. It would be difficult for you to accomplish your tasks on time and eventually this would give you the fear of losing image at work place.




This week would be the best week for you. The beginning of the week is auspicious for worshiping goddess Kali. This special prayer would bring favor of destiny. You are likely to visit the temple of any black God or Goddess. This time is highly favorable to do the remedies for the rectification of problems caused by malefic planets. The mid part of the week is giving indication of betterment on professional front with the hidden support of seniors. Your unique talent of management in handling the complicated issues would win special recognition as you would earn fame by turning government and authority in your favor but remember some seniors shall be jealous of you and they might develop a tendency to conspire against you so don't disclose your plan of action to others. The concluding part of the week indicates gain of unearned money and lottery etc. The speculation and gambling would also prove beneficial.




The beginning of the week is very bad for your health, happiness, confidence and patience. The order of events would bring unbearable disappointment and frustration. You would be losing your confidence and patience completely for the restoration of which you shall have to do breathing exercises and meditation and seek the advice of your parents. The middle days of the week appear to be slightly positive as the advice of your parents, friends and in-laws shall prove fruitful. You also might go on a journey to refresh your mood. The confidence would start coming back gradually. The concluding days of the week would be perfect for your confidence and the progress in work would keep you satisfied. You would be getting the favor of your senior bosses, government officials which is auspicious for increase in your reputation and credibility as a professional.