Weekly Career and Financial Forecast (29.10.18 to 04.11.18) | Future Point

Weekly Career and Financial Forecast (29.10.18 to 04.11.18)

By: Future Point | 29-Oct-2018
Views : 2709Weekly Career and Financial Forecast (29.10.18 to 04.11.18)



Sharp and impulsive would be the pattern of things which come under the shadow of planets during this week. Planned work in this period will not show much result, but whatever the results are, it will be positive. Unconventional lifestyle patterns will be experienced, which probably will have an impact on the health and finances. Monetary gains from more than one source expected. Avoid being spendthrift while shopping.



This week one can earn good financial gains through business. New ideas during the week can bring in recognition for few. But get facts checked forehand before getting into any venture/ deal. For others despite responsibilities, new projects shall keep spirits high. Increase in income, likely promotion for some. Few may also lead a rich lifestyle, and play different roles in the family for improvement. If you had lent money to anyone it will come to you with amicable settlement. Litigation will be settled outside the court.



Few can expect a change in job, and will also go for trips overseas. Few can also witness uplifting prospects as they can get transferred from your current job to a more preferred location. Undue faith on others might lead to professional setbacks for few. Financial rewards and recognition likely for individuals who stay focused on their jobs. Business and financial risks shall be avoided for safer ends. Decision enforcement shall be avoided, as it can prove adverse in your own interest. Monetary position is likely to improve in coming days.



This is a good time for professionals to improve on their performance and productivity. New opportunities in professional terms shall give you a sense of release and respite. But at the same time don't expect too much from your colleagues and friends. If you're currently trying to make ends meet, consider applying for a benefit or allowance because you could strike it lucky. Financial condition will be sound, which will give some solace. When travelling to foreign countries few may face immigration obstacles. So, always double check your travel related priorities.



Some of you can expect a strenuous week ahead, and it will be rugged as well as titillating. Few will be put to test by seniors at work, or by people in the management. So, you should compose your thoughts and aspirations as manipulation and opposition will clearly come to play at different levels of your office hierarchy. You are capable of more than what you estimate of yourself, so make use of your resources. Some of you might gain from speculation. Savings shall be on better side.



Most of you will achieve all-round success in your endeavors as your mood will be good, and your powers will on a rise. Your skills and determination shall get noticed, but at the same time need of the hour is to keep an open mind towards issues. Subordinates and colleagues can create tense environment at times. Expenditure increases but rise in income shall take care of your bills. You will gain in any investments that you have made, and will be blessed with peace and happiness.



As long as you keep a positive working attitude, stick on your position, then you have the chance to overcome the coming obstacles and you will get the reasonable returns. Arguments shall be avoided for better coordination. Signing of important documents and financial dealings however needs extra care. You can achieve a tremendous amount during the week if you put your mind to it. The performance of your money investment or income might be just average. But it won't be too bad.



The week ushers in with significant improvement in career and financial performance. Subordinates will turn cordial and helping for few. Concentrate on building contracts; it is advisable not to waste your time on useless affairs Timely decision at the moment shall give some of you an edge over others. In terms of partnership the week shows more labor and fewer gains for some of you. Money flow may get restricted, making cash handling and budgeting a hard task.



The week is good for enhancement in your reputation and fame. Your relations with bosses and seniors will be good. You should opt for long term investments instead of short term ones. Better to have check over expenses. There are chances of overspending for few. Finances shall improve upon and much awaited property disputes of some of you shall get settled. For few knowledge and intellect shall help you in bargaining new contacts.



You will be restless and erratic, and this will dampen any chances of a public participation. Subordinates and secret enemies will create problems for you, but you can overpower them by remaining patient, and letting time silence them. Your schedule will be hectic and time scarce. At this phase you will achieve recognition, and also increase your contacts. You will travel overseas and this will lead to an increase in your revenues. Monetary position is likely to improve for few. Better not to disclose things till success is with you. Rise in expenses can bother some of you.



As long as you focus on your job duty, make sure to deliver your task completely, avoid the argument with people and spend more time with your mentors. There can be money loss this week. You shouldn't expect any good money return from the investment. If you turn sensible and practical, then you should be able to balance your budget well.



The week being full of uncertainties do not promise good job performance or good financial return. But you shouldn't give up, you need to remain determined, learn the experience and knowledge from the trouble. Business and financial risks shall be avoided for safer ends. Decision enforcement shall be avoided, as it can prove adverse in your own interest. Monetary position is likely to improve in coming days.