Web Horoscope software LeoStar API | Future Point

Web Horoscope software LeoStar API

By: Yashkaran Sharma | 08-May-2018
Views : 5205Web Horoscope software LeoStar API

Future Point invites all websites to use its Web horoscope software LeoStar API which is most useful application for online horoscope making & matching. Web horoscope API of LeoStar is best web software and any astrological website can attract more traffic to the website by getting registered with it to show the online presence of best Kundli software.

The customers of the website registered with Online LeoSTar API shall be able to order the horoscope model of their choice and in that way the website shall generate more revenue for it.

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Our Online horoscope API services are meant to simplify your astrology needs. You need not nourish to involve yourself in the complexity of calculations & report making. API shall do it all for you.

Future Point has created a comprehensive list of horoscopes which can be casted by any website registered with API application. All matrimonial websites can get benefited by this online horoscope software API as they can do horoscope matching by availing it.

This horoscope API gives you all horoscope models, all horoscope matching models, all Lalkitab horoscope models, all numerology horoscope models and all Varshphal horoscope models.

While generating the horoscope model from this web horoscope API the logo of the website also gets displayed on the horoscope model. With horoscope the visitor can also get the astrology consultation from the top astrologers of Future Point.

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  • The user interface is mobile friendly and the horoscope ordering process is easier.
  • The horoscope model can be obtained in any language of choice.
  • Different types of secured payment options are available.
  • After placing the order the customer shall be obtaining the confirmation mail too.
  • The customer can also order the hard copy of horoscope along with PDF copy.
  • While placing the order the customer shall also know the cost of the horoscope model of choice.
  • This horoscope API can also be used by news portals.
Astrology Software