Upcoming Elections in Mauritius | Future Point

Upcoming Elections in Mauritius

By: Dr. Arun Bansal | 18-Jun-2019
Views : 3402Upcoming Elections in Mauritius

Kundli of Mauritius

12th March 1968, 12:00 noon, Port Louis, Mauritius

The Kundli of Mauritius is of Taurus ascendant and Cancer moon sign. At present, Mahadasha of Mars and the Antardasha of Mercury are active. The lord of Mahadasha, Mars is ruling over the 7th and 12th house in the chart and is posited in the income house. Sub Dasha lord, Mercury is ruling over 2nd & 5th house and is posited in the 10th house. Just like the Horoscope of India, the Kundli of Mauritius is also of Taurus ascendant and Cancer moon sign. In the income house, Rahu, Mars, and 10th house lord- Saturn is posited. In the 10th house, 5th house Lord- Mercury along with Venus is placed.

Read in Hindi: आगामी चुनाव मॉरीशस (Upcoming Mauritius Elections)

The shadow of India and its culture are visibly apparent through the position of planets in Kundli of both these nations. At present, Saturn is transiting from the Ascendant house towards the 8th house, and after January 2020 Saturn would transit over the Luck house. After March 2020, Saturn would conjunct with Jupiter. During the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the country of Mauritius would move forward towards growth and prosperity. Any planning undertaken in this duration would turn out to be fruitful for the nation.

Before this, in January 2017, Saturn was transiting in their 8th house from their ascendant sign and was transiting in the 6th house from the moon sign. Due to this, the nation was facing the troubles of opponents, enemies, debts & loans. There was a lot of suffering and troubles the country had to face due to this.

However, with the onset of January 2020 when Saturn would transit in the luck house of Capricorn sign, and all their miseries would end. The tasks would get completed on time and any problem that they have been facing in the past would cease to exist. All the bad times the country endured would be long forgotten with the good times Saturn in promising in the future.


Navin Ramgoolam

11th April 1947, 21:30, Port Louis, Mauritius

The Kundli of the Former Prime Minister of Mauritius is of Scorpio ascendant and Sagittarius moon sign. At present, the Kundli has Jupiter Maha Dasha and Venus Antar Dasha are effective. The Maha Dasha Lord, Jupiter is your 5th house lord and is placed in the Ascendant house. The position of 5th house lord Jupiter in the ascendant house is creating favorable Yogas in your Kundli. The Sub Dasha lord, Venus is the lord of your 7th and 12th house and is placed in the 4th house. The lord of the center houses posited in the center is also playing a major role in creating a benefic scenario. At present, Sagittarius sign is going through the second phase of Saturn Sade Sati. Saturn and Ketu are transiting in their birth signs, who are aspected by Mars and Rahu.

This time period of Saturn Sade Sati is going to be extremely fulfilling in terms of Career and Political agendas. Your Horoscope matches with the Prime Minister of India, Sh. Narendra Modi Ji up to a certain extent. He is also born under Scorpio ascendant and is going through a phase of Sade Sati right now. Due to this phase of Saturn Sade Sati, he won the current Lok Sabha Elections of India with an overwhelming majority of votes. And the same could come true for you in the upcoming elections of Mauritius. Apart from this, there is another special thing about your Kundli which promises unprecedented success and growth.

The lord of wish fulfillment, Mercury is placed in the 5th house with Sun, and Lagna Lord Mars which is an excellent situation. The conjunction of Lagna lord, lord of Income, and Lord of 10th house (Karmesh) will get you to new heights in life. All in all, the placement of the house, the formation of Yogas in the house, and the transits are all paving way for your brighter future. From 24 January 2020, the planet Saturn will transit to your 2nd house, which would increase your name, fame, and reputation. Till 28th April 2022, you will face the implications of Saturn Sade Sati. After this, Saturn Dhaiyya will aid you in gaining prominence in your nation.

This way the coming 5 years are going to be the golden period of your career and political tenure. There are high chances of you becoming the next Prime Minister of Mauritius with an overwhelming majority.


Praveen Jagannath

25-12-1961, 12:00PM, Portlouis, Mauritius

In your horoscope, Pisces is the Ascendant and Cancer is your Moon Sign. You are the Mahadasha of Moon and Antardasha (Subperiod) of Venus. The duration of Mahadasha of Moon is from Oct. 2010 to Oct. 2020. The Mahadasha Lord Moon is also fifth house lord and is posited in own house (i.e. Cancer sign) in conjunction with Rahu. 11th house lord is Saturn which is posited in the 11th house itself due to which you are having great success and name & fame in your life. The 11th house has 3 planets posited- Planet Jupiter which is your Lagna/Ascendant Lord and the lord of your 10th house, lord of 11th house (house of gains) Saturn and Ketu.

The conjunction of 10th house lord Jupiter & 11th house lord Saturn represents a conjunction of lord of profession and lord of the house of gains. This unique conjunction’s strength bestows success in life. 2nd house lord Mars is posited in 10th house in conjunction with 3 other planets- Mercury (Lod of 4th house), Sun (Lord of 6th house) and Venus (Lord of 8th house). The conjunction of 4 planets in the house of the profession has been giving you great success & professional growth. Venus is the Lord of third & eighth house in your horoscope which is not benefic at all. Hence the ongoing Moon-Venus dasha can be malefic resulting into un-favorable time politically.

According to current Transit, Saturn is transiting over your 10th house and activating 12th house with its 3rd aspect. Transit of Saturn in your 10th house has given you political success but due to the position of Aquarius sign in your 12th house, you have been struggling with finances and other stressful situations for past three years. Jupiter will also transit in your 10th house from 5th Nov. 2019 till March 2020, which would further multiply your struggles and efforts in life, diminishing the corresponding results. Since Saturn is transiting towards Capricorn Sign, the political success, position & fame that you have received in 2017 is less likely to be re-attained. While comparing the horoscope of both you and Mr. Naveen Ramgoolam, It became apparent that he might be able to outshine you in the upcoming elections.


Anil Bachoo

6 September 1953 10:00 p.m. Port Louis, Mauritius

Your Horoscope is of Aries ascendant and Leo moon sign. At present, you are undergoing the Mahadasha of Rahu and Antar Dasha of Mars. The lord of Mahadasha, Rahu is placed in the 10th house of your horoscope and is transiting in your 3rd house. The Antar Dasha lord Mars is placed in the 5th house of your horoscope. After November 2019, Jupiter’s Mahadasha will begin in your life. Jupiter is the lord of your luck house and is aspecting the same house, thus influencing your luck in a positive way. This time period would prove to be beneficial for you. Saturn is transiting towards your 9th house from your Lagna and 5th house from your moon sign. This is going to be auspicious for your political career. In this duration, all your efforts will yield excellent results despite the efforts. From January 2017, Planet Saturn has been transiting in your 9th house, and from that period you’ve been having mildly auspicious time.

In the upcoming elections, the movement of Saturn in the 10th house, being the lord of income your finances would be stable. This would in a way reflect on your name, fame, and reputation in a benefic way and you would come out to be stronger than ever. The transit of Jupiter and Saturn is going to be favorable for you, as will be apparent from the election results. In these elections, you might emerge as the right-hand man of Mr. Navin Ramgoolam.


Arvin Boolell

3rd May 1953 09:00 a.m. Port Louis, Mauritius

Your horoscope is of Taurus ascendant and Sagittarius moon sign. At present, you are undergoing Jupiter Mahadasha and Jupiter Antar Dasha. After August 2019, the period of Saturn Antar Dasha would begin and would continue till February 2022. At the time of elections, the Antar Dasha of Saturn is going to be troublesome for the Lagna house and will be inauspicious for you. During November, Jupiter will be transiting in the 8th house and moon sign of your horoscope. This position of Jupiter is not favorable from both these aspects. Apart from this, Saturn will also be transiting in your moon sign in the same duration. The Saturn Sade Sati that is formed in this period will not be able to give you the desired results. Due to the Antar Dasha of Saturn and him being the lord of the 9th house, the house of luck- you will get unfavorable results.



In the upcoming elections, Mr. Navin Ramgoolam Ji will turn out to be victorious, as per the Yogas forming in his kundali. The tenure of Mr. Ramgoolam will be the golden time of Mauritius, wherein unprecedented growth, development, and progress would grace the nation. Mr. Anil Bachoo will provide his ingenious counsel to the Ramgoolam government and prove to be an arduous worker. Just like Mr. Narendra Modi Ji and Mr. Amit Shah Ji have been functioning in India as a great pair, Mr. Navin Ramgoolam and Anil Bachoo will be working effectively as a team for the development of the country. The impending 5 years of Mauritius would be the Golden Ae for Mauritius under the leadership of such gems. Mauritius would create a niche of its own by safeguarding their morals, values, & culture, and pave a way towards a better and brighter Mauritius.