The best things in your kundali that tell that you are ready to move to the next career: | Future Point

The best things in your kundali that tell that you are ready to move to the next career:

By: Future Point | 13-Oct-2018
Views : 3123The best things in your kundali that tell that you are ready to move to the next career:

In this time and age, people don’t much pay attention to what their fortune has in store. They are the believer in hard work because this is time of cut-throat competition. Which is good but we are a little apprehensive about 100 percent success because there are many things that fortune didn’t have store for them but they attempted it anyway.

When your hard work doesn’t seem to pay off, you are likely to be frustrated so you should know what your kundali suggests you to do or not to do, so to speak. Kundali reading is very important in order to optimize the results of your hard work.


We are caught in the cobweb of corporate world for bread-winning and some of us are stuck in the jobs that don’t seem to excite us much. For the sake of doing something makes you insipid and you lose interest in the same gradually.

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This obviously hinders your success and career growth. There are people who are so drained in their jobs that they stop seeing any further hopes but who knows what future really has in store for you.

Kundali reading and kundali matching has still not faded from human consideration. There are people, especially businessmen who would not zero on a financial decision before visiting their family Jyotish. However, in average middle class households, the job holders are not as inclined towards kundali reading to figure out whether or not this is the right time to take a new leap in the career.

There may be valid reason for that too, they can’t spare much time from the 9-5 job and during sundays they are on vegetative mode to visit a Jyotish. The online kundali matching portals, hence came to their rescue where they can do the kundali matching on their own and the website will give them guideline into their next move.

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Here, in this article we are going to discuss if your kundali suggests that you are ready to make the next move in your career. That is to say, there are some tell-tale signs which drop hints at the probability of you getting a new job.

You never know the grand scheme of things are leading you where so be prepared You should turn on the windmill when the winds of change come apart from closing your windows because you don’t know what opportunities are waiting for you round the corner.

As per the basic astrology, we need to look at the earthly houses to find out the professional matters such as 2nd, 6th and 10 houses in the natal chart. when you have an excellent 10 house with an exalted Mars inside, you are not likely to receive any benefits because the 6th house will not be supportive too.

Similarly, when there is Venus in your second house, you are more likely to scale rapid professional growth. It says that you will get a bigger paycheque real soon. Also, the progress of Moon and the transit of Saturn needs to be under scrutiny to figure out things better. Even the minutest changes in your professional career is understood from the solar return chart and the image of Sun’s return.

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Sun represents initiative and basic awareness whose energy can be used in creativity, bolstering the personality so if you are seeking success in the creative field, you need to have a strong Sun in your kundali for scaling highest professional success.

Here are the codes which are to be considered while the kundali matching for said purpose:

  • - First house ruler on the tenth house cusp
  • - Tenth or sixth house ruler on the first house cusp
  • - Tenth or sixth house ruler in conjunction, square, or opposition with Saturn
  • - Tenth or sixth house ruler changing signs in secondary progressions or directions
  • - Secondary Moon in exact aspect with the tenth or sixth house ruler
  • - Secondary Moon in exact aspect with the tenth or sixth house cusp
  • - Pluto on the sixth or tenth house cusp
  • - Uranus in aspect with tenth or sixth house cusp
  • - Jupiter in the tenth or sixth house
  • - Jupiter in a strong supporting aspect with tenth or sixth house ruler
  • - Sixth house ruler in the natal tenth house
  • - Tenth house ruler in the natal sixth house
  • - Solar return Ascendant in the natal sixth or tenth house
  • - Solar return Ascendant ruler in the sixth
  • or tenth house

  • - Solar return Ascendant ruler in the sixth or tenth house
  • - Directive Saturn on the last or first degree of a sign
  • - Directive Sun on the last or first degree of a sign
  • - Directive sixth or tenth house ruler on the last or first degree of a sign.