Numerology - Another Magical Tool
By: Poonam Malhotra | 22-Nov-2022
Views : 1947
India and Indian knowledge have always been at the top worldwide since time immortal. Ours is a Divine land with pure and high vibrations of our Rishis and Munis. Look at our Shastras, our Vedas, our Puranas, our Astrology, our Prashna Jyotish, our Tantras, Mantras, Yantras, Meditation and lots more. These are all Divine and Magical tools to unfold the hidden treasures of the past, present and future.
Numerology is another tool which is the easiest to understand and learn so I suggest everyone should do a Numerology course. Its so simple that even a 12-year-old child can learn this Magical and Divine art.
Our Rishis, Munis and Yogis meditated for years on end and got these Divine knowledges from the Akashic Records.
And put them down in our literature. All knowledge came from our literature which was written in Sanskrit. Unfortunately, we Indians took it for granted and never bothered to learn it. The foreigners found this treasure and started learning Sanskrit so that they could gain first-hand knowledge directly from our original undistorted Shastras and Vedas.
What are the advantages of numerology?
Numerology has many advantages: -
1) Judge a person accurately.
2) Find lost objects.
3) Find your lucky colour.
4) Find your auspicious phone number.
5) Find your lucky number for a new car.
6) Find your compatible life partner.
7) Find a trustworthy business partner And lots more, the list is endless.
What is numerology?
As I mentioned in my previous writeup about Energies, Forces and Vibrations in this universe and everything works due to these energies and everything is interconnected, Numerology also is derived out of this same energy so every sound that we leave in this universe in the form of a name has an effect on us and others.
Had this not been true there would not have been Mantras in every religion.
There is no such religion in this world which does not use any kind of sound to invoke spiritual powers.
Hence proved sound has power, energy and vibration and therefore when we make any sound in the form of name it is merging with the energies in the universe and creating some or the other kind of effect depending upon its vibration and frequency.
Numbers also have energies and vibrations of different kinds.
For example:
If a person has number 1 in his birth date, he will always be a leader, be confident, be independent, be dominating whereas a person born on number 11 will have twice the qualities of number one as eleven has two times number one in it, so he will be even more dominating, independent, over confident and will be like a Hitler.
Whereas a person born with number 2 is docile, diplomatic, loving, caring, peace loving, sensitive. Ironically a person born with number 11 is also having the qualities of number 2, as 1+1=2 hence this person has twice the qualities of number 1 and number 2 also.
There are in total 9 major numbers rest all other numbers when totalled up to form a single digit land up to be between 1 to 9. Speak for example
If you were born on 27th then 2+7=9 If you were born on 31st then 3+1=4 If you were born on 6.8.1987 then
6+8+1+9+8+7=39 further 3+9=12 further 1+2=3
So, you see no matter how big is the number when brought down to a single digit it is between 1 and 9.
Now some numbers are compatible, some are neutral and some are enemies, so when we go for a marriage alliance or buy a car or want to find an auspicious date, we can do numerology and find the best possible option for ourselves.
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Do alphabets also have a vibration?
Just as numbers have a value and vibration so also each alphabet has its value and vibration. There are 26 alphabets.
A, J, S, has value of number 1
B, K, T has value of number 2 and so on. Each alphabet also has its own quality same as its number value. Now all we need to do is find the number for each alphabet in your name and sum it up to derive a single digit number and see the qualities of that person. Even the first alphabet of your name has its power to shape your personality and your destiny, this is why people go for name change or spelling change to change their destiny.
There are different methods of numerology, some of them are:
1) Pythagorean system.
2) English Qabalah system.
3) Latin alphabet system.
4) Chaldean system.
In Numerology there are different types of numbers like:
1) The Soul urge number.
2) The Master numbers.
3) The Karmic number.
4) The Name numbers.
5) The Psychic number.
What is the use of numerology?
1) It helps us find our souls urge, our deep desires.
2) It introduces us to ourselves.
3) It helps us decide upon our profession.
4) It helps us plan our future in the destined direction.
5) It helps us find our right partner.
6) It helps us understand others personality.
The list is endless.
Why run after numerologists when you can help yourselves at every step in your day-to-day life.
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