Transit of Mercury 2021: On August 9, the first zodiac transit of the month will be in Leo
By: Future Point | 06-Aug-2021
Views : 1966
Mercury, the planet of wit and intelligence keeps plays a substantial role in the lives of the people. Mercury governs our speech, intellect, expressions, education, observation, analytical skills and communication.
The placement of Mercury in a natal chart narrates the level of education and intellect of a person. A native blessed with strong Mercury has nice societal image and people love him for his communication skills and honest gestures.
The planet blesses the native with youth and charm if placed well in a chart. It fosters quick reaction and decisiveness in the individual. The transit of Mercury is very important as success is always accompanied with effective communication and intelligence.
Know your Mercury and the results it is giving in your personal life with talk to astrologer at Future Point.
The prince of the planetary cabinet will transit in Leo on 9 August 2021. This transit will certainly affect various zodiac signs in a specific way. Here in this article e have enumerated the accurate timing and effects of this important transit.
Since the transit will take place in the zodiac sign of Leo, it will influence the sign of Leo the most. Mercury in Leo makes their natives stubborn and rigid leading to arrogance. Though the transit of Mercury in Leo will strengthen the financial position of its natives but at the same time will add an air of arrogance in their minds.
Know the impact of Mercury Transit on your life from the best astrologers in India.
Timing of the transit
The transit of Mercury will take place in the sign of Leo on 9 August 2021 at 1.23 am and it will stay there till 26 August 2021, 11.08 am, till it moves into the sign of Virgo.
Mercury governs the third and sixth house of Aries natives and will sit in the fifth house of their zodiac.
The transit will add passion in your endeavours and times will remain conducive for studies. Those preparing for any competitive exam will perform well and succeed.
Employed people will witness improvement in their work profile. They will be applauded for their hard work and sincerity.
Chances for promotion are also foreseen due to this auspicious transit in your zodiac. Those in love relations may face minor arguments with the partners, which can be resolved through communication and mature understanding.
You will remain expansive in your communication skills and will make additions to your social and friends circle.
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Mercury has the lordship of the second and fifth house of Taurus natives and will transit the fourth house of your zodiac. Your speech will get impressive and affluent which will help you to influence people in the best of your interest.
The students will do fairly well in academics resulting in quick learning and grasping the subject matter efficiently. Your sharp memory will help you to score better in your examinations.
The family atmosphere will remain harmonious you will share cordial relationships with all the members. You may notice increase in your wit which will make the surroundings light and lively.
Those in love will feel the warmth in their relations. It is the time to introduce your dear one to your family during this transit.
Those working in education sector, sales & marketing field will see favourable time. A good command over your speech will help you gain confidence and trust of people that will help you in your professional and personal goals.
You will share a strong bond with your mother and spend close time with her.
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and hence its transit is of vital importance for its people. The lagna and fourth house lord will be sitting in the third house.
This placement will add to your vigour and strength. Physical fitness exercises and sports will find your interests during this time.
You will remain socially active and will spend time in chit chatting with friends and relatives. There are chances of short travel with friends and acquaintances and you will add to your friends circle through your efficient communication skills.
Your relationship with siblings will remain strong and they will support you in accomplishing your tasks.
You will remain little possessive for your siblings and will spend quality time with them.
The auspicious effect on the third house will help the writers, authors and magazine editors to excel due to your impressive writing styles.
Those indulged into sports or games will also have a favourable time since this transit will fill you with zeal and enthusiasm. You will remain high in spirits and vitality.
Those employed may get a chance of transfer during this time or may have to stay away for work. The entrepreneurs may also plan frequent travels for building good reputation and strong client base.
Mercury governs the 12th and 3rd house in the zodiac sign of Cancer and will transit the second house of it.
This transit of the third and twelfth house lord in the second house of accumulated wealth and immediate family will make you incur expenditures on family.
You can’t help but spend extravagantly on domestic articles and electrical gadgets. You will attain efficiency in your communication skills and will have warmth in relations with your family.
You may have to face some troubles in throat and face during this transit, so, take care of yourself. The students will do well in studies and their focus will enhance, this will help them to learn and memorise their lessons well.
You will witness a flare for accumulating knowledge and may explore multiple subjects. You will become witty and full of life, which will earn you favours of your friends.
Those engaged in family business will have a favourable period, your family members will coordinate with you in best of your interests.
You might take some important decisions regarding the expansion of your business and your family will support you in your endeavours.
However, the time is not suitable for making any big investments, as any investments done now may earn you losses and blockage of stock in near future.
The people around you will inspire you to make focused efforts in your professional life in order to achieve success.
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Mercury governs the second and eleventh house of income for Leo natives and will be transiting in their first house.
Mercury is the Dhan yogkarka for Leo natives and will get in a strong position during this transit giving boost to the financial conditions of the natives.
Your economic life will prosper and you may earn from multiple sources during this transit. Your past endeavours will reap you profits and fame.
You will become prompt in decision making and will complete all your tasks in the stipulated period of time.
You will take risks and convert opportunities into accomplishments. You will share close connections with authoritative and influential individuals during this period.
This will benefit you in gaining success in your professional life. Your over indulgence in work may play havoc on your health so you are advised to take good care of your health in order to avoid any health issues.
Also, avoid mental stress as over indulgence in work may deteriorate your mental as well as physical health. Those active in politics, media and advertisement will have suitable period. This is also a preferred time for making investments these are sure to get noticeable returns in future.
The lagna lord and karmadhipati will be transiting the twelfth house for Virgo natives. The transit will prove auspicious for the natives indulged in import, export and business related to overseas clients.
You will gain in abundance through business and have strong customer base during this period. Also, this time is conducive for making new business relations and clients.
Watch out for your expenditures as there are chances on spending extravagantly on unproductive things, this may create imbalance in your savings during this period.
Make budget in advance and act accordingly. Those working in multinational companies will have a favourable period; you will get appreciation in terms of both money and personal image.
You may have to travel for work, which will prove fruitful to your profile. You may also plan to go on a foreign trip. This time is beneficial for both personal and professional motives.
You should take good care of your health as your immune system may turn weak during this time making you vulnerable to seasonal diseases.
You are advised to take nutritious diet and follow a physical fitness regime to keep yourself fit.
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Mercury rules the ninth and twelfth house of the Libra zodiac and will be sitting in its eleventh house.
Mercury is a functional benefic planet for libra natives and hence its transit in house of gains will bring fortune and prosperity to its natives.
You will turn fortunate in your professional life and will earn huge profits in your business. Those engaged in travel industry or sales and marketing will do well at their workplace.
They will make handsome profits with minimal efforts. You will make new friends, especially with individuals coming from different cultures during this period.
These relationships will prove beneficial in the long run. Artists will have an auspicious time, as this transit will make your mind fertile for varied creative ideas to perform well in your field.
The government employees will earn fame and recognition from the senior officials.
You may remain self-centred keeping your desires at the top of the list. You may also earn through some illegal means, however, you are advised to not fall trap to such things as these lucrative yet risky ventures or offers may bring big troubles in near future.
The relationships with elder siblings will remain harmonious and they will support you in accomplishing your goals.
Mercury governs the eleventh house of income and gains and also the eighth house of longevity and unearned income.
The transit is taking place in the tenth house of profession. Your career may go slow during this period and you may have to face some obstacles in accomplishing your set targets.
You will be forced to make changes in your job profile. Those waiting to switch jobs should consider it now as there are chances of getting it through the help of your friends.
Also, the business people may plan any changes in their business as the time is conducive for making changes.
You are advised to stay alert regarding financial matters. You may lose money in speculative activities or lottery. Do not lend money to anyone during this period.
You may receive gift or fixed asset from your ancestors during this time. Occult practitioners will see a favourable time earning accolades and good chunk of money through their services.
The insurance agents too will perform well and make new clients. You guys will earn decent incentives at the workplace.
Mercury owns the seventh and tenth house of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and it will be transiting through the ninth house of their chart.
Your inclinations towards foreign people and culture will enhance during this time and you will try to learn more about their ethics.
You are likely to travel frequently to explore and gain knowledge about different cultures and places.
You will remain interested in philosophy, religion and spirituality during this period and will value pure knowledge more than traditional rituals.
You will commit to your words and do whatever has been promised on your part at your workplace. You will get support of your seniors or employer.
They will appreciate your hard work and dedication towards work. Those working in partnership business will gain good profits and share cordial relationships with the partner.
You may also invest in land or property during this time. The married natives will share a strong bond with their partners during this period.
You may plan a vacation with your spouse. An auspicious event in the family may add to your joy.
The lord of the sixth and ninth house will be placed in the eighth house for Capricorn natives.
This period is not supportive for health. You may get skin allergies, nerves disorder, cold & flu.
The females may also face some menstrual issues during this transit. You are advised to consult a doctor before opting self medication to avoid major concerns later.
You should also be careful while walking or driving since there are chances of accidents.
Time is not suitable for business owners and they will find it hard to make money during this transit.
You are required to put more efforts to enhance your luck as the time is not that favourable. However, your genuine efforts during this time will reap beneficial results in the future.
The research students or the scholars pursuing higher education will have a favourable time.
Your quest for exploration and delving deep inside something will be satisfied thoroughly.
The students will score better grades during examinations. You will have an inclination to occult science during this time and will try to understand it through reading books or consulting professionals.
At this time, Mercury the lord of the fifth and eighth house will be placed in the seventh house for the Aquarius natives.
Those in love relations will see favourable times. However, those awaiting marriage have to wait as there are chances of delays.
The transit will help students to gain focus in studies and they will perform well in their examinations.
You will also get some good news from your children. This time is also favourable for speculative activities and gambling but it is not recommend.
You will perform well at your workplace, and will earn praises of your officials. Business people too will make good profits.
Your contacts may help you to prosper in business, so, remain open to new concepts and social contacts. You will remain open-minded and will pay heed to the suggestions of others.
At this time, Mercury the lord of the fourth and seventh house will be placed in the sixth house for the Pisces ascendants. This transit will not bring favourable results for you.
For the married natives, you may witness differences and misunderstandings in your relationship.
You are advised to communicate wisely and calmly to sort out the things. Your competitors may give you hard time as the transit is strengthening their power.
You are advised to stay away from office politics. Any kind of investments in land and property should be avoided this time. Also, avoid taking loans or borrowing from the market as you may not be able to repay it.
Your uncared expenditures may put you in troubles so spend wisely and cautiously. You may also suffer from mental stress, for which you should introduce yourself to meditation and yoga.
For students, you will do well in competitive exams. If you are running any legalities or some legal case then time is favourable and you will turn victorious in the same.
Medical practitioners too will see good period, as you will flourish in your profession. You may have to incur heavy expenditures on the house or domestic work during this period.