Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 Zodiac Signs | Future Point

Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 Zodiac Signs

By: Future Point | 28-Jan-2020
Views : 2957Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Impact on 12 Zodiac Signs

Mercury, the planet of logic and communication, will transit in the sign of Aquarius on January 31, 2020, and will remain in the same sign till April 7, 2020. It is a long duration to stay in a single sign for this fast-moving planet Mercury. Mercury transit is an essential phenomenon as it rules over our daily communication & speech, and sound statement make anybody influenced with your right ability to choose the right word at the right time. Mercury is capable of doing this and more. Meanwhile, this Mercury transit in Aquarius, it will go retrograde and will become again direct from February 17, 2020, to March 10, 2020. in the same sign of Aquarius. The effects of this Mercury Transit vary as per the natal charts.

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Here, we will provide you with the general prediction based on the Natal Moon sign placement in a particular zodiac sign. Let's understand how effective this Transit of Mercury is going to be this time due to its long duration in Aquarius sign:


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 11th house of income and gains, which indicates this Transit will bless the native with good earnings employing his communicative ability or hobby. It's an excellent time to blossom your love and relationship. You will be more expressive in terms of sharing your feeling to your partner. Do not expect the immediate results and put your complete endeavours to reap the optimum benefits during this Transit.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 10th house of career and profession. Now, this is an auspicious transit for Taureans; they will enjoy peaceful moments. Reasonable to multiply your assets and finances. Any new opportunity might be on the cards for you at the work front. Your work will get good appreciation from co-workers and bosses. Creativity will get enhanced, and youthful exuberance will shine.


For these folks, Mercury will transit in the 9th house of luck & fortune. Suitable to initiate any work as luck will favour you most of the time during this Transit. Visiting foreign land might be on the cards and karma will get uplift too via international association. Your flirtatious attribute ill come to the core, which could influence anybody. Finding to a religious Guru can be your great help to stabilize your constant wavering thoughts.

To know more about the impact of Mercury Transit in Aquarius on your Horoscope, consult expert astrologers


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 8th house of uncertainty. So, it will create a Vipreet Raj Yoga, which means initially you could have some bad luck, but as the time proceeds, your endeavours will fructify you. You will feel very passionate in love matters, and your intensity will also get added these days. A sudden visit to foreign land or far away places might be on the cards. It's not a good time to take a high risk in monetary matters.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 7th house of partnership and marriage. An auspicious transit to blossom your love these days. Good gains are likely to be ascertained utilizing collaboration and association. So any merger and acquisition might take place if you are already into a big business. Avoiding arrogance and stubbornness should be your key strategy to cope up well with the environment.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 6th house of competition and challenges. Mercury Transit for these natives would be exciting and provide some mixed results. You are required to take care of your health and do not get indulged in any conflict with your opponents. Please do not depend on your luck factor as it may not support you all the time. Postponing any significant tasks would be the right decision to continue within this period.

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For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 5th house of creativity, children, and love. Good time to explore your creativity and intellect. Opting any education into foreign land looks beneficial these days. Be more expressive and have a transparent conversation in love matters as luck will be in your favour to make your emotions understood to your partner. So the critical strategy should be creative and optimistic about availing the full benefits.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 4th house of comforts and mother. This Transit looks like a moderate and exciting transit for you. Do not entirely depend on your comfort zone as it could break your comfort zone and make you stressed. By controlling your anger and aggression, you can conquer the world with your right consistency. Your income could get spent on an expensive item or interior or decoration at home. However, it is suggested to control your expenses, don't be spendthrift to let your money slip through your hand most of the time.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 3rd house of siblings and efforts. Good Transit to show your charm and hobbies to the world. Higher authorities will appreciate your endeavours but don't indulge in any official conflict these days. You will spend quality time with your loved ones and especially your partner. Love birds may take a step ahead and may tie a knot during Mercury Transit. Let your optimistic approach drive your path of success these days.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 2nd house of wealth and family. Good results are likely to be obtained during this Mercury Transit. Your creativity and diplomacy will help you to multiply your wealth these days. Enjoying a peaceful moment with your partner or loved ones can be your relaxing point. Be patient and follow the structure to understand the true beauty of this period.

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For these natives, Mercury will transit in the first house or ascendant. Extremely auspicious Transit for these folks to reap excellent benefits through foreign sources. Creativity will get enhanced, and you would start to analyze things more than ever. However, your inclination towards occult, mystery may also get increased. Apart from it, don't feel stressed if you receive any fluctuations as it could affect your health. So avoid over-thinking and take care of your health.


For these natives, Mercury will transit in the 12th house of foreign gains and spirituality. Right to raise yourself employing spirituality instead of finding the materialism of the world. Business people may have any international merger or may expand their work to foreign land too. Being responsible is good, but if it exceeds the burden, then it could hamper your peace of mind. Adapting philosophical and spiritual journey should be your crucial strategy these days.

It is important to understand the values that planet Mercury imbibes in us. With an enhanced outlook, you will get to experience good things in life. But, if you believe you are facing some unforeseen troubles in life and would do good with an astrologer’s advice- we highly recommend the Talk to Astrologer on Phone service by Future Point. You can easily Consult an Astrologer Online and seek his expert opinion as to what to do next in life.