Highly Effective Astrological Remedies for Eye Problems | Future Point

Highly Effective Astrological Remedies for Eye Problems

By: Future Point | 31-Jul-2019
Views : 22535Highly Effective Astrological Remedies for Eye Problems

Astrology acts as binoculars with which a person can see the future happenings of life clearly. It is said to be a study through which, a person can know about the good times of life and can also gain a definite knowledge of time in the context of the present time. This study acts as a torch in the difficult times as it gives you light. Astrology performs different functions in different situations and advises an individual to be careful from adverse situations that can take place. One can also get to know about the physical, mental, and economic status of a person through a horoscope. In the same way, astrologers can also predict the condition of one’s eyes through a health horoscope.

The eye disease in medical astrology can be predicted through a lot of factors like the planetary positions, the effect of houses, etc. In the health horoscope of a person, the 2nd house majorly shows that whether a person is suffering from any eye-related disease or not. But, the position of the right eye is checked through the 2nd house and the left eye is studied through the 12th house.

Relation of Planets and Diseases in Astrology:

In Medical astrology Planets also play an important role in predicting the fact that a person is suffering from any eye trouble or not.

  • Both the Planets Sun and Moon are light-emitting planets. The position of Planet Sun is checked for the right eye and the Moon is checked for the left one. Therefore, if in the 2nd house Planet Sun is posited and in the 12th house Planet moon is posited then there are high chances that the person is suffering from any eye-related trouble.
  • If Planet Venus is posited in the 2nd house of a natives horoscope then the eyes of such a native will be highly beautiful and he/she will never suffer from any eye-related disease. But, if the lord of the 2nd house is in a weak position or if it is posited with the Trik Bhava (6th, 8th, 12th houses) then Venus will not be able to give its benefic results.
  • If Planet Saturn is posited in the 2nd house of an individual’s horoscope then such a person can suffer from serious eye-related trouble. The eyesight of such a person is really weak.
  • Planets Rahu and Ketu in the 2nd house can also make one's eyesight weak and can cause mishappenings in which a person’s eyes can be affected.
  • If Planet Mars is posited in the 2nd house then it is inauspicious because it can give a serious eye-related problem. The position of Mars in the 2nd house can also lead to an eye-related surgery to the native or make him/her wear glasses for lifelong.

Astrological Remedies for Eye Problems:

These astrological remedies are according to the 9 Planets of Indian Astrology:

1. Sun:

    • For getting rid of Eye problems one can recite the Strotam of ‘Chakshushi Vidya’. Reciting this Strotam regularly will remove the malefic effects of Planet Sun and thus, the person will get rid of his/her problems.
    • Chanting Sun’s Seed Mantra is also very beneficial to avoid all sorts of eye troubles. ‘Om Hraan Hreen Hraun Sah Sooryaay Namah’ (ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः).
    • One can also wear a Ruby gemstone for removing the malefic effects of Planet Sun. Consult the best astrologer Online and wear the gemstone only after knowing its suitability.
    • It is very necessary for planet Sun to be in its favorable position in your horoscope. If the sun's position is not favorable in your horoscope, then you should render water filled in a copper vessel to planet Sun, every day.

2. Mars:

    • Plant a Neem Tree in your home and take care of it wholeheartedly. Doing this will improve your eyesight.
    • Chant Mars Mantras regularly at least 108 times while sitting in a comfortable position. “Om Angangar Kaaya Namah” (ओम अंगांगर काया नमः). Chanting these mantras will remove the malefic effects of Planet Mars.
    • Donate blood whenever necessary. This is the best remedy for removing the inauspicious effects of Planet Mars from your horoscope.

3. Saturn:

    • Chanting the Shani Mantra can remove the malefic effects of this planet “Om Praam Preem Praom Seh Shani Scharaya Namaha” (ओम प्रम प्रीम प्रॉम सहज शनैःश्रयाय नमः).
    • Saturn is the lord of Karma. It is a fair planet it gives you results only by seeing your actions. Voluntarily and lovingly donate to those who are in need because your Karmas decide the results you get.
    • For getting rid of Eye problems one can recite the ‘Dasaratha Shani Stotram’. Reciting this Strotam regularly will remove the malefic effects of Planet Saturn and thus, the person will get rid of his/her problems.

4. Venus:

    • Chanting the mantra of the planet Venus 108 times daily will improve your ey eyesight. ‘Om Shum Shukraya Namaha’ (ओम शम शुक्राया नमः).
    • The natives who have a weak Venus in their horoscope should never wear their clothes without washing them. Wearing unwashed clothes again can increase the malefic effects of this Planet.
    • One can also pour white flowers in the flowing water daily. This remedy can make Planet Venus in your horoscope powerful. And, will protect your eyes from all the problems.

5. Moon:

  • Moon represents mother, thus those natives who have a weak Moon in their horoscopes should never do something against the will of their mother. They should respect them and should not fight with them.
  • Don’t keep birds as your pets because caging them can worsen the situation. The best thing to do is to feed birds in a garden because caging them will increase the malefic effects of this Planet.
  • Sit in a comfortable position and Chant the Moon mantras at least 108 times, “Om som Somaaya Namah”. (ओम सोम सोमाय नमः)

It is recommended that in case you have any eye-related ailments you must consult your doctor first. These suggested remedies can be followed as precautionary measures or in addition to routine medical care. These remedies will probably help you in curing your heart problems but for faster results and for proper surety you can talk to an Astrologer at Future Point and get the surest remedies for eye problems. With effective astrological remedies, you’ll be good to go in no time!