Plant trees on Hariyali Amavasya to gain favour of luck! | Future Point

Plant trees on Hariyali Amavasya to gain favour of luck!

By: Future Point | 07-Aug-2021
Views : 3487Plant trees on Hariyali Amavasya to gain favour of luck!

Hariyali Amavasya 2021, it is the new moon that falls in the month of Shravan. It is also known as Shravani Amavasya. This day keeps a religious significance for the Hindu devotees. 

It is celebrated on the ‘amavasya’ (no moon day) during the ‘Krishna Paksha’ in the ‘Shravana’ month. It marks the onset of the monsoon. It is the first Amavasya of the Shravana month. 

People worship Lord Shiva with reverence this day. The festival of Hariyali Amavasya is more prominent in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh. 

It has different names in different cities like in Maharashtra, it is called ‘Gatari Amavasya.’ In Andhra Pradesh as ‘Chukkala Amavasya,’ and in Odisha, it is celebrated as ‘Chitalagi Amavasya.’ 

In the year 2021, the Shravani Amavasya will fall on 8th August, Sunday. Hariyali Amavasya is particularly special for the farmers. 

On this day, farmers celebrate and distribute prasad made up of jaggery and long for a good monsoon. 

Know the important dates of the year 2021 here!

Significance of Hariyali Amavasya

Hariyali Amavasya falls three days before another renowned festival of Hinduism i.e. ‘Hariyali Teej.’ The month of ‘Shravana’ is dedicated to Lord Shiva. 

It is associated with monsoon season which is essential for good harvest and prevention of draughts. According to the Hindu legends, ‘Shravan’ month is considered auspicious for seeking divine blessings. 

People make donations and perform Pitru Tarpan or Shraadh karma on this day. ‘Peepal’ tree keeps religious significance in Hinduism and this auspicious tree is also worshipped along with deities on this auspicious occasion.

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Rituals and Celebrations

Amavasya is particularly dedicated to the ancestors and hariyali amavasya is yet more auspicious as per Hindu ephemeris or panchang

Devotees wake up early in the morning and perform puja after taking bath to appease the ancestors. They prepare special meal for Brahmins or purohit of the temple. 

Devotees worship Lord Shiva with complete devotion to seek his blessings. Shiv Puja is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to the performers. 

Devotees recite mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva and sing shiv bhajans. Special darshan and rituals are held in Lord Shiva temples. Devotees observe a fast and take meals only after completing the puja rituals. 

At some places, grand fairs are also held on Hariyali Amavasya. Women observe fasts and pray for the well-being of their husbands. All the festivals falling in the month of shravan have special significance and it is the month devoted to Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. 

According to religious belief, after bathing in the holy river, Pind Daan, Shradh Karma is performed to the ancestors on this day. 

Hariyali Amavasya auspicious time

Start of Amavasya date of Shravan month: 07 August on Saturday from 07.11 pm

Closing of Amavasya date of Shravan month: 08th August on Sunday till 07.19 pm

Udaya date is considered for holy bath and donations, so Hariyali Amavasya of Sawan month will be celebrated on 08 August.

Farmers worship their agricultural machines. Monsoons are associated with rains which makes the surrounding lush green. This significant aspect of monsoon has been connected to this festivity and plantation of trees is considered auspicious on this day. 

It is said that planting a new plant on the day of Shravani Amavasya brings fate and prosperity. According to astrology, there is a deep connection between the planets and the zodiac signs of a person. 

Therefore, by planting saplings on the day of Hariyali Amavasya according to your zodiac signs may bring good luck to you.

According to the belief, worship of trees and plants is considered auspicious this day. However plants have alays been an integral part of Hinduism and find mention in almost every ancient text. 

There have been varied legends available for various deities in association with the trees and plants. It is considered a sin if someone disrespect plants or in fact cut them. 

Peepal and Tulsi plants are worshiped on this day. According to the Puranas, the Tridev Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are believed to reside in the Peepal tree. Planting a tree on this day brings auspicious results and removes all the troubles of life.

In the scriptures, one plant is considered equal to ten sons and therefore everyone should plant at least one tree on this auspicious day to show our gratitudes to the trees for the blessings they shower on us.

Plant these 4 plants and luck will follow you

Special worship of Peepal tree is done in Hindu religion. According to the belief, the Peepal tree is believed to be the abode of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Therefore, planting Peepal trees on this day brings luck.

Apart from the Peepal tree, planting a Banyan tree is also considered fortunate. Therefore, a banyan tree should be planted on this day.

The Banana tree is believed to be the abode of Lord Vishnu and Guru Brihaspati. While the banana tree is meant for the worship of Lord Vishnu, it is considered mandatory to worship the planet Jupiter or Brihaspatidevta. Therefore, planting a banana tree on the occasion of Hariyali Teej is auspicious.

The importance of a Tulsi plant is widely known in Hinduism which needs no exaggerations. According to the Puranas, the house where a Tulsi plant is found is considered like a place of pilgrimage, so a Tulsi plant should be planted on Hariyali Amavasya.

You can plant these trees according to your zodiac sign-

Aries: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Aries should plant Amla tree.

Taurus: On the day of Shravani Amavasya, the people of Taurus zodiac should plant a Jamun tree.

Gemini: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Gemini zodiac should plant Champa tree.

Cancer: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Cancer zodiac should plant a Peepal tree.

Leo: On Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Leo zodiac should plant a banyan tree or Ashoka tree.

Virgo: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Virgo zodiac should plant Juhi and Belpatra trees.

Libra: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Libra zodiac should plant Arjun or Nang Kesar tree.

Scorpio: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Scorpio zodiac should plant a neem tree.

Sagittarius: On the day of Shravani Amavasya, the people of Sagittarius zodiac should plant a Kaner tree.

Capricorn: On the day of Hariyali Amavasya, the people of Capricorn should plant a coconut or Shami tree.

Aquarius: The people of Aquarius should plant Mango and Kadamba trees on this day.

Pisces:  The people of Pisces should plant Plum tree on Haryali amavasya.

Planting trees is considered an effective remedy in vedic astrology and one may get rid of his sins and ill fate by planting them. Know hich plant you should opt for after knowing the precise position of the planets in your natal chart. Talk to astrologer and make maximum use of this auspicious occasion to bring prosperity in your life.