Get Highly Detailed Yearly Predictions by LeoStar Varshphal Software | Future Point

Get Highly Detailed Yearly Predictions by LeoStar Varshphal Software

By: Future Point | 17-May-2021
Views : 1908Get Highly Detailed Yearly Predictions by LeoStar Varshphal Software

Getting astrological predictions for life empowers a human being to take informed decisions that work towards minimizing the hurdles and maximizing the chances for succeeding in various aspects of life.

However, formulating an action plan based on what the planets are signifying for you in the near term is equally important. In fact, those who ensure that their actions in the immediate term are positively in-sync with the current planetary transits, have no problem in achieving long term success in their lives.

Hence, it becomes very important for a professional astrologer to correctly decode what the current or upcoming year has in store for his/her client based on the ongoing as well as near term transitory movements of the planets in the Zodiac Belt applied on the Natal Horoscope or Janam Kundli of the client.

Also Read: Get the Best Software for Performing Perfect Kundli Analysis

Need for a Dedicated Varshphal Software 

In order to perform correct yearly analysis of transits of different planets and their effects on an individual based on that individual’s Horoscope or Kundli, an astrologer is required to either perform complicated manual mathematical calculations which by the way are easily prone to human errors or use a Varshphal Horoscope Software that will make the job much more easier and ultimately result into an accurate & incredibly useful astrological analysis!

Apart from offering multiple types of astrology or occult based softwares, Future Point offers LeoStar Varshphal which is basically an Yearly Horoscope Software that provides a phenomenal insight into what the upcoming year is holding up for a native.

LeoStar Varshphal comes with a plethora of highly useful features that enable an astrologer to perform a detailed & comprehensive analysis of a native’s Horoscope or Kundli while factoring in the effects of current planetary transits on various domains of that native’s life.

In order to derive the specific astrological remedies that would work towards warding off negative planetary effects that are responsible for attracting obstacles in a native’s life, an astrologer needs to understand how exactly the ongoing transit of various planets are affecting that native and for that it is vital that the astrologer uses the right Varshphal Software.

LeoStar Varshphal is a software that is based on various time tested occult concepts prescribed by the ancient forefathers of Vedic Astrology such as Sage Parashar and Sage Jaimini. This software incorporates the Tajik System of astrological analysis as well which is famous for providing extremely crucial & accurate astrological predictions.

LeoStar Varshphal contains multiple astrological modules that immensely help an astrologer to correctly decipher the forthcoming trajectory of an individual’s life. 

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A few of these astro-modules are:

  • Planetary Aspect
  • Bhava Aspect
  • Cuspal Aspect
  • Sapta Vargas
  • Shodash Vargas 
  • Varga Bhedas
  • Vimsopaka
  • Karaka
  • Avastha
  • Rashmi
  • Nakshatra Reading
  • Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis 
  • Transit Predictions for the Next 30 Years

Moreover, LeoStar Varshphal provides more than 500 key astrological combinations as well as accurate information on planetary transits till 9999. 

It also offers the combinations and remedial measures for many inauspicious ‘Doshas’ which are basically ‘Planetary Flaws’ that emerge out of ill placed planets in the Natal Horoscope of a native such as the Manglik Dosh and the Kaal Sarp Dosha. Significant emphasis is also given on the concept of Sade Sati and its effects as well.

So in a nutshell, if you are a practicing astrologer and wish to add a truly professional touch to your astrological analysis, then simply get LeoStar Varshphal and bring a significant increase in the accuracy of your predictions!

As mentioned above, apart from LeoStar Varshphal, Future Point offers an entire LeoStar Series of Kundli Softwares based on Vedic Astrology alongwith specific/focussed occult or astrological modules such as Lal Kitab, Numerology, K.P. System & Horary, Muhurat etc.

Future Point provides Astrology based software solutions for both Windows as well as Android platforms. It also offers a web based API that can be run by the user on a website.

So whether it is a Kundli Software for iphone that you are looking for or a software solution for any other platform, simply contact Future Point and get the required astrology based software solution that would take your astrological analysis to a whole new level of accuracy and position you as a successful Professional Astrologer!