Control Anger with Gems and Crystals | Future Point

Control Anger with Gems and Crystals

By: Future Point | 29-Nov-2021
Views : 3507Control Anger with Gems and Crystals

“Where there is anger, there is pain underneath” – Anonymous

In various teachings anger is considered as a poison because it turns divine into devil. Anger is a destructive state. 

It promotes negative emotions and violence into a person leading undesirable circumstances. 

Anger not only brings out the worst in people but can lead to tough consequences – constant mental stress, disturbed relationships and lack of decision making. 

It is very important to keep aggression under control else it may push us towards several diseases like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, brain strokes and heart ailments etc. 

Luckily, crystal and gems healing may save us from this monstrous feeling of anger which do nothing but to ruin our mental and physical beings. 

An astrology course may help us to know about the usage of these gemstones in detail. Read further to know how crystals can help us with stress relief and anger management.

Benefits of crystals and gems in anger management:

  • Crystals attract soothing energy and exude calmness into your aura 
  • Crystals help to create peaceful surroundings in your home or workplace
  • Crystals create awareness and clarity in mind that helps to control anger
  • Crystals take control of fiery emotions if we meditate with crystals every day

Anger plays havoc on our relationships and gives us immense stress. In today’s fast paced life it is difficult to avoid anger and thus frustration. 

Anger tends to follow wherever we go. Astrologers suggest that with the help of crystals and gems, it is possible to keep ourselves calm and away from negative emotions caused by anger. 

These gemstones and crystals are known to have immense healing powers that help us to win over aggression. 

These are the most effective and impressive gems and crystals when it comes to anger management: 

1)    Howlite

Howlite is a famous stone with calming properties. This soft white stone puts therapeutic effects on its users. 

It is a gentle, soothing and nurturing stone that helps to remove the feelings of hate, anger, resentment, and self-hatred. 

It transforms these negative emotions and raises patience, calmness, peace, and tranquility in the person. To take control of our energies is a time consuming process and can’t happen overnight. 

So, one has to have patience while working with these therapeutic stones. Howlite is best suited to those who find it difficult to focus or concentrate due to too much anxiety or wandering mind. 

How to use it: the easiest way is to wear it as jewelry, this way you can keep this stone close to your body throughout the day to take benefits of its calming properties. 

One may also use it while meditating or may also keep it under pillow to have better sleep. 

2)    Bloodstone

Bloodstone is another stone known to bring tranquility to the user. The stone is believed to boost immunity as well. 

It gives inner strength to the person so that he/she can handle anger in a better way. Its purification properties replace negative energies with positive ones. 

It is an excellent stone for those who are facing stressful times or facing challenges in maintaining mental harmony.

How to use it: the beautiful stone can be worn as a piece to take benefits of its calming energy. Use bloodstone can be used during meditation sessions as well for controlling anger. 

3)    Pearl

Pearl is a famous gemstone in astrology that is known for its soothing effects. It is associated with the softest planet Moon and thus holds the calming and cooling properties of the planet. 

It may benefit its wearer to take control on negative emotions by strengthening his/her inner self. 

In astrology, the Moon signifies mind and its stone will definitely have calming impact on mind which will ultimately control anger. 

Pearl also adds luster and glow to its wearer. It is extracted from the naturally calm depths of the ocean and thus possesses that calmness in it. 

The nurturing energy of Pearl quickly diminishes the negative energy while channelizing it through a productive way.

How to use it: this is mostly worn in a ring or pendant to give soothing effects to the wearer. 

4)    Peridot

A substitute of emerald in terms of cost, Peridot is a beautiful yellowish-green gemstone. Its gentle, soothing tendencies are known to release and transform anger and resentment into peace and awareness. 

It can help us to remain focused and control our anger. Unlike other gemstones, Peridot is produced through molten lava and is pushed towards the surface in the process of volcanic eruptions. 

The stone is known to possess high protective properties. This miraculous stone is a must-have crystal for anger management and stress relief. Peridot can also act as a protective shield against evil eyes. 

How to use it: the most fashionable way to use this beautiful green stone is to wear it as jewelry, or use it for meditating, breathing techniques to help you reduce tension and anger. 

5)    Amethyst

Amethyst is also a popular stone known for its tranquil properties. This purple coloured stone not just purifies negative energies in a person but also helps to raise his/her intellectual levels. 

It induces sense of judgment in a person and helps to focus better. This amazing crystal dissolves anger, stress, resentment, and all other negative harmful emotions. It awakens clarity of mind and brings awareness.

How to use it: it can be worn as jewelry to infuse your aura with its calming energy. It can be also used for meditations and healing sessions. One may display Amethyst geodes, spheres, or towers in your living area to create a peaceful ambience.

6) Smoky Quartz 

This crystal is known as one of the most powerful healing crystals. It is a perfect crystal for those who wish to release and control anger, rage, frustrations, and resentment. It also acts as a powerful crystal for those looking for relief from stressful phases of life.

How to use it: Smoky Quartz is often used by Reiki healers to reduce stress and release anger. It proves to be a wonderful tool for breathing techniques and meditation or may be worn as jewelry.

All above mentioned gemstones and crystals infuse positivity and calmness in the wearer but at the same time these should not be worn just like that. A talk to astrologer is required to choose the most suitable one for you based on your natal planetary placements. Alternatively one may also learn vedic astrology to introduce these wonderful gemstones in the lives of loved ones.