Clear Indications That Your Partner Doesn't Love You Anymore | Future Point

Clear Indications That Your Partner Doesn't Love You Anymore

By: Future Point | 26-Jun-2019
Views : 2290Clear Indications That Your Partner Doesn

A relationship is the most fruitful period of one’s life. Feeling loved and loving someone is the most profound emotion one can experience. A romantic relationship with the person you love is what everyone desires and dreams about, but where there is love, pain accompanies.

However, there are times when relationships turn sour and we feel like the love that was there in the past has lost its charm. Failed relationships happen for many reasons but a failure in a relationship is often a source of great psychological anguish.

Strong relationships are made when both people have nurtured it with care and communication. Although relationships can take many forms, certain traits have been shown to be especially important for relationships. Devoting time and attention is the basic thing and one should always be grateful for one another.

But what if a person is feeling stuck in a relationship and is not able to do anything? And what if one of them has fallen out of love of the other? What if one of them is wondering that if the other person still loves them or not? It is very difficult for one to know whether they are loved by the other one or not.

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Here are the clear indications which will let you know if your partner does not love you anymore:

1. A Lot Of Space Is Required By Them:

When your partner starts asking time for himself and is trying to stay away from you. He/she wants to “find himself” and spends their time alone.They might go missing for hours and days. Even though you are spending time with each other but now they don’t want to stay in touch at all the times like they used to. There was a time when they couldn’t get enough of you but now there is no zeal and you’re together just for the sake of being together.

Excuses are coming your way all the time for not staying with you. No matter what excuses he/she uses, it becomes really hard for you to connect with them. When they spend time with you, they act like they are doing a big favor on you.

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2. Discussions Of Your Relationship Are Always Turned Into Negative Light

Usually one is a problem solver of the two and when he/she stops solving problems and takes them in the negative light it is the time that you know that his/her interest is being lost. The person who has stopped loving detached himself will always be hopelessly complaining about things.

If a person really loves you, they won’t mind walking an extra mile in order to get your relationship on the track. They will even let go off their friends and value if they know that their relationship is being affected by them. If they are not making such efforts, it is time to realize that they have stopped loving you.

3. The Way You Process A Conflict Has Completely Changed

When people fall out of love, they handle disagreements and conflicts in a totally different way than they used to. All the couples have their different conflict style and it just depends upon the sort of person they both are and what sort of bond they share with each other. Some couples fight like cats and dogs but they make up as there exists the love between these two and they make up everything they have done.

Sometimes spending time alone is required but when one person doesn’t reach out to you after an argument, and they continue living their life in a normal way. It is time to know that they are out of love from you.

4. They Have Gotten Weirdly Protective About Their Phone And Privacy

When one starts spending more time on his/her phone when you both are together it is a warning signal that he/she might be flirting with some other person. If they don’t keep a check on you when you’re away you need to understand how they are not getting affected by your absence and are enjoying the freedom away from you.

If a person is flirting with other person or talking to someone without your knowledge they will be overprotective towards their phone and won’t leave it around you for a second.

5. Your Partner Has Started Making Disrespectful And Negative Comments

Your respectful and once-loving partner has started making rude comments which they know are hurting your sentiments. They might even mock you in front of people which seems as just fine but if your partner wasn’t doing this earlier it is an alarming sign.

They will start comparing your relationship to others or even compare you with one of their exes which will take your relationship in a negative light. Your quirks which were considered cute by them earlier will irritate or frustrate them. Your one simple question would turn into a matter of trust and you will be questioned that you don’t have any sort of trust for them.

You might be told that strong and a long relationship is only because of the adequate amount of love and people cannot stick to each other without love.

Sadly that is not true. If you were to ask a couple that how was it possible for them to stay for a long period of time, their answer will tell you that love is not only the basis because of which they were able to stick together. They’ll tell you about how their relationship wasn’t perfect but still, they managed. People fall in and out of love quite a number of times. But it is how you make them come back to you. So what can you do to make them come back to you?

Here are some simple tricks to make your other half fall back in love with you;

Do not panic and start doing all the lovely things for them to get the connection back! If you start working instantaneously, this might irk your partner and make them drift apart more.

You need to wait for the correct time to do anything. Love is like a see-saw and if one person is doing more the other will automatically start doing less. That is why doing a bunch of actions would make your partner even go away more than they are now. You can’t force anyone to realize your value and you must back off at the correct time.

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Thoughts might arise that backing off is the worst thing you can do but backing off and relaxing is the only thing which will make them come back in your life. This will create a happy environment and your partner would love to come back to you themselves.

In case you feel that there isn’t anything that’s working for your love, you can Talk to an Astrologer and go in for a Relationship Counselling by an Astrologer. This would enable you to see the real worth in your relationship and make consistent efforts to bring it back on track!