Can marital life be difficult even after matching horoscope?
By: Future Point | 27-Jun-2018
Views : 3128
The Hindu religion is one of the oldest religion and has laid down various rituals and practices for the betterment of mankind. These rituals and practices has now become the principles which holds the varied beliefs in Hinduism. One of them is to match the two horoscopes of a Man and Women before their marriage. It is a belief that proper matchmaking is a good beginning for a happy married life. Hence astrologers press hard on the importance of match making between the two individuals. And in case of any shortcoming, one should duly do the necessary remedial measures to remove the same.
Though some believe that Match Making is a mere superstitious belief and reject the practice outrightly, for them they need to understand that astrological match making is not an act of intuition, but even a science. Astrology is a science of calculations from our Vedic days which is designed to give one definite answer to any query. Therefore, the shades of grey are removed completely.
In that case, why do we come across cases, which despite matching the two horoscopes before marriage, ended in a disastrous? Some time even we see the death of a partner or one of them getting paralyzed for life. One would be forced to find answers post any failure. This is usually due to half-hearted or incomplete exercise of Match-Making. Therefore, one should understand how the matching making process is done. The detailed points which are important to be analysed while the compatibility between the two individuals are undertaken. Along with them the auxiliary steps should also be analysed for good results.
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Now, usually in India, the horoscope match making is done with a method called Ashtakoot method. Where one would decide the match-making on the following 8 parameters; which are: Varna, Vasya, Dina, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Rashi and Naadi. These 8 parameters score a set of 36 points, though not proportionately. A weighted average is taken out from these 8 parameters and then a final judgement is given.
Hence, there is an element of Judgement which also plays a role in the science of astrology. As a weighted average is scored from the above 8 paraments, the auxiliary points are also analysed to assess the impact in an individual’s life. If not analysed carefully, then one would have to suffer shortcomings in their life. Therefore, experience along with though knowledge is a must for an expert astrologer to analyse the two horoscopes and then give analysis.
Now, when an expert astrologer is blessed with experience they delve deeper into the auxiliary subject for analysing the two horoscopes for match making. Where they even check out for any dosha in the individual’s horoscope. To identify these dosha and to give appropriate remedy is a must.
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Other than checking for compatibility and for remedying these dosha, these are some of the other crucial points (auxiliary point) which would need to be analysed by an expert astrologer. They are:
- Check out for the longevity of the two horoscopes. This must be do it independently and then analysed for the compatibility results together.
- Health of the two individuals also should be analysed. If either of them is expected to suffer from perineal health problems, such as bed-redden etc., then this point should also be considered wile match making.
- Any Dosha which comes from either of the two lineages, should be analyses adequately. These type of Dosha is not found in the usual manner of horoscope analysis. For this, one would have to undertake horary horoscope or astrology format. Only an expert astrologer is trained to undertake such an examination.
- For e.g: If there is dosha due to not performing the rituals to the Kuldev-Devi, one would have to check out what is the Dosh and in certain cases, even who is the Kuldev-Devi. Once you know them, an appropriate remedy can be undertaken. These days, such a problem is common and if ignored, then the subsequent generation would also suffers from the same.
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- Further any appropriate remedy for shortcomings should be suggested. In case if any one of the two individuals suffer from any shortcomings, a remedy should be reached out accordingly.
- If divorce yoga exists in any of the horoscopes then also match making practice turns futile and marriage fails. Therefore divorce Yoga shouldn’t be there at all.
- If marital bliss is not promised in one of the two horoscopes then also the marriage fails.
Therefore, if a complete 360 degree analysis is not undertaken, then despite good match score in the horoscopes of the two individual, one would suffer from a strained married relationship.
To know more about the same, you can reach out to us at or take an appointment with our astrologer at Future point. They are experts to answer to all your queries.