Astrological Remedies for Overcoming Depression | Future Point

Astrological Remedies for Overcoming Depression

By: Future Point | 26-Apr-2018
Views : 10030Astrological Remedies for Overcoming Depression

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. In medical terminology, it can be defined as a major depressive disorder or clinical depression. 10 out of 9 people in the world are suffering from depression. It exists within but very difficult to diagnose. On other words, depression is a serious mental disorder that slowly and slowly makes a person confined and isolated from the outer world.

A frequent mood swing also indicates an onset of depression. Severe depression makes a person highly gloomy, negative and no interest in life. Being a victim of depression is like fighting with our own self, your mind goes out towards the darkness and this could be life threatening also. Depression can be caused due to over ambition, failure in the love life, failure in examination, relationship trouble, bad marriages and financial constraints. If there is a continuous change in the behavior of a person, then it shows that he or she is suffering from some depressive symptoms.

The signs that are mostly seen are remaining isolated, unsocial, and unable to concentrate and not going out anymore. Depression is sum of two words “deep” and “pressure”. It means when a person go through deep pressure due to some specific reason like married life, job, property, children etc that create negative thinking and those negative thoughts convert in depression.

Some people get cured but some never come out after despite of many efforts. Depression becomes a serious matter if it punches very often and they become the victim of it. Don't worry it's a part of our life, but if you don't figure it out then this could be a serious problem for you. To uproot these negative feelings from your life, you need to see it from the astrological way and this will really help you out. Let's tell you some simple remedies that you could follow to fight back.

Drinking water in a silver glass

Drinking water in a silver glass can make your Moon stronger. According to Vedic astrology, Moon denotes water and signifies our feelings, emotions and surprisingly a person with a weak Moon drinks less water, so intake of plenty of water everyday can strengthen it and will bring happiness, positivity, flourishing and lucky lifestyle.

Worshipping Lord Shiva and offering water

Keeping fasts on Mondays, Worshipping Lord Shiva and offering water to Shivalinga on a favorable day will be beneficial for you.

Wear silver

Wearing silver ornaments can help to diminish the malefic effect of Moon and removes the bipolar and depressive syndrome.

Keep good relations with your mother

Keep good relations with your mother. Moon signifies mother in a horoscope online, so obey her and takes blessings from her. If you don’t have a mother, then respect elderly and old women.

Recite Mantra

According to Hinduism, Shiva is a God associated with Moon. Regular enchanting of mantras “Om Namah Shivaya”, or any other mantra related to Lord Shiva can bring happiness and charm in the life. A regular prayer to Shiva with complete commitment and follow a path of truth and loyalty has been useful in balancing a Moon in a horoscope.

Planetary effects

The Ascendant Lord: In a birth chart the most auspicious planet is the one which governs the ascendant. The ascendant is the 1st house of your birth chart. A strong and well placed ascendant lord will let the rays of the ever existing inner Sun to light up your being in your hour of despair.

The Moon:

Moon is given much importance in Vedic Astrology as our ancient sages realized the importance and role of human mind which is represented by the natal Moon. Even if you are physically strong you may get depressed easily due to difficulties faced in life if your mind is weak. A weak or afflicted natal Moon may give lack of self-confidence, fluctuations of mood, cloudy mentality, anxiety and suicidal tendencies.

The Moon:

Moon is given much importance in Vedic Astrology as our ancient sages realized the importance and role of human mind which is represented by the natal Moon. Even if you are physically strong you may get depressed easily due to difficulties faced in life if your mind is weak. A weak or afflicted natal Moon may give lack of self-confidence, fluctuations of mood, cloudy mentality, anxiety and suicidal tendencies.

The Sun:

In a birth chart the Sun represents the core personality of the native in addition to overall health. A strong and well placed Sun in a birth chart gives moral strength, inspiration and undying hope even in hour of despair.


Our mind can be brought under control by right use of our intellect and the planet Mercury is the key planet for this.

The Ascendant:

A strong and non afflicted ascendant gives self-reliance and great strength to the person.

The 4th House:

Affliction free 4th house gives peace of mind and influence of 6th, 8th and 12th houses or their lords on the 4th house and its lord take away peace of mind and feelings of tranquility.

The 5th House:

Strength and auspiciousness of the 5th house gives good intellect and ability to give and receive love.

It's very important to share what you feel from inside at this stage if your adversity and our professional astrologer is always looking up for you to pull you out from this problem. Our team of best astrology consultant will listen to you and will prescribe you the way out of your problem and guide you with astrology prediction.