According to your of birth, these career options will bring success for you | Future Point

According to your of birth, these career options will bring success for you

By: Future Point | 10-Nov-2018
Views : 7129According to your of birth, these career options will bring success for you

Everyone has a desire to get a good job and achieve success but the bitter truth of career life is that most people land up in the wrong jobs and get stuck amidst a struggling career path for life. If you are facing problems in the work field or dissatisfied with your job, you would be delighted to know that your birth date can help you determine the career which will bring success in your career life.

Many people are unaware that your birth date is the solution of your all career related problems. Your birth date can tell you where you have the greatest chance of success. Your birth date is an excellent tool to know what kind of work suits for best.

Career astrology: Numerology


According to numerology, every number from 1 to 9 has its own set of characteristics which impact the personality of a person. The best Numerology can guide you to choose a profession and field of work that is best suited for your abilities. It increases the chances of success in the career life and brings job satisfaction.

Number 1

If you born on 1, 10, 19 or 28 date of a month then your numerology number is 1. Ruling planet of this number is Sun. Those people who belong to this number are born leaders. They love to take risks in life and never say no to any work or challenges. This quality makes them a good businessman. They can make a career in managerial positions. Business is also a very suitable career option for them.

Number 2

People who born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 dates of a month, they belong to Number 2. These natives are very creative in nature and do well in the field of art. Art, painting, acting, fashion designing are the most suitable career options for them. They also make very good diplomats.

Number 3

Who born on 3, 12, 21 or 30 dates of a month, their lucky number is 3. Jupiter is the ruling planet for these natives. They are very good in terms of finance and strong in nature. They should make their career in the field of bank and finance. If you want to do business then retail business is good for you. It will give you huge success and money. Banking, finance-related fields and retail business are the best fields for number 3 people.

Number 4

People born on 4, 13, 31 and 22 are considered very unique and unconventional. Their number is 4 and they are known as risk takers but not good in taking right decisions. This will put them in trouble situations. You must stay away from gambling and speculation. Art and acting field can bring success for you.

Number 5

People born on 5, 23 or 14 come under number 5. They are very good at decision making. Their communications skills are highly influential. Number 5 natives can make brilliant stock market traders. They can easily convince other people. They just to love to take risks in life and routine or safe jobs bore them. Technology, sports, marketing or sales related fields are the best field for you.

Number 6

If you take birth on 6, 15 or 24 then your number is 6 and your ruling planet is Venus. They always look for the limelight and have a charismatic personality. They can make their career in hotel or restaurant business, luxury products. Entertainment field related jobs will bring name and fame for you.

Number 7

People born on 7, 16 or 25 are belong to number 7. Research is the main work you. They have a uniquely innovative and creative world different from others. Their innovative mind brings them a lot of success. They should make their career in those fields that allow them to showcase their creative and innovative ideas.

Number 8

If you are born on 8, 17 or 26 then your number is 8. Mostly people of this number struggle in their life till the age of 35. They are very simple and straightforward person. They can achieve success through their hard work. Politics, metal, real estate and finance are the best fields for them. They can also do business in these fields.

Number 9

People born on 9, 27 or 18 date of month related to number 9. They do well in the field of sports. This number is ruled by Mars. They are very courageous in nature. Sports, jobs in the defence forces or business in chemicals or real estate are the suitable fields for them.

However, this does not mean that they will not succeed in other professions but they have more chances to achieve success related to their number. If you are facing any difficulty or problem in your career life then consult our Numerology experts and get numerology compatibility, online numerology prediction, career horoscope, career Vedic astrology. One can do Numerology Course in South Delhi.