Love Marriage and Relationship Astrology Solution | Marriage Reports

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Marriage Report: From calculating sun sign compatibility to searching for a soulmate, astrology has always played a pivotal role in love, marriage, and relationships. Kundali matching, Horoscope matching, and moon sign compatibility are all popular ways to find out if your partner and you make a great couple or not! Love marriage astrology and Arrange marriage astrology are two most important aspects when one compares his/her match.

Astrology has been an old player when it comes to horoscope and kundali matching when marriage is around the corner. To build a strong foundation in a love relationship, the natal chart of the couple is matched and the percentage of love and compatibility is calculated.

Love Marriage

As per Vedic Astrology, birth chart contains the time and nature of your marriage, as well as the temperament of your partner along with how your marriage will be. It’s a booklet that contains your career predictions, job predictions, marriage predictions, child birth predictions, and all other major events that take place in a person’s life.

With the help of astrological backing, you can get help to make your love marriage successful. Early marriage, late marriage, or delays in marriage can all find answers and remedies through Vedic Astrology. Through Vedic Astrology, couples can also seek help in estranged relationships; minor or major tiffs happening, or any kind of disturbances happening in your relationship. Remedies are available for all problems, be it lack of commitment or any socio-economic factor creating an obstacle in your marriage.

Inter-Caste or Inter-Religion Marriage

There is a lot of stigma that surrounds Inter-caste and inter-religion marriages in the society. There are still many families that shy away from marrying their daughters out of their caste or religion, due to age old beliefs of keeping the bloodline intact.

Love problem solution astrologer at Future Point will help you break through these age old taboos and pave way for a happy married life through remedies that combat such issues.

Arranged Marriage

Marriage predictions for arranged marriage is also calculated through birth chart or kundali of the couple. The position of the planet, the planets aspecting 7th house, the house of marriage are some of the key factors that are also considered while calculating the compatibility through kundali matching. Based on calculations from these factors, the nature and time of marriage can be calculated. In arranged marriages, families are known to go for kundali matching first before settling down for the real talk, in which case the marriage strictly depends on how well the couple score in kundali matching.

The planets that are most propitious in the bit chart for marriage are Jupiter, Moon, and Venus. The placement of these planets determine whether or not the marriage will be successful or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we find out possible chances of a love affair from a birth chart?

Yes! In Vedic Astrology the most important part is the birth chart, through which all questions can be answered. Through one’s birth chart, it can become apparent when love would enter their life. The position of planet Venus in one’s birth chart denotes the popularity they will have amongst the opposite sex. If the position of Venus is weak or is aspected by a malefic planet, the effect is seen in love relationships of the concerned person.

How can I be sure that my marriage will be successful?

As per Love, Marriage, and relationship report in order to get a marriage to work, the placement of Mars and Venus in the birth chart is extremely important. The love marriage consultant predicts that marriage is only possible when the Planet Jupiter is present in the 7th house of your birth chart. To convert a love relationship into marriage the position of Jupiter is of the utmost importance.

Is there a way in astrology that we can get married through if our parents are against the marriage?

The horoscope matching is an ancient technique of matching the compatibility between a couple. The kundali matching helps astrologer find out if the marriage is favourable for the couple and the family or not. It also finds out if the marriage will even happen or not and if there will be any problems after marriage. Basically, your kundali holds each and every answer to your questions. If the 7th house favours you, there are bright prospects of a marriage happening.

Can a manglik and non-manglik get married?

The most asked question of them all, yes, it’s probable that a manglik and non manglik get married and live happily ever after. However, to get a proper answer with prescribed remedy to combat the malefic effect if any of the Mangal planet, our astrologers will have to take a look at the kundali of both the partners. The astrologer needs to be sure about whether the manglik dosh is serious or partial to curate a remedy that could help the pair. Vedic Astrology can help with manglik dosh, but it must be taken care of before tying the knot.