Will Your Desires Come True With Mercury Transit in Aries? | Future Point

Will Your Desires Come True With Mercury Transit in Aries?

By: Future Point | 07-Apr-2022
Views : 1701Will Your Desires Come True With Mercury Transit in Aries?

Mercury, the planet of intelligence and wit will transit into Aries on April 8th, 2022. Whenever a planet changes sign it brings varied results to our respective lives. Mercury also represents trade, commerce, accounts, banking and communications. So, information about its transit is very important to know about the good and bad results it may bring to various signs of the zodiac. Mercury is a dual planet and rules two zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. Well placed Mercury brings good education, trade, success in business, intelligence and pleasing appearance. Its transit affects all these aspects in one’s life and hence it becomes crucial to know its impact on your zodiac.

Timing of Mercury Transit in Aries

Date: April 8, 2022, Friday

Time: 11:50 A.M. 

The planet will stay in this sign till April 25, 2022, and after that it will move into the sign of Taurus. 


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Let’s understand the impact of the transit of Mercury on various signs of the zodiac:


For Aries natives, Mercury is the lord of the third and sixth house and will be transiting through the first house of the zodiac. Mercury in the first house will give a boost to the natives’ personality. The natives will feel energetic and will take important decisions of life creating long lasting impacts on the family members. Since, Mercury is placed in a fiery sign which will give rise to a possibility of outrage and over confidence. These negative emotions may spoil your relations with your spouse and loved ones. Also talk nicely with people at work. You are advised to avoid haste and take decisions wisely. Financially, the period is good to make long term investments. You may also plan fun outings with friends and family during this period. Health should be taken care and you are advised to follow a disciplined exercise routine.


For the Taurus natives, Mercury rules the second and fifth house of the zodiac and will be placed in the twelfth house. This time period will bring increases in expenditures but those working in MNC’s will be benefitted. If you are doing foreign trade then the time is extremely good for you. Many may go abroad for business or studies related matters. However, the position may take your savings and finances down due to unexpected expenditures. Business people may undertake huge investments but at the same time it is advised to check the documents properly. Time is good for love life as partners may spend time together. Health will remain weak with minor issues. Maintain nutritious diet routine to avoid any health troubles.


For the Gemini natives, Mercury rules the first and fourth house and the transit will take place in the 11th house of the zodiac. Transit of Mercury in the 11th house will offer ample opportunities for earning wealth and fame. All your desires will be fulfilled during this time with great amount of enhancement in your creativity and communication skills. You will be recognized for your creative pursuits and sharp intellect. Better negotiation skills will help you crack new profitable business deals. Financially, the period is good and there are chances of earning through speculations and share market activities. Love and married life will remain smooth. The transit will make you socially active and you may also earn through the support of your friends and elder siblings. No health trouble is foreseen during this period.


For the cancer natives, Mercury rules the twelfth and third house and will be placed in the tenth house of the zodiac. Mercury here may not bring good results related to your business and career. You need to work harder than before to achieve the desired success. There are chances of change and transfers in job for some natives. You might be entrusted with new responsibilities at work increasing your work load. Handle it gracefully at atmosphere at home may remain disturbed due to your work stress. Business people may earn well. Expenses need to be checked as there are chances of heavy expenditures especially to maintain your status in the society. The relations with younger siblings and friends may not remain harmonious and you have to be careful while talking to them as any sarcasm may spoil the relations. Short trips are also possible which you should undertake carefully as chances of accidents are there. It’s better to avoid these if possible. Love life will be fine. Health of your parents may get bad during this time. Any past disease may trouble you for this time. 


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For the Leo natives, Mercury rules the 2nd and eleventh house and will be placed in the ninth house of the zodiac. This is a beneficial transit for Leo natives. Your luck will support you in all your endeavors. There are bright chances of gaining success for those pursuing higher studies. Your religious and spiritual inclinations will be enhanced during this time. Financially, this transit will prove extremely good and you will be able to earn through various sources. The working efficiency of the natives will be enhanced bringing success and recognition at work for them. It’s a period of wealth creation which you should utilize to the most. You will enjoy good times with family and friends and there would remain full support of your siblings for this time. There are chances of work related short travels as well which will bring long term benefits to you. Alternatively, you may also take a fun trip with your loved ones. Health will be good with no sign of illness but still there is no harm in maintaining a healthy life style. 


For the Virgo natives, Mercury rules the 1st and 10th house and will be placed in the 8th house of the zodiac. Lagna Lord going into the eighth house is not a desirable position and you might face an element of suddenness in your regular activities. Changes, challenges and obstacles will follow your work routine during this transit. You have to work harder to achieve even simplest of the work goals. However, your communication skills will be enhanced bringing favor of your loved ones and others due to your affluent speech. There are chances of earning through inheritance and hidden resources. You may also clear off your debts if any through your negotiation skills and yield of past investments. Married and love life will be fine and your spouse will support you in your decisions. Health needs to be taken care. Some skin and teeth related problems may trouble you for this time. Even father’s health has to be checked as there are chances of deterioration in his health. 


For the Libra natives, Mercury rules the twelfth and 9th house and will be placed in the seventh house of the zodiac. This transit will prove beneficial for those involved in trade of cloth, paper and green articles. Even others will be benefitted as Mercury is also a karaka of trade of all types. There are chances of entering new business deals or you may expand your business during this time period. It is the best time to plan any new investments. All your efforts focused in the direction of improving your business will prove successful and you will earn abundantly. Business people can make maximum out of this transit. Even those in job will get ample opportunities. There are chances of promotion, transfers and new employments. Those looking for better opportunities abroad are likely to be benefitted with this transit. Some of you may also plan foreign trips for work purpose. Expenses may remain high but will be balanced with your earnings this time. You have to be cautious in married relations as chances of frictions and arguments are there. Health would be fine and you will remain energetic throughout. 


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For the Scorpio natives, Mercury rules the 8th and eleventh house and will be placed in the sixth house of the zodiac. During this transition period, employed people have to face challenges at the work place. There might be arguments with the colleagues and your co-workers may not support you in your decisions. You have to choose words wisely as it would be the main reason of conflicts with someone. You are suggested to stay away from any type of mess during this period. Expenses are likely to go high and you may spend unnecessarily. However, if you were waiting to get some loan from the bank then it would materialize for this time. Your network circle and elder siblings may also support you in your job or may help you financially. You would clear your past debts with their help during this time. Health may not be in good shape and you may face issues related to skin, teeth, back and hormones. Maintain a healthy lifestyle during this time. 


For the Sagittarius natives, Mercury rules the 7th and tenth house and will be placed in the fifth house of the zodiac. This transit will give enhancement in your intellectual and creative skills. Your work skills will help you to finish every work in time that will help you gain success and growth. Business people will also be benefitted with the transit. Those involved in speculation and stock market activities will also get fruitful results. This is an encouraging time for your love and life partner. They will do extremely well in their professions. Don’t take any decision involving high investment in haste and check the documents properly. The transit will increase your expenses but would not trouble you. You may also plan fun outings with friends or your love partner.  Natives will also hear some good news from their children. The students will perform well during this time. Health would be fine with little mental stress related to increased work load and new work plans. However, you will cope up well with meditation and fun activities. 


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For the Capricorn natives, Mercury rules the sixth and ninth house and will be placed in the fourth house of the zodiac. The transit is beneficial for your career prospects. You will be recognized at work for your hard work and skillful attitude. There are chances of buying some property or vehicles during the transit. Those involved in real estate business will also gain through profitable deals. Brokers will also see good times. But for few, disputes and issues related to property may also emerge. Harmonious environment at home will keep your mind relaxed and you will spend quality time with your loved ones. Health would be fine except some chest infections and cold. But you should take care of the health of your mother. There are possibilities of some auspicious event in your house. 


For Aquarius natives, Mercury rules the 5th and 8th house and will be placed in the 3rd house of the zodiac. You will notice enhancements in your communication skills that will earn you favor of many. Your creativity and intellect will bring social recognition and praises at work. Some opportunity of permanent nature will fall in your lap bringing you long term benefits and settlement in life. There are chances of short travels as well. The relations with siblings and friends would be harmonious and any past disagreements will be solved. Take care of your expenses during this time. You may also meet someone special during this time. Your love life will flourish and you may introduce your love of life to your family during this transit. Those awaiting progeny will hear good news. Health should be taken care as there may be some restlessness in your shoulders and hands. 


For the Pisces natives, Mercury rules the 4th and 7th house and will be placed in the 2nd house of the zodiac. There are chances of gaining through sale of property. Your bank balance will increase with sale proceeds of a vehicle or a piece of land. Financially, the transit period is good bringing overall satisfaction in money matters. Business people will take steps towards expansion and exploration of new ventures. The transitional duration of the planet will prove beneficial for you. Happiness in relations will follow except some arguments in married life. There are chances of health issues related to your skin, mouth or teeth.

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