Which phase of Sade-Sati is worse?
By: Future Point | 29-Sep-2018
Views : 95043
The Indian Vedic astrology has giving importance to Sade Sathi since time immoral. The effects of Sade Sati have been well documented in various literatures, forming a tenet in astrology. In fact, this tenet finds more and more experiences getting added and will server as a huge reservoir of knowledge for coming years. Many of these experiences will also serve as astrology solution in sade sati as each case is different to the other. These experiences are purely based on the karma or deeds of an individual. Since, lord Saturn is the true Judge of one’s karma. He shall reward or reprimand a native according to their karma phal.
Hence, readers are advised not to fall prey to the illogical fear which is spread by many mediocre that Sade sati is associated with hurdles and difficulties. In fact, there are many good occasions in one’s life such as good health, acquiring wealth, getting a good job, marriage and progeny, foreign settlement, purchasing a property etc., do happen during sade sati. Also, it is lord Saturn who would lead to salvation or Moksha if the deeds of a native are praiseworthy. Hence sade sathi need not be always problematic. The results are purely based on the karma enjoyed by a native. In case of any shortcomings, it is then a learnt and expert astrologer would suggest sade sati remedies.
So, let us first understand the basics of sade sathi. What is sade sati or the transit of 7.5 years of Saturn is spread across. This will form the basis of Sade sati calculator. A sade sati or lord Saturn’s transit is split into Dahiya’s ; which is 2.5 years transit over each of the three zodiac signs. So, presently Saturn is in Sagittarius moon sign or Dhanu rashi and the sade sati of Sagittarius moon sign started when lord Saturn enters Scorpio Moon sign or Vrischika rashi in November 2014. The sade sati of Sagittarius moon sign will end, when Saturn would move away from Capricorn moon sign in the year 2022. Now, considering the forward and retrograde motion, if one would reckon the average would be 7.5 years transit or sade sathi.
But does this mean, the three moon signs which are Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn will face the same or even similar experience? Not really. These phases are broadly divided on three phases: Raising, Peak and Setting phase in sade sati. Along with these three phases, a learnt and expert astrologer should consider the Lagna or Ascendant, Native’s Moon sign and nakshatra before summarising on sade sati effects. Let us first understand each of the three phases in detailed.
Raising Phase: This is starting period of Saturn’s Sade Sati. A period where Saturn will be transiting in the twelfth house from the natives Moon sign. In the present transit of Saturn, Capricorn Moon sign is enduring this phase. This phase generally indicates financial loss, problems by hidden enemies, aimless travel, disputes, and poverty. During this period, a native may face problems created by their hidden enemies. Relationship with colleagues may not be good enough and they will create problems at work environment. There can be domestic quarrel. This is the phase where spending needs caution, otherwise it can lead to bigger financial problems. Therefore, this is the phase where one must take maximum precautions to ensure that sade sati is not as serious as it seems to be.
Peak Phase: Generally, this phase of Saturn is the most difficult one. Saturn transiting over the natal Moon indicates health problems, character assassination, problems in relationship, mental afflictions, and sorrows. Native will find it difficult to achieve success in this period. One may not get results of their hard work and feel restricted. Constitution and immune system will be weak. As first house is the house of health, one should start exercising and control their diet else the native can be caught by chronic diseases. Some may suffer from depression, unknown fear or phobia too. In extreme cases, it has been seen that one even develops suicidal tendencies.
Finally, the Setting phase: This is the last dhaya of 2.5 years of Saturn’s transit. Saturn will be transiting in the second house from the natal Moon, which indicates difficulty on financial and domestic front. But in this phase a native will start feeling slight relief after having two difficult phases of Sade Sati. The pressure during this phase is mainly on the expenses past which may keep soaring beyond control. Sudden financial losses and fear of theft is also a possibility. Students and their education may be slightly affected and they will have to work harder to hold on to their existing level. Results will be slow and almost always with the delay. In fact, during this period, if possible, stay away from non-veg and drinking habits to keep Lord Saturn happy. Native will be able to sail through this period by intelligently handling their domestic and financial matters.
Thus, if one would see, the peak phase is the worst phase in sade sati. However, may not be always true. As already mentioned, there are some exception to the above phase as native of the following three nakshatra or constellations enjoy good and better results. These nakshatras are Pyusha, Anuradha and Uttra-Bhadrapada. The results will see an amplified positive result if these three nakshatras are well paced from the Moon sign and Lagna in a native’s horoscope. Hence it is important to analyse all these factors before summarising the effects of sade sathi.
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