Weekly career and financial forecast (12.11.2018 - 18.11.2018) | Future Point

Weekly career and financial forecast (12.11.2018 - 18.11.2018)

By: Future Point | 12-Nov-2018
Views : 1924Weekly career and financial forecast (12.11.2018 - 18.11.2018)




The week foretells expansion in trade and business. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. Your name and fame will increase. For those in service being lazy or disinterested shall lead to delay and disruption at work. For better ends it is advised to remain punctual at work. Check tempers and is careful of secret enemies. Pending errs and dues shall get cleared up .for student’s success in exams and competition is not assured easily and one may have to provide his/her best for success. Few short journeys are possible.




Intensity of new beginnings gain forward thrust for all business people. Preserving at work takes you through opposition to success and material gain. With synthesis of professional ideas and energies you shall be able to make your impact in professional surroundings. Change in traditional values is likely. Money investments will yield good returns this time too. An ideal time to invest in a new small property or to improve an old one for agricultural purpose!




On professional front spirit remain determined, keep your humble attitude to face the challenge, and then you will have a better chance to succeed. In business terms it shall be better to guard your interests first rather than meddling into others affairs. You can gain through intelligent handling of resources and maintaining forces efficiently. In the wealth, you need to plan your financial strategy to balance your budget. Otherwise, your monthly expense will exceed your income.




Long pending litigation and court cases will settle in your favor. This is the time to improve your professional life and draw beneficial mileage out of it. Self-assessment shall help for better prospects. Unexpected official trips abroad will consume a lot of energy and enthusiasm but will eventually offer good dividends for it. Those who are looking for jobs will get an opportune break but will have to sit tight during the initial period until your plan materializes.




On career front, you just have to hold on your job position, keep your profile low, work harder for your daily job. Many troubles might come to block career opportunity. You just have to keep a low profile, watch for your words and focus more on your work. Carry forward that task only that enhances your credibility as superiors might be watching you. Follow your financial plan and do not waste unnecessary expense. You shouldn't do any risky investment. Money luck will make you disappointed.




Quick in your comprehension, you will be inspiring with your thoughts as materialistic appeals are turned down. Students will suddenly lose interest and divert to extracurricular activities and competitions. You will be confronted with hierarchal wars at workplace. A lot of zeal and courage inside you will keep you driving. Sudden gains or losses are expected for few. Money flow may get restricted, making cash handling and budgeting a hard task.




The week is great for career and Financial related matters. Due to your skills and caliber you would be able to overcome the obstacles and get the desired results. You shall feel confident with matured thinking. Bold decisions shall help in making mark professionally and financially. For few supports of partners and recognition by clients shall lift your moral and professional competency. Financial dealings or transactions are likely to pay off in coming days. Students shall be able to get good results in educational pursuits.




Sudden happening and surprises lies ahead in store for you. Over analysis can only lead to confusions. You’re logical and rational approach despite ambiguity at work place shall help you to sail through odds in professional terms. Avoid being over confident and loud mouth. Some of you shall be amply recognized for your services. Long lasting commitments and investments shall not be compromised for short-term goals and benefits. In business matters it shall be better to go by your instincts and intuitions.




The week is slight difficult for career advancement. You may find it difficult to please your superiors. Useless undertakings may hinder your Career growth. However you will be able to get the desired help and support from your team mates. Short-term investments can bring good profits for few. Sudden unwanted expenses can lead to financial pressures. Students should achieve the encouraging results health may remain tipsy during the week.




The week indicates good opportunities for reaping the results of your hard work. There shall be desired improvements in financial position. Relations with people of good standing will help you in getting the desired position and standing in life. You should avoid taking any decisions in haste as it could boomerang back on you. There are indications of tensions and bickering in life you may experience some health issues at the far end of the week.




This is a puzzling period for you to deal with hurdles and tricky obstacles. Undue faith on others might lead to professional setbacks for you. But In long run some of you shall be able to overcome these difficulties. Avoid inculcating the idea of pursuing others aspirations as yours. Rather have your own set of goals and priorities. Useless expenditures can be there for some of you. Speculation, real estate can yield profits. Outdoor activities shall be high on agenda.




The week indicates good gains. You will achieve the desired success in your ventures. You may come in to people from higher authorities who could be of help to you. Brilliance and success is likely for few with original and daring approach. New development in business professional areas can lead to hectic work schedules. Better to remain careful while financial dealings. Careful investments shall bring rewarding results. This week indicates good success in competitive exams and study related pursuits for students.