Vikram Samvat 2076 starts from today!
By: Future Point | 01-Apr-2019
Views : 11840
Well, the Hindu New Year or Vikram Samvat has begun today on 6th April 2019. This is Vikram Samvat 2076 and its name is 'Paridhavi'.
About "Vikram Samvat"
In 57 B.C. King Vikramaditya of Ujjain after defeating invading foreigners, started a Hindu System of keeping track of the year and it came to be known as 'Vikram Samvat'. Vikram Samvat begins on the Pratipada Tithi (first date) of Krishna Paksha (Waxing Phase of the Moon) in the month of Chaitra as per the Hindu calendar every year.
Also Read: Important things about Hindu New Year 2076
Major Astrological Happenings in Vikram Samvat 2076
King of the Year: Saturn
Since Vikram Samvat 2076 starts on a Saturday (6th April), the King of this year is Shani or Saturn. This means the working class and issues related to justice will be in focus and we may see certain movements for social cause picking up steam during this time.
Minister of the Year: Sun
Yes, Sun is the minister for Vikram Samvat 2076 and we all know that Sun & Saturn are enemies to each other as per Vedic Astrology. Hence, there are going to be tough times ahead in politics and other administrative domains.
Charged Up Rahu & Ketu!
Rahu (North Node of the Moon) & Ketu (South Node of the Moon) have entered in the signs of Gemini & Sagittarius respectively in March 2019 and will transit in these signs till September 2020. These signs are known to elevate these two naturally malefic planets to an exalted state. Rahu & Ketu which signify sudden and more often than not, bad events, in exalted state, warrant caution from everyone.
Saturn-Ketu Conjunction in Sagittarius
The troublesome conjunction of Saturn & Ketu in the fiery sign of Sagittarius till January 2020, will pose a threat to the smooth functioning of many people's lives. Hence it is highly recommended to go for a proper Shani Shanti Puja as early as possible to stay safe from the ill effects of this dangerous conjunction.
Mars-Rahu Angarak Yog
From 7th May till 22nd June 2019 Mars will transit in the sign of Gemini and will conjunct with Rahu. Mars signifies volatility, injuries, accidents, surgery and conflicts. While Rahu on the other hand, signifies sudden losses, deceit and confusion.
This dreaded combination is known as 'Angarak Yog' in Vedic Astrology and it enhances the chances of sudden injuries, losses or other bad events in the life of a native. Hence, one must remain extra careful during this period. As a thumb rule, one must go for a Navgraha Puja for Vikram Samvat as soon as every Vikram Samvat begins to please all planets for their benefic results in the year to come.
The day of starting of a new Samvat also marks the beginning of the 9-days long festival of Navratri. Navratri is a festival during which devotees worship Goddess Durga and take part in multiple spiritual processes to receive the blessings of 'Devi' or Mother Almighty Durga.
Navratri is celebrated twice every year, with the Chaitra Navratri being the first one as per the Hindu calendar. Navratri witnesses the worship of the nine forms of Goddess Durga with each of the nine days dedicated to one particular form. This year, Navratri will be celebrated from 6th to 14th April 2019.
Also Read: चैत्र नवरात्री 2019 – पूजन विधि, और नियम ।
How to get the blessings of Goddess Durga?
Goddess Durga is known to bestow abundance in the lives of Her devotees and dispel all problems & fears from their lives. Thereby making the lives of Her devotees, a living manifestation of bliss & happiness.
Navratri Hawan with Kanya Pujan is an incredibly powerful ritual that pleases Goddess Durga and makes the devotee receive Her auspicious blessings that bring success, joy and prosperity in life. So, go for a Navratri Hawan with Kanya Pujan in this Chaitra Navratri 2019 for yourself and attract unmatched bliss, success, and happiness in your life!
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