Useful Tips for Knowing the Most Suitable Astrological Love Match
By: Future Point | 21-Sep-2018
Views : 2292
Everyone wants to know about who would be the most suitable astrological love match with whom a life full of love and laughter can be spent.
There are many kinds of love situations depending upon time, place and conditions, but one thing is common in all: a wish for stable and continuous presence of harmony in the relationship.
While all this seems to sweet and sensible, but we all know that not all love entanglements go as smooth as we expect them to go.
So, what is the reason that despite our best intentions and genuine efforts to keep our love relationship afloat, in many cases bitterness or even separation is what we get in the end.
Well, it is because we just take into account our genuine & loving emotions for our partner but we forget to look what lies beyond in terms of planetary alignments affecting us in the Zodiac belt of the Cosmos that are revealed in our Kundli (horoscope).
However mean & rude it may sound, but planetary influences are way much stronger than our personal wishes.
Hence, people in the Indian families always take the help of the divine, age-old and time tested knowledge of astrology by going for "Kundali Matching".
Our Kundli reveals our true nature and a plethora of other aspects in our life that are crucial to be in balance with those of the person that we want to have a love relationship with.
Unless a balance is struck between the two personalities, friction and bickering will inevitably sprout up from time to time creating unwanted hassles in our love relationship.
To give a fair amount of idea, the 5th house in the natal chart/horoscope/kundli is the house of love.
Strength of the 5th house should be always analyzed closely for determining the quality of love that a native has in his/her life.
But, 5th house alone can't be looked for all types of love relationships in our as it represents "love in-general" and humans have different outlooks of love towards different relationships that they have with people.
In case of a love a relationship between couples other houses apart from the 5th house come into play!
Such as:
- The 2nd house which is the house of family.
- The 7th house which is the house of marriage (if the couple eventually planning to tie the knot together).
- The 8th house which is the house of sexual organs.
- The 12th house which is the house of bed pleasures.
Presence of malefic planets in the above mentioned houses or these housing being aspected in a negative way, poses problems in manifestation of a healthy and long lasting love relationship.
That's not all, the presence of certain Doshas (flaws) formed by particular combinations of planetary positions in the natal chart can wreak havoc in the love life of an individual.
One such Dosh is Manglik Dosh. It is the most dreaded Dosh in astrology that if not treated properly and timely is single handedly capable of ruining the relationship between a man and a woman completely.
Ascendants also play a deciding factor when decoding the overall charts of the couple as Ascendants represent different elemental dominance on an individual.
Such as a native with a Fiery Ascendant like Leo will find it difficult to gel with a native with a Watery Ascendant Cancer unless both have their characteristics balanced in the base charts of their horoscope.
So, what should I do?
Well, in this digital age, going for an online astrology consultation by getting your kundli online will be the most sensible step that you can take.
An experienced astrologer will provide you with specific tips and remedies to steer your love relationship in the blue-sky territory of joy & bliss.
Some of the tips would be:
- Identifying your own individual nature and that of your spouse, thereby altering your reactions in situations of stress and anxiety. This way the situation will not got out of hand and bitterness through reaction can be avoided and the post situation mutually agreed steps can be taken to resolve the issues.
- Future problems signified by the planets can be known in advance and remedies can be performed to pacify or even nullify the negatives that are about to knock on our doors.
These remedies can be:
- Gemstones
- Vastu changes
- Yantras
- Mantras
- Donation items
- Starting of new events as per Muhurat (auspicious timing)
- Numerology
- Name correction
- Pujas (holy practices done to please a Deity)
And many more depending upon specific issues in specific relationships.
- A detailed Match Analysis for identifying and treating certain Doshas such as Manglik Dosh and Kaal Sarp Dosh before they ruin our love relationship.
- Intimation of coming specific time periods that warrant special attention to pass through them with minimum or no friction.
- Harsh but truthful advice to even get out of the ongoing relationship, if the relationship does not seem to have any tangible future.
The reason why Indians have always enjoyed stable and harmonious marital relationships is because of the wisdom of astrology that guided them.
So ask yourself, if astrology can guide a couple in having a successful marriage, why can't it help someone who is looking to know whether his/her newly started relationship will culminate into a successful love story or not?
Don't take chances when it comes to experiencing the most beautiful emotion, that is love.
Make the best use of this divine ancient science to take necessary and timely actions to avoid problems arising in the future and experience what it means to have a successful love relationship in life!