Transit of Sun in Virgo 17th September 2021 - Meaning and Effects
By: Dr. Arun Bansal | 08-Sep-2021
Views : 3235
Sun Transit in Virgo: Sun is the dominant player in the natal chart of any native when it comes to making predictions regarding the important events in one’s life. The Sun is called the king in Vedic astrology. It signifies the soul, ego, royal pursuits, government, politics, energy, immunity, creativity and father of the natives. In Vedic astrology, the Sun takes nearly a month to pass through one zodiac sign. One should know the effects of Sun in different houses to assess the right effect of the transit of Sun in different natal charts.
The transit of The Sun in the sign of Virgo will happen on 17th September 2021 at 1:02 AM to 17 October till 1:00 PM, till it moves in the sign of Libra.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which shares neutral relations with the Sun. And therefore, this transit may give good or bad results as per the planetary position in an individual’s kundali. Virgo sign has two and a half Nakshatras, i.e. two Uttara Phalguni and Hasta Nakshatra and half of Chitra nakshatra. Sun’s transit in Hasta nakshatra may help those who wish to get jobs in government sector.
Sun is the ruling deity of Hasta nakshatra, which is governed by its friend, Moon. Hence, astrologers believe that the transit will get positive results. But on the contrary, it may also create hurdles for some. Let us understand what the best astrologers in India have to say on Sun enters Virgo impact on different areas of life.
Effects of Sun Enters Virgo on Zodiac Signs
Sun transit in the Virgo sign will also form union with Mercury. This conjunction would affect different signs differently. Let’s discuss the results of upcoming Sun transit in Virgo.
Aries natives may face challenges and competition at their workplace. But the placement of Sun in the sixth house may make you win over your enemies and come out of all difficulties with ease. You may also get the support of your colleagues in accomplishing your tasks. Students should work hard and stay focused in order to excel in their studies. Business owners may apply for loans and may expand their business through this money. Lovers may face ego problems with their loved ones and therefore, you should talk sweetly and softly with your love partner. Health will remain good in the coming phase.
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Sun in your 5th house may create bitterness in relations with your spouse. This would be a difficult time to stay in love with someone. Also, those indulged in corporate world may obstruct relations with their seniors or colleagues. You are advised to be careful while working at office and don’t trust anyone blindly. Children’s health may suffer and you have to take them to the doctor or spend on their health otherwise. Sun transit in Virgo may spoil your reputation and self-image in the society. In terms of health, you may have to remain cautious as there are chances of viral infections.
Sun transit in the 4th house ensures quality time with the family. You would enjoy light moments with your family members and might get rid of previous grudges if any. Students have to work hard to reap the desired rewards. Lovers or married couples may have understanding problems and communication gap. You are advised to invest in property after much care and inspection as chances of frauds are there. Health will remain good and you will work towards raising your fitness level too.
Cancer individuals will feel a boost of confidence in their personality to overcome any kind of work challenges in their professional life. The conjunction of Mercury and Sun may also give you influential speech. Your colleagues may lend a helping hand and help you in completing your work targets. Cancer aspirants pursuing higher studies may get positive results. You guys may also find a new source of income, but it also demands extra working hours and hard work. You may also plan to go on a short trip with the family. Overall it is an excellent time ahead.
The transit of the Sun will take place in the 2nd house for the natives of the Leo sign. This transit would be beneficial for you in terms of wealth and prosperity. You may also earn through speculation activities or investing money in the stock market. Investors are suggested not to take hasty decisions. Otherwise, you may have to repent afterwards. Leo natives may also find the love of their life. It is advisable to stay honest and loyal to your partner. You should be careful while driving as planetary movements indicate unwanted events or accidents.
Sun will be transiting through the first house of Virgo individuals. This would not be a suitable time for you as far as financial matters are concerned. Business people may find it difficult to manage their business projects and any new proposals will fall short of expectations. Professionals may switch jobs in search of higher income. Married couples will enjoy bliss in their relations though some ego hassles may crop up but effective communication will resolve the issues. Moving on, you need to stay alert of your health conditions as skin allergies or other skin related diseases may trouble you.
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Libra individuals will accomplish their predetermined goals with ease. Sun transit will be in the 12th house of your zodiac, which denotes expenses. Libra students may not be able to stay focused in their studies. Investors and business owners should act with caution before taking any decision regarding finances. Natives who are planning to settle abroad may get the good news. In this phase, you may spend more than what you earn. Married natives may face challenges in love life. Sun will aspect the 6th house, so there are chances of taking loans or borrowing money.
Scorpio natives are likely to remain socially active during these days. During the transit, you may find new acquaintances and friends. Sun transit in the house of gains may help you earn good chunk of money along with name and fame in your profession. Business owners may earn great profits through new strategies. There are chances of receiving awards or acclamation for your hard work and efforts from your seniors. This would be the best time for you to see growth in career. Married couples may find peace and harmony in their love relationship. Moreover, in terms of health, time will be supportive and you will stay away from all kind of health ailments. You will remain physically active during the transit.
Job professionals under the Sagittarius sign might get appreciation from their seniors. The phase may give career growth at a slow pace. The presence of the Sun in the 10th house of the zodiac may give positive environment for business. Your past investments may reap good profits to you. You will be in a better condition to control your unnecessary money expenditures. Lovers will spend quality time with their partners and love between them will flourish further. Those who are struggling to recover from their bad health since last few months may witness a favourable time. Overall, you may find relief in the coming month.
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Capricorns may feel a sudden thrust of arrogance in their attitude and speech. Their harsh words may spoil relations with their close ones. Trust and faith in relations may dwindle and you may face issues with your friend. Sun is passing through the 9th house for Capricorn natives. And therefore, it is suggested that you should keep your career plans as a secret. Or else, you may find it difficult to progress on the desired path. Those who are thinking to switch jobs or waiting for transfer may run out of luck. It is advisable that you should postpone these plans of changing jobs. Also, you may go on business trips. Those working in partnership should respect the emotions and identity of their relationship else conflicts may arise.
Sun transit in Virgo may put an adverse effect on your personal and professional life. You may have to bear monetary loss during this phase. Aspirants pursuing higher education may face hurdles or obstructions in their way. Job professionals have to work hard to achieve their work targets. You may also spend money in donations or doing charity work. Those who were sharing bitter relations with their family in the past few months may get opportunities to resolve them. In terms of health, you may complain of bodily weakness or pain. So, it is advised to stay physically active and exercise regularly.
Pisces natives have to face hurdles in their work fields during this transit. Competitors may create obstacles and thus making it difficult to achieve their goals. Time is not supportive for maintaining harmonious relations with the spouse or business partner. Transiting Sun of 7th house indicates that you may have ego clashes with your life partner. It is advisable to take control of your ego and harshness while communicating with your partner. Job professionals may face delays in their work. Also, you should talk sweetly with your superior or elders. You may go on a business trip, but it would not fetch the desired results. During the Sun transit, you may also feel mental stress or low.
The upcoming Sun transit in Virgo sign may come up with several changes in different areas of your life. Those who have any negative yoga already present in the house of transit in their natal chart, have to stay even more cautious about the transit. In that case you may take an online consultation with our expert to know the exact situation of your birth chart.
Well, every transit means differently for different people and it would be difficult for all of us to take care of the same on day to day basis. It is always better to stay in contact with the Vedic astrologers to safeguard us or to help us to make most of these transits. Talk to the best astrologers to get complete astrological guidance to deal with the day to day issues. You may also take consultation on call to decide about the major events of the life. One should follow the remedies and wear suitable gemstones as suggested by them to survive a hard time.
May Lord Sun showers his blessing on you.