Saturn (Shani): Effects in all 12 Houses of a Horoscope with Remedies | Future Point

Saturn (Shani): Effects in all 12 Houses of a Horoscope with Remedies

By: Future Point | 10-Jul-2018
Views : 79208Saturn (Shani): Effects in all 12 Houses of a Horoscope with Remedies

Saturn or “Shani” as per Vedic Astrology represents discipline, law & order and maturity. The meaning of Shani means-slow moving which indicates that Saturn needs a longer time for completing a task. The slow transit of the planet offers two vital periods-The Sadhe Sati and the Dhaiya. All people go through Sadhe Sati and Dhaiya many times in their lives. Sadhe Sati lasts for seven and half years while Dhaiya lasts for two and half years.

Saturn is the most feared planet as it can bring hardships to the native and is considered a malefic planet in Astrology. But if it is favourably placed it can bring great wealth and fame to the native. Saturn's influence in a person’s natal chart is not always associated with the deprivation of material things and success, but it can cause a delay in success. It is important to note that Saturn is considered as a teacher who will punish the native for bad karma and reward the good deeds. It also bestows longevity and brings justice. A native with Shani or Saturn influence will have to work hard to earn the rewards.

If you wish to find out where Saturn is placed in your Kundli or Birth Chart, get your Free Kundli Report from our experienced astrologers and find out the effects it will have on your present and future life.

Effects of Saturn in the 1st House

The 1st house of horoscope or kundli signifies self, personality, attitude and nature. Saturn in the 1st house will give good results only when the 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is not compatible with Saturn. If Mercury, Venus, Rahu or Ketu are in the 7th house, then Saturn will always give good results. In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hairy body, the financial domain of the native will likely remain fragile. However, the native will have a long life.

Remedies for Saturn in the 1st House:

  • Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
  • Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and registering gains in business.
  • Serving monkeys will lead to prosperity.
  • Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results with respect to education and health.

Effects of Saturn in the 2nd House

The native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and will be of religious temperament. However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will be decided by the planets placed in 8th house. The state of finances in the native’s life will be decided by the 7th house and age by the 8th house. When Saturn is malefic in the 8th house, the native faces issues with his in-laws.

Remedies for Saturn in the 2nd House:

  • Wear a high quality blue sapphire gemstone, preferably in a gold setting on the middle finger on Saturday. This strengthens a weak Saturn.
  • Offer prayers and chant the Mantra for Shani-"Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah” 108 times everyday. This appeases Saturn.
  • Donate black sesame seeds, black blankets or mustard oil to the needy on Saturdays. Donations lessen the malefic effects of Saturn.
  • Fasting on Saturdays and avoiding consumption of non-vegetarian food and alcohol helps in gaining Saturn's blessings.
  • Lighting sesame or mustard oil lamps for Lord Shani (Saturn) on Saturdays brings positive results during its ‘dasha’ or period of operation.
  • Visiting Shani Shingnapur temple or other important Shani temples and performing puja and archana helps placate Saturn.
  • Reciting Shani Chalisa, Shani Strotram and other mantras dedicated to Saturn also reduce difficulties caused by its negative placement.

Also Read: Vedic Mantras - A scientific and remedial approach

Effects of Saturn in the 3rd House

This house goes well with Saturn and gives good results. When Ketu aspects this house or is placed here, Saturn will give very good results. The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male members in the family and vice versa. As long as the native abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he will enjoy a long and healthy life.

Remedies for Saturn in the 3rd House:

  • Chant the Shani Mantra “Om Shanaishcharaye Namah” daily during the sunrise while facing the east direction.
  • Light sesame oil lamps for Lord Shani on Saturdays and offer prayers to pacify Saturn. This reduces malefic effects.
  • Donate articles made of iron or sesame seeds on Saturdays at Shani temples for favorable results of Saturn.
  • Observe fasts on Saturdays and avoid non-vegetarian food on the day. This pleases Shani Dev.
  • Offer black sesame, mustard or coconut oil at Shivalinga on Saturdays to gain benefits during Saturn’s ‘dasha’ and ‘antardasha’.
  • Take care of elderly people and seek their blessings regularly. Saturn blesses those who respect the aged.
  • Avoid wearing black clothes on Saturdays. Wearing blue clothes on the day is considered auspicious for propitiating Saturn.

Effects of Saturn in the 4th House

This house belongs to Moon. So Saturn will give mixed results in this house. The native will be devoted to his parents and will be of loving nature. Whenever the native is suffering from bad health, the use of things associated with Saturn will give good results. In the native's family, someone will be associated with the medical profession. When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.

Remedies for Saturn in the 4th House:

  • Offering cooked rice to needy people and birds.
  • Offering milk to the poor.
  • Pouring rum in running water.

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Effects of Saturn in the 5th House

This house belongs to the Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud & arrogant. If possible, the native should avoid constructing a house till 48 years of age. The native is likely to have a turbulent relationship with his/her children. The native should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for the welfare of his children. If the native has a hairy body, chances are high that he/she will not hesitate in taking up an unethical approach to succeeding in life.

Remedies for Saturn in the 5th House:

  • Distributing salty things while celebrating your child’s birthday.
  • Offering almonds in the temple.
  • Donate black blankets, black sesame seeds, and mustard oil, iron or blue clothes to needy people on Saturdays.
  • Feed birds and crows with pieces of ‘roti’ (traditional Indian bread) smeared in ghee or oil especially on Saturdays as it is Saturn's day.
  • Observe fasting on Saturdays and avoid consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol on the day to gratify Shani Dev.
  • Help disabled people and the needy. Donate food or money to them for gaining Saturn's blessings.

Effects of Saturn in the 6th House

If the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give beneficial results. When marriage takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. When Ketu is well placed the native will enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happiness from children. When Saturn is malefic, bringing things associated with Saturn like leather and things of iron will give bad results, especially when Saturn is in the 6th house in your ‘Yearly Transit Kundli’.

Remedies for Saturn in the 6th House:

  • Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
  • Offering coconut in the running water.
  • Serving birds will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.

Also Read: Raj Yoga in a Horoscope

Effects of Saturn in the 7th House

This house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of Saturn. Therefore, Saturn gives very good results in this house. The professions associated with Saturn like machinery and iron, will be very profitable. If the native maintains good relations with his wife, he will be rich and prosperous; will enjoy a long life and good health. If Jupiter is in the 1st house, then there will be gain from the government. Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks wine. The native is generally advised to get married only after 24 years of age.

Remedies for Saturn in the 7th House:

  • Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
  • Serving black cows.

Effects of Saturn in the 8th House

Generally, no planet is considered auspicious in the 8th house. With Saturn in the 8th house, the native has a long life, but finds it hard to maintain a harmonious relationship with siblings. This house is considered the headquarter of Saturn, but it will give bad results if Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in the native's horoscope.

Remedies for Saturn in the 8th House:

  • Keeping a square piece of silver in pocket/wallet.
  • Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking a bath.

Effects of Saturn in the 9th House

Native will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator or civil engineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and the native’s parents will also lead a happy life. Living with three generations under one roof will protect from the bad effects of Saturn. If the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results. The native will have a son, though he will be born late.

Remedies for Saturn in the 9th House:

  • Offering rice or almonds in running water.
  • Work associated with Jupiter such as Gold and Kesar; and with Moon such as Silver and Cloth will give good results.

Effects of Saturn in the 10th House

This is a house in which Saturn is comfortable and generally gives good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property. Native will be ambitious and will enjoy favours from the government. The native should act cautiously and should do his work in a focussed manner because only then he will enjoy the benefits of Saturn.

Remedies for Saturn in the 10th House:

  • Going to a temple.
  • Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
  • Offering food and or resources to blind people.

Effects of Saturn in the 11th House

Native's fortune will shine at the age of forty eight years. The native will be blessed with children. Native will earn money by good management skills and hard work. Saturn will give good or bad results according to the position of Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart of the native.

Remedies for Saturn in the 11th House:

  • Before going to an important work, place a vessel filled with water outdoors in the morning for the birds.
  • Abstinence from drinking and maintaining good moral character.

Effects of Saturn in the12th House

Saturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have enemies. He will have more than one residence. His family and business will increase. He will be financially sound. However, Saturn will become malefic if the native starts drinking alcohol.

Remedies for Saturn in the 12th House:

  • Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in an iron pot and keeping it in a dark place will give good results.
  • Donating money and or resources to a ‘Gaushala’ or a Cow Shelter will bring the blessings of ‘Shani Dev’ in the life of the native.

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How to Know if Saturn is Benefic or Malefic?

Saturn's position and aspects in one's astrological birth chart determines whether it will act as a benefic or malefic planet for the individual. Here are some key factors to analyze Saturn's nature:

  • Saturn is considered strongly benefic, if it is placed in its own signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Its positive influence is heightened in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses.
  • Saturn placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 8th houses is often (but not always) deemed malefic as it can bring obstacles in the areas of life that are associated with these houses.
  • If Saturn is retrograde in a birth chart, its malefic effects are enhanced. On the other hand, an exalted Saturn grants more positive results.
  • Saturn's conjunction, aspect or association with benefic planets like Venus, Jupiter or Mercury reduces its maleficence and confers good results during its periods.
  • Saturn in debilitation or giving an evil aspect to the Ascendant, Sun or Moon becomes highly malefic. This can cause severe setbacks during its ‘dasha’.
  • If Saturn is placed alone in a ‘Trikona’ house or forms ‘Sasa Yoga’ in a ‘Kendra’ house, it is a powerful malefic indicator requiring remedial measures.
  • Analyze the Nakshatra dispositor of Saturn. If it is a naturally benefic planet, Saturn will display more positivity.

Overall, Saturn's house placement, aspects, associations and the nature of the dispositor determine if it will bestow favorable or negative results in a horoscope.

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Q1. When does Saturn give good results?

A1. Saturn gives favorable results when placed in its own signs Capricorn or Aquarius, or in exaltation. Saturn also gives good results if placed in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses in a birth chart. Its association with benefic planets and positive aspect on ascendant blesses the native with gains.

Q2. Which house is good for Saturn?

A2. Saturn is considered most benefic and favorable when placed in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses in a horoscope. Saturn's placement in these ‘Trika’ or ‘Upachaya' houses blesses the native with success through hard work and removes sorrow.

Q3. How to make Saturn strong?

A3. Saturn is strengthened by wearing a high quality Blue Sapphire gemstone on the middle finger on a Saturday. Chanting Shani mantras, donating black sesame oil and performing puja on Saturdays also pleases Saturn. Fasting on Saturdays and worshipping Lord Hanuman boosts Saturn's positive energies.

Q4. Are Saturn's effects permanent?

A4. No, Saturn's effects whether benefic or malefic are not permanent. During Saturn's Dasha and transit periods one faces results as per Saturn's placement. With sincere remedial measures like wearing Blue Sapphire and Shani Puja, the negative effects can be reduced.

Q5. Do good things happen during Saturn's return?

A5. The Saturn return marks a pivotal transition in one's life usually bringing maturity, stability and growth. While challenges are present, if Saturn is well-placed, then Saturn return period leads to achievements, marriage, jobs and other positive developments through diligent efforts.