Natives Born in Magha Nakshatra and Their Special Nature | Future Point

Natives Born in Magha Nakshatra and Their Special Nature

By: Future Point | 19-Jan-2021
Views : 6314Natives Born in Magha Nakshatra and Their Special Nature

Among the 27 Nakshatras or Birth Related Stars of the Cosmos, the Magha Nakshatra or the Magha Birth Star is number 10th on the list. The ‘Devta’ or the Deity of this Nakshatra is ‘Pitra’ which is the name used to refer to our Ancestors. 

The Symbol of Magha Nakshatra is the ‘Royal Throne’ and all the 4 ‘Charans’ or Phases of this Nakshatra comes in the sign of Leo which is governed by planet Sun. Planet Ketu is the Lord of this Nakshatra.

Let us talk more in detail about Magha Nakshatra Characteristics that are seen in the personality of people born under the Magha Nakshatra.

But before we begin, we would like you tell you that if you have a newborn arriving in your family in Magha Nakshatra 2021 this year then do contact Future Point to consult with the Best Astrologer and know what the planets & stars are holding up for the baby in his/her life ahead.

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Key Information about Natives that are born in the Nakshatra- ‘Magha’  

If you are born in the Magha Birth Star then it is likely that you are very adamant in nature and have average physical structure. Your speech is a little harsh and you have a slightly thick neck. 

Natives born in the Magha Nakshatra have eyes that carry a spark in them. Their faces are heavy like a Lion and have an authoritative look on them. People born in this Nakshatra are often seen to be eager to display their courage & valour. Men from this Nakshatra like to keep a moustache to show off their masculinity.

While these natives do not respond efficiently to orders but if asked nicely, they would do anything for others. The influence of Sun and Ketu is very clearly seen upon them throughout their lives however the degree of that influence depends upon their Ascendant. 

People born in the Magha Nakshatra are prominent, influential, leaders, entertainers, philanthropists, well mannered and display good moral behaviour. They are seen to be rich, mountain lovers, business people but do not have a very good relationship with women.

These people keep multiple servants and are devoted to their father. They are successful industrialists and business leaders who maintain a very cordial relationship with governmental authorities.

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Results of all 4 ‘Charans’ or Phases of the Nakshatra ‘Magha’

1st Charan or Phase:

  • The native has blue eyes.
  • Capable of multitasking efficiently.
  • Remains involved in Social Works.
  • Seen as highly respected in the professional arena.
  • A great orator, loyal and display high levels of ethics & morality.

2nd Charan or Phase:

  • The native is well respected among intellectuals.
  • A devotee of God and father.
  • Carries a proud attitude.
  • Blessed with wealth, abundance and luxury.
  • If the native is a male then he is likely to have a wife who is trustworthy, loyal and a keem social worker.
  • The native might struggle till the age of 28, post which things change for the good.
  • Conjunction or mutual aspects of Sun and Mars in their horoscope result in health related problems for these natives.

3rd Charan or Phase:

  • The native is attractive and bears a joyful state of mind.
  • Proud, arrogant but mixes well among people & society.
  • Kind and business minded. 
  • Owner of multiple movable & immovable properties.

4th Charan or Phase:

  • The native has a soothing personality and is polite.
  • Devotee of ancestors and obedient to parents.
  • Takes care of family and dominates enemies.
  • Understands politics and honours family traditions.
  • Holds many secrets and witnesses highs & lows in terms of popularity in society.

Best suited career fields for people born in the Magha Birth Star are:

  • Defence Departments
  • Surgery
  • Chemicals
  • Medicine
  • Government Service

Contact Future Point to Talk to Astrologer and know which are the specific career fields that are poised to give you maximum professional growth & success in your life!

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Nature and Personality of Natives born in the Nakshatra- ‘Magha’ 

The natives born in Magha Nakshatra have a slightly heavy physique. Their body is although muscular but tends to lean towards the chubby side especially their stomach. The native has good communication skills but is often seen to have a high temper.

It is the opinion of Astrologers that people who are born in the Magha Birth Star are influential and maintain their authority wherever they reside. While these natives are intelligent but they tend to loose their cool and get angry very quickly. 

They are energetic and hard working. They strive to finish the task at hand as quickly & efficiently as possible. The one thing that significantly contributes to their rise in life is their positive and problem solving attitude.

It is said about people born in Magha Nakshatra that they are known to surprise everyone by their incredible accomplishments. They are extremely proud people who never compromise on their sense of pride. They do everything possible to maintain their class, position & authority and act after thinking very well.

They are inclined towards rituals performed to please the ‘Devas’ or the Divine Entities and their Ancestors.They are kind and are involved in charity. Their involvement in noble causes adds a radiance to their personality.

Natives born in this Nakshatra are very strongly attached to their family and have very high expectations from their children. They have a tendency of analyzing traditions and values very closely however, they honour their traditions and follow them diligently.

They maintain good relations with the government as well as influential people of the society and benefit a lot from these ties. They enjoy multiple comforts & conveniences in their lives. These people are known to act smart & appropriately in the matters related to wealth. They work hard to their full potential in order to squeeze out maximum financial gains from their endeavours. 

Natives born in Magha Nakshatra are quite arrogant in nature and get angry even at the smallest provocation or at someone’s point of view that they do not agree with. They do not hesitate in reacting strongly to establish their authority & dominance when they loose their temper.

They accumulate abundant wealth and have multiple people around them to cater to their needs. They are attracted towards materialistic comforts.

Due to their sound state of finances and respectable position in the society, these people have both friends as well as enemies in abundance. These people ardently follow spiritual traditions and begin all auspicious & key events in their lives by seeking the blessings of the Deities that they worship as well their ancestors.

They do not believe in frequent changes in their professional life and like to work with stability & focus.

People who are born in MaghaNakshatra must get their Kundli properly analyzed before getting married as their spouse should be someone who would strike a perfect balance with them in terms of broad nature & personality to ensure a successful marriage.

If any one or both of the couple who wish to tie the knot together is born in this Nakshatra then the couple should go for a proper consultation with an experienced Astrologer to get the Magha Nakshatra Compatibility evaluated for them.

Contact Future Point to know how the fate of natives being born or getting through key phases of their lives in Magha Nakshatra 2021 will unfold and what are the astrological remedies that would ensure success, good health, harmonious relations, joy & prosperity in their lives!