Love & Relationships in the time of COVID-19 | Future Point

Love & Relationships in the time of COVID-19

By: Future Point | 10-Jun-2020
Views : 2138Love & Relationships in the time of COVID-19

Despite common belief, distance sometimes hinders the fondness of the heart. With people maintaining the societal norms, it has been hard for couples to meet each other or stay in touch.

As per Love Astrology, the planets that support healthy and loving relationships have been having a hard time due to the influence of malefic planets. When talking about new relationships, it can be difficult to understand the brunt of the pandemic and acknowledge the guidelines issued to safeguard yourself against the pandemic.

But there certainly are several ways you can keep that spark alive in your marriage, love relationships that are fairly new, or the ones that have been battling with long-distance communication for far too long. Instead of thinking about quitting, give your relationship a new chance with Love Consultation and tips from the experts. 

Do you think your partner is The One?! Get your Marriage Compatibility score by consulting Top Astrologer Dr. Arun Bansal

For those in a New Relationship

  • Practice safe distancing to keep virus at bay

It is of keen importance that you remember the safety norms one must follow for COVID-19, even if you both feel you’re perfectly healthy. This rule can obviously be flouted if you both stay in the same house together. As has been clarified by the experts, asymptomatic patients become carriers of the virus and can seriously implicate others who have co-morbidities. 

If you feel that you’ve had enough of the distance and miss each other dearly, you can set up a video chat date instead or plan a fun date night over a video call.

  • Try having an open conversation

Most of the fights between couples happen because of distance & miscommunication. Since the pandemic has made it hard to meet on a regular basis, it is of utmost importance that you give attention to the way you communicate with your partner.

Persistent fights over petty issues could hamper the bond you two share, which is where a Relationship Expert could help! To understand the deep-seated problems you might have, try opening up the conversation without being judgemental.

Keep an open mind and nudge your partner to do the same. You can also take help from Love Astrologer Online to decide what the next step in your relationship should be.   

  • Don’t give up when times get tough!

Since you’ll both be staying at home, your schedules for the day are bound to differ. You might wake up at a different time than your partner or might have polar opposite work schedules. This could trigger fights or maybe some arguments over not spending time together.

However, at the end of the day you must remember that being together is what matters the most. On weekends, plan dinner over a virtual date together, or make plans to watch a film over an OTT platform. If you believe there are irreconcilable differences, you can Talk to Astrologer on Phone and get expert advice to combat them effectively.      

For those already in a long-term relationship/ marriage:

  • Take Things One Day at a time

It is normal to be frustrated due to daily chores and tackling life at home. Since you and your partner are both staying home, daily activities and household chores must be divided equally.

Instead of making a fuss, try to resolve things amicably. When the going gets tough, remember to take things one day at a time! With each passing day, instead of cooping things inside and picking daily fights- try to let go and sleep each night with a clean conscience. 

  • Understand. Unlearn. Undo.

Being married means understanding your partner and their needs, at the same time keeping your needs in the back of your mind as well. The world has led us to believe that some things are meant to be done a certain way, and when that does not happen, we resort to frustration and sometimes anger.

It is imperative that you unlearn these methodologies and create a new set of rules that work for both you and your partner simultaneously. The patterns of the past are what they represented for that time, but today- it is for you to decide how you want to live your life. Undo the damage and decide how you want to progress in the relationship and what gender roles you want to keep and discard. 

Ask a question from the Best Love Astrologer of India regarding your love life and future plans. Consult Now. 

  • Normalize Apologizing

It is 2020 we are residing in! The times are quickly changing with people holding each other responsible for their wrong doings. People are unlearning the methodologies of yesterday and quickly equipping themselves with the word of today. 

In a relationship, there will always be certain habits of your partner that you wouldn’t approve and vice versa. During a minor misunderstanding, these things could surface and you might make a mountain out of a molehill. However, what’s important and worth remembering is that you apologize for your behaviour afterwards. 

Too many differences have made reconciliation impossible? Consult an Astrologer Online to seek help from your star alignments. 

  • Take part in activities you both enjoy

Instead of sitting and cribbing about the situation, try to take part in a fun activity that you both could enjoy. It could be cooking, a workout session, or a craft activity. Anything that stimulates your mind could be a good exercise for the both of you.

If these aren’t your thing, you can watch a movie together and plan it like a date. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, what matters is that you both enjoy. This could be a stress relieving activity that you do at the end of the day or a great early morning Yoga session. The bottom line is you both find an activity and take part in it enthusiastically.  

Thinking of tying the knot in 2020? Consult a Marriage Expert to know when’s the best time.

  • Communicate your emotions effectively

Stress could become a major factor for everyone facing the brunt of the problems by staying cooped up at home. From the parents to the kids, it is important to establish a system wherein you can effectively translate your emotions into words. When you talk, you are already one step ahead to resolve things and moving forward. Your emotions deserve to be heard and acknowledged, and so does the other persons.    

Considering if you should take the next step in your relationship?! Get Relationship advise from an expert. Consult Astrologer Abha Bansal 

Times have been hard in 2020 for everyone. We have seen many people marrying their long-term partners this year, and have also seen many couples calling it quits. Despite the cards that are dealt, we urge you to look at things from a positive aspect.

If you believe there are problems worth consulting with, you can always Talk to an Astrologer Online. A marriage or relationship counselling could help you realize the problems you have been facing, and when coupled with Vedic Astrology, it could turn out to be boon for many who face trouble with their emotions.