Looking For Romance and Love? – Choose This Direction for Your Bedroom | Future Point

Looking For Romance and Love? – Choose This Direction for Your Bedroom

By: Future Point | 11-Jul-2022
Views : 1720Looking For Romance and Love? – Choose This Direction for Your Bedroom

Beside effective communication and mutual understanding, your bed room placement also plays an important role in maintaining the bliss of the married life. It is worth noting that the bed room of a couple should either be in the South West or North West direction of the house. 

You tend to relax in your bed room after a long tiring work and that’s why it’s necessary that it aids peaces not stress. Everything around us works as per the flow of energy, if it’s positive we get good results and vice-versa. 

Vastu shastra is the ultimate solution to maintain positive energy in your surroundings. Vastu shastra aims at creating balance in the 5 natural elements i.e. fire, water, air, earth and ether. 

It is through this balancing force that a dwelling or any other constructional structure attracts positivity and thus prosperity. One may learn amazing techniques of Vastu through vastu course online at Future Point. 

The role of a bedroom in a couple’s life

It is simple to understand that a bedroom is the only place where the intimacy and love between the partners grow into a strong relation. 

A bedroom relaxes your mind and makes the partners come closer both mentally and physically. You would be amazed to know that not just physical intimacy but a Vastu complacent bedroom may improve your financial stability as well. 

If the main head of the house sleeps in a bedroom constructed in the South West corner of the house, it brings prosperity and financial abundance in the house through better work and profitable opportunities.

 A relaxed mind is the greatest wealth in today’s hectic life style. A bedroom constructed in Vastu specified directions brings this greatest wealth into your life in no time. 

A stress free mind keeps you healthy as well. So, if you wish to have good health, construct your bedroom either in the Southwest or Northwest directions. 

Any decisions taken while sitting in the bedroom constructed in the abovementioned directions proves to be a wise and profitable decision. This is because, when you sit in an appropriate direction your mind feels relaxed and the positive energy around prompts right thinking. 

It is through right decision making only that happiness and success will come to your doors. Everyone should make efforts to learn vastu shastra to promote day-to-day happiness in life.  

Moreover a couple whether newly married or after many years of marriage has to take important decisions regarding the family at different points of time. 

If they choose an inappropriate direction then the issues like health issues, untimely death of any of the partners, problems in progeny or childbirth, clashes and arguments, no physical intimacy, varied thinking etc.

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Take care before you start constructing your home

The bedroom constructed in the right direction nurture love and mutual understanding for a couple. Prior you start with the renovation, make efforts to construct a bed room in the West, South, or Southwest direction. This direction promotes love and romance to strengthen a relationship. 

Not just your bedroom but all rooms and utilities in the house should be in accordance with the Vastu principles. 

Vastu tips certainly bring good results for all family members in terms of positivity, good health, success, harmony and growth. Yet, you should take immense care in deciding the appropriate direction, color on the wall, light, mirror and the position of the bed all these factors may bring significant effect on your relationship.

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Don’t ignore these Vastu tips for your bed room

For a prosperous married relations we suggest you to follow the below mentioned Vastu tips.

An irregular shape of a bedroom is a Big No-No!

Today in the name of designs and modern designs, people wish to go for something different! Here we want to tell you that these irregular shapes of your bedroom may enhance beauty but ruin your prosperity. 

Choice is yours! Whether you are constructing a new house or moving to an already constructed one, it is advisable to choose a simple bedroom. Vedic Vastu course with the best teachers make us aware that regular-shaped bedrooms bring the best results for the married couples. 

Therefore, avoid cuts or falling corners at the entrance of the bedroom. Vastu says, improper and sharp corners in the bedroom cause sleeplessness and irritability through hampered flow of energy. 

Select a wooden bed only

There are various kinds of beds available in the market to suit the crunching spaces and aesthetics needs of the buyers. 

People buy beds that are thermal, temperature control, metallic, changeable into other forms of furniture etc. However, they are not considered good for your sleeping pattern and peace of mind. 

Age old wooden beds which are simply beds and can’t be altered in different other forms of furniture are considered good for a bed room. 

A bed should feel warm and metallic beds are undesirably cold, noisy, and uncomfortable. Also, metal boundaries may conduct electromagnetic fields to disturb your sleeping pattern. So, wooden beds are the best in all cases.Vastu consultant says that wooden beds are comfortable and bring fortunes and positive energy to the rooms. 

Wood being non-conductor of any kind of energy doesn’t hamper the flow in the room and ensures smoothness in the surroundings as well as your life. 

We as humans feel more connections with nature, the organic qualities of a wooden bed invite tranquility and positive energy in the bedroom. 


Also Read: 13 Simple Vastu Tips for Wealth & Prosperity


Paint your walls in the shades of reds, purples and pinks

Colors put larger impact in the Vastu connections of any room. There is a prescribed list of colors for different rooms in a house. Not just for vastu but for aesthetics purpose also, one needs to choose the color wisely.

 Colors may brighten up your dull life instantly and enhance romantic feeling between the couple. Thus, it is advisable to choose warm and passionate colors in place of dull and very dark colors. 

Our Vastu experts suggest colors like red, pink, magenta, ruby, and purple for your bed room. One may opt for any shade of these prescribed colors. 

No mirror in front of your bed

Mirrors should not be placed just in front of your bed as these are believed to reflect fear, troubles and miseries in life. 

The mirrors should also be not placed in the North side of your bedroom as they may foster negativity too. The mirrors can be placed on the walls adjacent to your bed as only then your bed is not visible in the mirror. 

Decorate your room with happy pictures

The pictures you put on the walls of your bedroom may affect your relationship. Happy pictures bring happiness while the sorrowful paintings may force negativity into life. 

According to Vastu shastra, the family pictures should be put in the southwest direction of your bedroom. These should be in happy moods. 

You may also put your wedding picture on the eastern wall of your room. These pictures will bring positive energy to the bedroom. 

Also avoid intricate pieces of modern art or paintings narrating war or sorrowful stories in your bedroom. One should not hang photos or paintings stimulating sadness or uninspiring emotions.

Red lights enhance love

Just like wall colors, your bedroom lights also affect your marital relations. Proper lights may ignite romance and intimacy between the partners. After all, this is what required! 

Lights should b properly selected before they are installed in the room. Vastu experts suggest using red colored lights in the bedroom and that too in the southwest direction. This will bring positivity to your relation. 

The room should be mess free and one may also place crystal balls as suggested by the experts. Crystal balls remove negativity in the room. Décor items like pastel lampshades can also be put by your bedside for better results.

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