Lal Kitab Remedies for Planets in Different Houses | Future Point

Lal Kitab Remedies for Planets in Different Houses

By: Future Point | 07-Sep-2018
Views : 38589Lal Kitab Remedies for Planets in Different Houses

Lal- Kitab is a recent version of remedial solutions in astrology. Though the genesis of the same is from the Vedic text, as the original tenet of Lal-Kitab contained the names of the Nav-Graha or the nine planets in Vedic astrology. However, the recent knowledge of Lal-Kitab came from Late Roop Chand Joshi, who around 1939, compiled the remedies mentioned in the Lal-Kitab from the various Vedic text and assembled the same into one book named Lal-Kitab. Thus, the book was known to people, as it was not elaborate and certainly simple remedial measures until Veda Mantras or Tantras. A Native could easily practise the prescribed solutions as per Lal-Kitab and seek the divine blessings.

Now, one such La-Kitab remedies for all planets, which means all the nine planets had been prescribed. These remedies have been suggested considering the placement of planets in 12 houses, in a horoscope. Though in astrology there are many other remedies, but the Lal Kitaab remedies, are the simplest and effective too. In fact, we at Future Point are a team of expert astrologers who have been practising astrology and Lal-Kitab solutions for the past 3 decades. We have listed down these remedies, each planet and house wise for the benefit of our readers. These remedies are synopsis and to know more, you can write to us for personal consultation or visit our Website at

Lord Sun:

Sun is considered as the soul of an individual. The following are the remedies mentioned if Sun is ill placed in a horoscope across 12 zodiac signs.

1st House:

Marriage should be solemnised before 24 years of age.

Avoid sex with partner during day time, post marriage.

2nd House:

Donate coconut, mustard oil and almonds to religious places.

And, avoid accepting donations of Milk, silver and Rice.

3nd House:

Obtain blessings from your mother and keep her happy.

Serve milk and rice to the needy.

4th house:

Distribute alms and food to the needy people.

Do not take up business associated with iron and wood.

5th house:

Ensure progeny on time.

While constructing a house, Kitchen should be to the eastern portion.

6th house:

Do follow all the ancestral customs and rituals.

Offer Wheat and Jaggery to Monkey.

7th house:

Please reduce the intake of Salt.

Start your day with water intake.

8th house:

Control your anger and do not argue without second though. Do meditate daily.

Do not take up any illegal activities.

9th house:

Do undertake the Sharad of your ancestors.

Give importance to your Kul-Dev/Devi.

10th house:

Avoid blue and black cloths.

Abstain from Meat and Liquor.

11th house:

Abstain from Liquor and exotic meat.

While sleeping, keep almonds near your head.

12th house:

Always forgive your enemies.

Keep a Chakki at home.

Lord Moon:

Moon is the reason for our emotional quotient. Therefore, it is said to be our mind. If moon is not well placed in any of the twelve houses, then the remedies are as follows.

1st house:

Insert a copper nail in the four corners of your bed.

Keep silver thali or plates in your house.

2nd house:

Offering green coloured cloths to small girls for 43 days continues.

Place the thins associated with silver in the foundation of your house like silver, milk etc.

3nd house:

Do not make sure of your daughter’s wealth.

Do worship Goddess durga and offer dresses to small girls.

4th house:

The more the expense the more will be income.

Adultery relationship should be avoided.

5th house:

Language should be managed wisely.

Deceit and dishonesty towards others will affect adversely.

6th house:

Serve milk to your father with your own hand.

Do not offer Milk as Donation.

7th house:

Avoid getting married at the age of 24 years.

Keep your mother always happy.

8th house:

Offer Gram and pulses at the place of worship.

Avoid gambling and flirting with others.

9th house:

Serve the labourers with milk.

Offer milk to snakes and rice to fish.

10th house:

Abstain form Wine, meat and adultery.

Avoid taking milk during night.

11th house:

Throw 125 pieces of sweet peda in a river.

Ensure that the grandmother does not see her grandson.

12th house:

Never offer Milk and food to religious saints and Sadhus.

Do not open any educational institutes further.

Lord Mars:

Mars is the reason for aggression and the reason for flesh and blood in a human body. If Mars is not well placed in any of the twelve houses then one would need the following remedies.

1st house:

Avoid accepting any form of Daan or free bees.

No evil deed please.

2nd house:

Keep deer skin in the house.

Ensure your in-laws keep a drinking water facility to the common man.

3rd house:

Keep articles of Ivory with you.

Wear a silver ring in your left hand.

4th house:

Keep distance form disabled people.

Avoid playing with fire or hot equipment.

5th house:

Maintain a good moral character.

Planet a Neem tree near your house.

6th house:

The male child of the couple should not wear gold.

Distribute Slat than sweets on the birth of Male child in the family.

7th house:

Place solid piece of silver in the house for prosperity.

Repeatedly build a small wall and destroy it.

8th house:

Take your meals in the kitchen.

Offer rice, jaggery and gram pulse at religious places of worship.

9th house:

Obedience to elder brother.

Render services to your Bhabhi i.e., brother's wife.

10th house:

Keep a pet deer in your house.

Do not sell ancestral property and gold of the house.

11th house:

One should never sell one’s ancestral property.

Keeping Sindoor or honey in an earthen pot will give good results.

12th house:

Eating sweets and offering sweets to another person will increase the wealth of the native.

Take honey the first thing in the morning.

Lord Rahu:

Rahu is one of the shadow planets in Vedic astrology. The importance of Rahu is associated with sudden gains. If Rahu is not well placed then the following are the remedies.

1st house:

Offer 400 gm lead in running water.

Wear silver in the neck.

2nd house:

Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.

Keep cordial relations with one’s mother.

3rd house:

Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.

Do not sleep on the floor at night.

4th house:

Wear silver.

Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.

5th house:

Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.

Keep an elephant made of silver.

6th house:

Keep a black dog.

Keep a lead nail in your pocket.

7th house:

Never marry before 21st year of age.

Offer six coconuts in river.

8th house:

Keep a square piece of silver.

While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.

9th house:

Wear Gold.

Use tilak of Saffron daily.

10th house:

Cover one’s head.

Use blue and black cap.

11th house:

Wear Iron Ring.

Use Silver glass of drinking water.

12th house:

Take your means inside kitchen.

Keep Saunf and Khand under the pillow for good night’s sleep.

Lord Jupiter.

Jupiter is the reason for progeny, marriage and all sorts of expansion for the positivity of human life. If Jupiter is ill placed then the following remedies are recommended.

1st house:

Offer cooked Chana for the needy.

Avoid learning spiritual text late in the evening.

2nd house:

Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th.

Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.

3rd house:

Worship goddess Durga with Sweets.

Offer Yellow Pead’s as Prasad on Thursday.

4th house:

Sever the elders.

Offer Milk to snakes.

5th house:

Do not accept gifts or donations.

Offer services to priest or sadhus.

6th house:

Feed the cocks and not hen.

Offer cloths to the priest.

7th house:

Offer Worship to lord Shiva.

Keep a piece of Gold tied in Yellow cloth with you.

8th house:

Plant a Pipal tree in a cremation ground.

Offer Ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple.

9th house:

Abstain from drinking alcohol.

Offer rice in running water.

10th house:

Clear your nose before you begin your day.

Throw copper coins in running water.

11th house:

Always keep a gold touching your body.

Put a copper bangle.

12th house:

Avoid furnishing false evidence in any matter.

Render services to sadhus, Pipal Gurus and Pipal tree.

Lord Saturn:

Lord Saturn is the reason for Justice. In fact, if Lord Saturn assures success to a native, then none can create any obstacle. If ill placed, then.

1st house:

Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.

Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.

2nd house:

Going barefoot to temple for 43 days.

Offering milk to snake.

3rd house:

Serve three dogs.

Distributing medicines for eyes free.

4th house:

Pouring milk in the well.

Pouring rum in running water.

5th house:

Distributing salty things while celebrating son’s birthday.

Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.

6th house:

Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.

Offering coconut and almonds in the running water for 43 days continues.

7th house:

Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.

Serving black cow.

8th house:

Keeping a square piece of silver.

Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.

9th house:

Offering rice or almonds in running water.

Work associated with Jupiter-gold, Kiesar and Moon (silver cloth) will give good results.

10th house:

Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.

Going to temple.

11th house:

Abstinence from drinking and maintaining good moral character.

Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for 43 days.

12th house:

Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.

Avoid sleeping in dark room.

Lord Mercury:

Mercury is a very important planet for learning. In fact, a good and well-placed Mercury will enhance knowledge and acumen to learn any subjects. More so, Mercury is very important to learn mathematics. If ill placed, then following are the remedies.

1st house:

Keep away from the things of green colour and sisters in law.

Avoid consumption of meat, eggs and liquor.

2nd house:

Association with your sisters in law is harmful.

Keeping sheep, goat and parrots as pets is strictly prohibited.

3rd house:

Clean your teeth with alum every day.

Feed birds and donate a goat.

4th house:

Clean your teeth with alum every day.

Feed birds and donate a goat.

5th house:

Serving cows for the happiness of wife and good luck.

Wear a copper coin in white thread for obtaining riches.

6th house:

Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.

Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of one’s wife.

7th house:

Avoid any business in partnership.

Avoid speculation in commodities.

8th house:

Put a ring in the nose of your daughter.

Place milk or rain water in a container on the roof of the house.

9th house:

Avoid the use of green colour.

Get your nose pricked.

10th house:

Consumption of eggs, meat and liquor are strictly prohibited.

Offer rice and milk in religious places.

11th house:

Avoid green colour and emerald.

Do not accept any Tabeez from a Sadhu or Faqir.

12th house:

Throwing new empty pitcher in a river.

Putting on a ring of stainless steel.

Lord Ketu:

Ketu is the reason for Gyan. In fact, this is also a reason for intuition. If Ketu is ill placed in a native’s horoscope, then the following are the remedies suggested.

1st house:

Feed jaggery (Gur) to monkeys.

Apply saffron as Tilak.

2nd house:

Apply turmeric or saffron as Tilak.

One should not be of loose character.

3rd house:

Wear gold.

Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water.

4th house:

Keep a dog.

Wear silver for peace of mind.

5th house:

Donate milk and sugar.

The remedies of Jupiter would be useful.

6th house:

Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.

Keep a dog.

7th house:

Use saffron as Tilak.

Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.

8th house:

Wear gold in the ear.

Use saffron as Tilak.

9th house:

Respect elders, specially father-in-law.

Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.

10th house:

Avoid adultery.

Keep a dog, especially after forty 48 years of age.

11th house:

Wear an onyx or emerald.

Keep black dog.

12th house:

Do not have a loose character.

Worship Lord Ganesha.

Lord Venus:

Venus is the reasons for love and romance. The reason for sensual pleasure is incomplete if Venus is ill placed. There, following are the remedies for Venus and giving strength to the same.

1st house:

Do not marry at the age of 25 years.

Serving a black cow will please Kamadhenu.

2nd house:

Avoid adultery.

Offer two kgs. cow's Ghee in a temple.

3rd house:

Avoid flirting with other women.

Respect your wife and never insult her.

4th house:

Change the name of your wife and remarry her formally.

Drop things of Jupiter, like gram, pulses and Kesar, in the river.

5th house:

Serving cows and mother like women.

Avoid relationship will other women.

6th house:

Ensure that your wife puts gold clips in her hair.

Your spouse must not remain barefooted.

7th house:

Throwing blue flowers in a dirty canal for 43 days.

Donate Jawar equal to the weight of your spouse to a temple.

8th house:

Wash your private parts with curd.

The native should not accept Daan.

9th house:

Bury a silver piece under a Neem tree for 43 days.

In the foundation of the house silver and honey should be buried.

10th house:

Western wall of the house should be of mud.

Abstinence from wine and non-vegetarian food.

11th house:

Oil to be given on Saturday.

Native should drink milk in which hot piece of gold has been dipped.

12th house:

Domesticating and giving cows in charity.

Offer love, respect and honour to your wife.