How to Know My Future Career by Date of Birth | Future Point

How to Know My Future Career by Date of Birth

By: Future Point | 18-Dec-2024
Views : 815How to Know My Future Career by Date of Birth

Many people may not know that when we choose a career based on our favorable planets the chances of success increase manifold. A person should choose a career or job based on his Bhagyank (lucky number) . It is believed that if you do not choose a career according to your Bhagyank then the chances of success are reduced to a great extent. 

Numerology is a science that helps one understand their favorable planets and numbers. When a career, job, or business is chosen based on your favorable numbers, it helps in reaching the pinnacle of success. 

When you are following a career path and the numbers are opposing each other, you may face obstacles in your way. This can be overcome to a great extent by making the right career choice based on your lucky number.

The two numbers that play the most important role in choosing a career are your birth number (Moolank) and destiny number (Bhagyank). A birth number is the single digit sum of your day number, the day for example, suppose your date of birth is the 23rd of any month then your birth number is 2+3=5.  Destiny number is a single-digit sum of your full date of birth. Suppose your full date of birth is 23:04:1983. Then add all the numbers in the date we get (2+3+4+1+9+8+3=30=3+0=3) 3, so 3 is your destiny number. Let us know how to choose a career according to your date of birth (lucky number):

How to choose a career according to your lucky number:

  • Number 1: if your destiny number is 1, you will do very well in leadership roles as an entrepreneur, as the head of an organization, or in decision-making roles. You like to be a trendsetter. This number is ruled by the Sun.
  • Number 2: People with Destiny number 2, work very well in partnerships. They are good mediators and can work well as therapists, counselors, physiotherapists, and psychiatrists. This number is ruled by the Moon.
  • Number 3: Destiny number 3 people are the most enthusiastic, cheerful, charming, helpful, and sociable. They can become actors, writers, musicians, singers, songwriters, comedians; performing artists, etc. It is better for them to work in the entertainment industry. Apart from this, they can also be successful as lawyers, PR, teachers, trainers, and motivators. This number is ruled by Jupiter.
  • Number 4: Destiny number 4 people are serious thinkers and multi-talented. This number is ruled by Rahu. These people can earn money only by hard work. Since these people are generally not money-oriented, they should choose a profession that suits their mindset and where money is not the only goal. The most suitable profession for them can be an editor, journalist, writer, copywriter, proofreader, researcher, lawyer, consultant, engineer, technologist, and mechanic.
  • Number 5: Destiny number 5 people are multi-talented and smart workers and get great success in various fields. This number is ruled by Mercury. They should choose careers like public speaker, writer, critic, thinker, producer, actor, musical, music composer, lawyer, detective, journalist, innovator, investor, salesperson, producer, and director.
  • Number 6: Destiny number 6 people are very responsible and respectable people. This number is ruled by Venus. You should choose professions like creative artist, architect, fashion designer, floral designer, healer, doctor, salesperson, public relations officer, negotiator, mediator, consultant, etc.
  • Number 7: people with Destiny number 7 are basically introverts, spiritual, serious, and restless hard workers. This number is ruled by Ketu. The most suitable professions for you are writer, teacher, coach, innovator, astrologer, consultant, and doctor.
  • Number 8: careers such as manager, administrator, investor, and banker are suitable for destiny number 8. This number is ruled by Saturn. Also, they can become political or organizational leaders and can be very successful in real estate, construction, etc. Also, working in humanitarian fields is good for them.
  • Number 9: people with destiny number 9 can become very successful sportsmen, especially in sports where high energy and stamina is required. This number is ruled by Mars. Also, they can be very successful in real estate and construction business, mining, and huge businesses.

Remedies to enhance career prospects:

  • Strengthen weak planets in your chart using- Mantras (e.g Gayatri mantra for Sun)
  • Gemstone (e.g. emerald for Mercury)
  • Donations (e.g. Donating to charities for Saturn)


Therefore after knowing your lucky number from the best numerologist or astrologer, if you choose the right career option based on it, then it can help open the path of success.