Golden Thumb Rules that ensure a Happy Married life! | Future Point

Golden Thumb Rules that ensure a Happy Married life!

By: Future Point | 27-Mar-2019
Views : 3084Golden Thumb Rules that ensure a Happy Married life!

Marriage is a very special union in which a couple take vows to be at each other's side during all times and infuse their selfless love & absolute commitment into their marital relationship. It takes a lot to make a marriage work, much more than what people generally think.

This is because marriage is essentially an alliance in which two people having different qualities and nature come together and spend rest of their lives as each other's life partners. Believe us, this is no small feat! But quite often, especially in the present day modern world which is full of chaos and hectic challenges, we see that couples are not able to keep their marriage in a blissful state.

Forget about bliss, in certain unfortunate cases we witness certain couples going through extremely rough patches in their married life. What was supposed to be a happy marriage, turn out to be an alliance which is full of bickering and unpleasantness. Any friction in marriage is not at all a healthy sign and must not be ignored or taken lightly as it can lead to bigger marital disasters.

In order to save the marriage from ruins, a couple must act rightly and more importantly timely! So, what can a couple can do to make sure that their marriage blossoms into a happy, loving, blissful & joyful journey of their lives?

Following are the Golden Rules that ensure a Happy Married Life:

Incorporate the wisdom of Vedic Astrology

The only reason why the incidents of divorces are always extremely low in Indian society is because people here take the help of the age old & time tested wisdom of the sacred science of Vedic Astrology when it comes to marriage. Janam Kundali matching before marriage is a very popular and in fact a very fundamental process which is followed before going ahead to tie the knot.

The importance of Kundali Matching in your life is such that it has the potential of revealing the very course of your marital life ahead based on what the planetary positions as per your & your spouse's horoscope signify. Getting a couple's Kundali for Marriage analyzed by an experienced astrologer is the very first thing on the minds of elders in the Hindu culture simply because generations after generations have witnessed and benefited from this wisdom that stems out of the ancient & divine science of Vedic Astrology.

Kundli matching or Horoscope matching not only reveals the compatibility of the couple as husband and wife but also suggests incredibly powerful Astrological Remedies for Happy Married Life ahead!

This is a boon to those couple who tied the knot without following the due process of Kundli Matching and are currently facing problems in their marriage as it is never late to rectify a problem by adopting result oriented remedial measures.

To put it in simple terms, Kundli Matching reveals the future of a marriage as signified by the cosmic bodies in the form of planets and offers an invaluable opportunity to perform remedies to remove the problem that are slated to appear in the married life ahead. In this digital world, more and more people are going for Online Horoscope Matching to know how they can make their marriage a manifestation of bliss & harmony!

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Hold Healthy Discussions

Conversation is the key to a resolution, especially in a relationship. Both husband & wife should understand that a healthy discussion on any issue that they wish to approach differently paves the way for arriving at common grounds. The best way to find a mutually agreed solution for an issue is to listen to the other one carefully & respectfully.

Remember listening patiently sends a strong message of involvement and it is very likely that this positive attitude will help the couple to steer their marriage towards solutions for problems arising out of difference in opinions.

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Take a Break

Yes you heard it right! Remember when was the last time you went on a vacation and how mesmerizing it was? Well you need to learn from the past and take that well deserved break from the hectic & seemingly never ending day-to-day office or professional issues.

It does not matter where you go. Whether it is an exotic vacation or just a simple nearby weekend getaway, the real purpose is to unwind from the daily stress and bond together as a family. Trust us, it will do wonders to your marriage!

Finace Astrology


Nothing rekindles love in a marriage more than a positive surprise from the spouse. So take up the task to do something new and unexpected for your partner that will garner his/her loving attention!

Whether it is cooking something special for your partner or making some advance preparations about something that he/she will need in the time to come or bringing a token of love in the form of something as simple as a bunch flowers; will do wonders in your married life. Even a simple & heartfelt compliment can make your partner's day! So what are you waiting for?

Stop making excuses and start off by consulting with the highly experienced & absolutely brilliant astrologers of Future Point to know the real planetary situation affecting your marriage and also get to know about the incredibly powerful remedies that have the potential of bringing unparalleled bliss & happiness in your marriage! Getting your future horoscope by date of birth and time analyzed for remedies and imbibing all the other above mentioned rules in your life, is the way to ensure a truly happy & prosperous marriage ahead.

Now Talk to Best Astrologers Online and get your every query solved!