Get the best Numerology Software for Android | Future Point

Get the best Numerology Software for Android

By: Future Point | 14-Jun-2021
Views : 5177Get the best Numerology Software for Android

If you have interest in numerology or already practicing in the field of numerology, you know that the exhaustive calculations involved are both cumbersome and time-consuming. Basically numerology involves converting the letters, words, names, into numbers. A series of calculation formulas have to be applied if one wishes to convert these letters into numbers.

The Future Point numerology software-a complete solution for the numerology problems 

However, one can make the numerology calculations, using the formulas learned at a numerology course, without numerology software. Back in the days, there was no other means available but to take a piece of paper and start calculating. But with fast pace of life, no one has those precious hours to be spent in scratching your head into intricate calculations when this can be done with a click of a button only.

The numerology software is a need of the hour and it should be reliable in terms of making precise calculations, fast enough, have all required features of numerology calculations, and the most important be useful both to a novice and a professional numerologist. All these prerequisites of good software are perfectly met with the Future Point Numerology Software. 

Electronic gadgets and our lives

Today we can’t imagine our existence without a smart phone or other electronic gadgets. The squeeze of the globe has necessitated these gadgets to take hold of our lives. We plan each and every activity of our routine life with the help of these tiny electronic dependable. Various mobile apps come to our rescue when we want to plan our future events in advance. With mobile apps sprawling their heads everywhere, the field of Vedic science of astrology and Numerology can no longer be left behind. Apps based on astrology and numerology serves as a guide to carry our routine activities. How wonderful it would be to have a daily planner with a touch of a button, as soon as you open your eyes! 

We can obtain guidance on almost every aspect of esoteric world like Janam Kundali, Kundali Matching, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Rashi predictions, to Panchang, etc.

The numerology software by Future Point gives information about root number, auspicious/inauspicious numbers, Vedic Mantra and name number. This software gives predictions based on your birth date, name number, destiny number & root number. From this software you can get details like friendly number, enemy number, name number – Reduced name number & determination of auspicious and inauspicious name numbers on the basis of date of birth.

Not just Numerology calculations and predictions but it also contains comprehensive and complete astrology solutions required by an astrologer for making predictions. It has various modules that serve to varied needs.

Astrology module

In the astrology module, one can get information like planet aspect, Bhava aspect, cusp aspect, Saptvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Satvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi, Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha and Antardasha analysis and Transit predictions for next 30 years, More than 500 astrological combinations, transits till 9999, the combinations and remedial measures for inauspicious Yogas like Manglik dosh, Kaalsarpa Yoga and Sadesati etc. have also been given in detail.

Teva module

Teva casts various divisional charts with accurate calculations. Leostar Teva software can create horoscopes like Lagna, Chalit, Bhava Sandhi and all types of divisional charts of Janampatri. This Kundli software calculates Avakhada, Ghaat chakra, sun position, Tara chakra, planet, Tara, birth detail, Rahu Kaal, almanac (Panchang). This Jatkam software helps to calculate Rashi, Nakshatra, Charan, Nakshatra lord, position and degrees of planets with 7 types of dasha – Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra and Sodashottari. Ashtakvarga - Sarvashtakvarga, Bhhinnashtakvarga, trikona, Ekadhipatya, Shodya. For Jaimini astrology - karaka, avastha and rashmi etc are also calculated in this software for astrology. 

Download Free Numerology App

Additional Features of Numerology Software

The Numerology Software helps to ascertain the nature, personality, auspiciousness/ inauspiciousness and future of the native on the basis of root number, destiny number and name number. Astrological Software leostar Numerology module contains the comprehensive knowledge of numerology for the benefit of user. If reduced name number, destiny number and root number do not match then the methods of changing name including predictions along with comprehensive remedies have also been incorporated in this module.

Astrology software applications Leo series are based on several methods of ancient Indian astrology. These applications are used in preparing horoscope reports, to find out several astrological factors, calculations, predictions etc. Depending on the type of application, astro software applications provide several features such as finding Muhurat, checking marital compatibility, personal predictions, baby name recommendations, gemstone recommendations etc.

Also Read: Get Highly Detailed Yearly Predictions by LeoStar Varshphal Software

This kundli software contains all useful astrology tables

All professional astrologers use astrology tables of indian astrology for making astrology prediction. This kundli software contains Astrology Tables, Tables Melapak, Varshphal Tables, Lal Kitab Table, Table for making Lal Kitab Varshphal, KP Tables, Important tables of Numerology, Panchang Tables, Tables Muhurat, Mundane Astrology and Research Tables.

Leostar contains all types of tables which are used by people working in the field of astrology. All types of astrology tables required by astrologers are incorporated in Leostar. It is difficult to remember all necessary, relevant and accurate information provided by these usefull and comprehensive tables therefore they are included for quick reference.

Features of Leostar Numerology are as follows:

  • Calculations of radical number, lucky number, name number & numerological life graph.
  • Assessment of nature, personality, auspiciousness/ inauspiciousness and future of the native on the basis of root number, destiny number and name number.
  • Loshu  chart and Loshu predictions
  • Predictions about friendship and partnership, love and marriage, favourable colour, lucky vehicle number, occupation, favourable stones or substitute stones.
  • Name correction and prediction
  • Leostar Numerology software contains the comprehensive knowledge of numerology. If reduced name number, destiny number and root number do not match then the methods of changing name have also been incorporated in this module.
  • Details like friendly, enemy numbers and neutral numbers & auspicious/inauspicious information (Shubhashubhgyanam).
  • Information like auspicious/inauspicious years and you can know whether a specific year shall be a special year for you or an ordinary one.
  • Similarly, the auspicious days, dates months, gemstone, Upratna, favorable god, auspicious metal, color and mantra based on numbers will be useful and beneficial.
  • Favourable/Unfavourable time, day, dates, months & years.
  • Specific Yantras which should be worshipped are prescribed on the basis of root number, lucky number & destiny number.
  • Grah Mantra, Grah Dhyan, Grah Mantra Jap, materials to donate, herbal bath etc are also prescribed on the basis of root number, lucky number & destiny number.
  • Avakhada, Ghatchakra, Tara Chakra, Panchang, Calendar.
  • The modules that one gets in Leostar Numerology software are Teva, Astrology, Numerology, Tables & Mundane.
  • Astro Software Leostar can cast all types of charts like Lagna, Chalit, Bava cusp and various types of divisional charts.
  • This astro software contains calculations related to Shadbal, Jaimini, Karakavastha and Sudershan Chakra.
  • KP System, KP Significator, Shodasvarga Tables, Upgraha, Sannadi Chakra etc are included.
  • Prashar Ashtakvarga, Ashtakvarga Chart & Ashatak ascendant are also given in this astro software.
  • Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha & Antardasha analysis & Transit predictions for next 30 years are incorporated in this astro software.
  • More than 500 yogas (astrological combinations)have been included in this astro software.
  • This astro software shows Transits to view planets moving around the natal horoscope.
  • This astro software contains reading material for Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Astrology and 21 Horary tools.
  • Not only the students and expert astrologers can get accurate calculations but they can also use the horoscopes given in the databank of this astro software.
  • User can get additional information like Astrograph, Longevity, Kaalsarp dosha, Sadesati vichar, Manglik vichar and Remedies etc. too from this astro software.
  • Prescription of stones along with the method of wearing it has also been given in this astro software.
  • Mantras are also recommended along with the articles of donation for propitiating planets. Remedies for Sadesati are also given in detail.

If you are a beginner or even with no knowledge of numerology, you can still get an interpretation of any person. With a single click, you will get a written report document, interpreted by the real-time report engine. And that’s not all. You can also get a yearly report or varshphal on a specific year of this person’s future, to get an overview of the challenges for that person, month by month. No numerology expertise is required only the birth date and full name of the person will suffice the purpose.

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