Get a brilliant love life with solutions by Expert Astrologers | Future Point

Get a brilliant love life with solutions by Expert Astrologers

By: Future Point | 22-Nov-2019
Views : 3391Get a brilliant love life with solutions by Expert Astrologers

Marriages were easy in the olden days. As soon as a boy or girl reached marriageable days, the elder in the family who are mainly concerned for such alliances start searching for a boy or girl through their social status and generally, the marriages are solemnized at an early age. But with the advancement of education, the new generation is occupied with the expectation from life which has also become the necessity of life.

If you have some doubts regarding marriage life, you can Talk with Astrologer in order to know the effective remedies.

How many times you have asked this to yourself- will I have love or arrange marriage?

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Difference between Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage Astrology?

  • Arrange Marriage- Arrange marriage is the kind of marriage where two families decide about marriage. It is considered better by most of the people in Indian society because it brings people who have been brought up with a similar belief system to come together. The chances of having cultural differences are minimal and a person loves to go close to anyone who is chosen by their parents. In arrange marriages, there is equality maintained while we are introduced to individuals for an arranged marriage.
  • Love Marriage- It is that kind of marriage where boy and girl fall in love with each other and are free to decide to marry. May be Love Marriage was not very popular 40 or 50 years ago in India but nowadays it is more prevalent than arrange marriage. The planets responsible for Love Marriage are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Moon, and Mercury. These Planets and their combination should be checked while Predicting Love Marriage in Horoscope.

But with the advancement of generation lots of problems also arises at the time of marriage. In today’s life, everyone wants to spend their whole life with their loved ones. But because of the family pressure, social issue, they can’t do this one. But you can get yourself personalized marriage report in order to know the remedies or solutions to fight with a problem. Some parents also have an orthodox mindset, and they think that love marriage does not last for long that’s why they deny their children to go for love marriage.

Now the question arises which house shows love marriage astrology?

According to love marriage Vedic astrology, while judging Love and Marriage there are 4 houses primarily- 7th, 5th, 8th, and 11th house. The signs which we need to see is Scorpio, Gemini, and Pisces. The planets responsible for Love Marriage are Mars, Venus, Rahu, and Mercury. If Venus or Mercury is with Rahu also increases the chances of love marriage. Venus sitting in the 2nd or 9th house or 11th house also increases the chances of love marriage.

Is Manglik Dosh Important while looking to get married?!

A person with Manglik Dosha in his natal chart is called Manglik. Mars is considered malefic when it is positioned in any of the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th houses and it leads to tensions, dissatisfactions, in married life. There might be a constant difference and anxiety between the couple. These aspects of Mars can also cast negative instincts in children of the native. The native may develop uncompromising nature with his/her life partner and it may lead to divorce or separation. Planet mars do not risk the lives of its natives. It represents respect, ego, self-esteem, and energy so those who have Mangal dosha might have a vulnerable nature that could hinder relationships, but it also believed that Mangliks have fire energy in them if used in the right way.

What do you mean by Kaalsarpa Dosh?

According to Vedic Astrology, Kalsarpa dosh or yog is considered very inauspicious, and anyone living with this dosh may experience lifelong battles with misfortunes. Due to constant planetary motions, the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope may vary in different horoscopes. It can cause toxicity, insecurity, incompatibility, lack of love or connectivity between the couple. In this case, you can get your Horoscope report by the expert astrologer in order to know the future problems.

Kundali Matching: Important or Not?

Kundli Matching for marriage has been an important thing for deciding the correct partner or knowing about love marriage or arranged marriage prediction. Kundli Matching has been an important step before deciding a marriage and most parents refer to it to know about the marriage prospects of one person. Kundli Milan by date of birth is such an important thing and is always recommended before getting married.

What Love Marriage Astrology do?

7th house is the house of relationship. This house gives information about our marriage life that is why this is the most important house that is checked when horoscopes are matched in Love Marriage Astrology. It is absolutely necessary to have the blessing of this house and the 5th Lord to get happiness in marriage and relationships. If Ascendant lord is combined with Moon or the 7th lord is combined with Moon in the 7th house, it creates the yog for love marriage. Saturn and Ketu are the malefic planets but their combination in the 7th house is benefic for the love marriage.

If you have a partner and want to know whether you will be able to have a prosperous married life with them, you can consult our expert astrologers in Delhi who will help you with the same. If you are stuck in your relationship and do not have any particular solution, you must talk to astrologer as he/she will help you out with your problems.