Fiery Mars in diplomatic Libra- meaning and effects | Future Point

Fiery Mars in diplomatic Libra- meaning and effects

By: Future Point | 15-Oct-2021
Views : 2136Fiery Mars in diplomatic Libra- meaning and effects

Mars is a commander in chief in the planetary cabinet. It depicts our courage, energy, actions, efforts and aggression. If we wish to know our mode of doing things or performing tasks, we just have to check the placement of Mars in our natal chart or kundali and the association of Mars with other planets. A dignified or well placed Mars signifies a courageous person who is always ready to take any kind of challenges with a brave heart. A native with a strong Mars can easily be seen in army forces, medicinal field and sports. 

What Mars in Libra means

Now, Libra is a movable air sign governed by Venus. Venus is a diplomatic, charming, balanced, harmonious and justice loving planet. Mars and Venus share a neutral relationship. Mars is masculinity and fire while Venus is femininity and water, but their energies together form a balanced personality. Mars in Libra natives are charming, generous and gregarious. They are loved by the masses and are quite affectionate in nature with tendency to help others. They have strong communication skills which put a strong influence on others. They are excellent at settling arguments.

Mars in Libra means Mars is placed in the 7th and 12th from its own signs Aries and Scorpion as per the kaal purush kundali. Seventh signifies love, balance, harmony, unity, marketplaces, trading, partnership etc. Twelfth signifies power to manifest dreams into reality, losses, expenses, foreign settlement, long term investments, separation and mental distress.

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Mars transit in Libra-date and timings

The transit of Mars in the sign of Libra will take place on 22 October 2021 at 1.13 am till 5 December 2021, at 5.01 am and after that it will move to Scorpio.

During this transit, Mars will cross Chitra, Swati, and Vishakha nakshatra. Those are Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter nakshatras, respectively. Mars is creating a parivartan yoga with Venus and making conjunction with the Sun. Mars will stay here for 45 days. Mars and Venus are neutral towards each other and therefore Mars is in average dignity here. It will give results as per the placement of Venus in your natal chart. Talk to astrologer to know the exact effect of this transit on the basis of your natal Venus. Libra signifies business, masses, peace, harmony and relations. Now, for the next 45 days, we will witness the Martian energy dealing with these significations.

Some important points to remember during this transit of Mars in Libra:

  • The planet of aggression i.e. Mars is going into a peaceful sign Libra. It means that we will exhibit aggression and dominance in general public but since it is a peaceful sign, peace and diplomacy will prevail over violence for the next 45 days. 
  • Libra is a sign of relationships and entrance of Martian energy here will create ego hassles and aggression in relationships. We should remain aware about this fact and let go of any feelings of pride and dominance.
  • Libra is also a sign of business. So, the entry of enthusiastic Mars into Libra will make business people more enthusiastic towards their business goals. We will see new projects coming out with brilliant colors.
  • Sagittarius sign was under paap kartari yoga with ketu at one side and Saturn and Jupiter at the other. It also had an aspect of the planet Mars. All these conditions had put immense pressure on the zodiac sign of Sagittarius but now since its shifting its aspect, the house in which Sagittarius falls will be relieved a bit.
  • If Mars is transiting into dusthana houses or 4th house of your natal chart then you have to remain careful with the specifications of that house for these 45 days. Like in fourth house it may affect the health of your mother and there are possibilities of sudden accidents and injuries. 
  • Sine Mars will cast an aspect at its own house i.e. Aries, so, it will be safeguarding us against the negative traits of the house where Aries is falling in the natal chart. For e.g. if Aries falls in the sixth house then you will not face any health, competitive and litigation related issues during this transit and even if you face, you will turn out victorious. 

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Let’s explore how this transit of Mars will affect all zodiac signs:


The transit of Mars will take place into the 7th house. The immense energy levels of Mars will show mixed results here. You would be able to impress people with your personality. You will suddenly become good at solving disputes with your excellent negotiation skills but patience is required at the same time. You will remain enthusiastic towards your career goals. Courageous decisions would provide expansion in business. Quick and spontaneous decisions will give you benefits and fame in professional life. It is a favorable time for those engaged in defense services, surgery, physical trainer, sportsmen, etc.

  • Ego and anger have to be kept in check in married life.
  • You may expect gains in government-related projects.
  • You are advised to co-operate with others in order to get their support.


The transit of Mars will take place into the 6th house. You will possess high amount of energy which will help you in your day-to-day activities. Your competitiveness at the work place will increase. Students will have a favorable time and will succeed in competitive exams.

  • High work pressure may create problems, so you are advised to take charge of your health and follow a fitness regime.
  • You may face discomfort with your co-workers. To maintain harmony and a good professional relationship, you are advised to avoid arguments at petty issues.
  • Expenses may rise high. You are advised to spend as per the budget. Otherwise, you may have to take out loan and suffer a Financial Crisis.


The Mars transit will take place into the 5th house. The transit talks about having fun with your friends or activities you love to do. You tend to become more creative and with high self-discipline you will achieve the desired results.

  • You may feel more romantic towards someone special. But at the same time showing impatient attitude may ruin your relationship. 
  • You may indulge in speculation activities or invest money in some risky ventures during this period, but you are advised to analyze the risk involved and possible outcomes before making any investments.
  • If you wish to change your career, it is the right time to decide.
  • Save money to be used for loan repayment later.

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The Mars transit will take place in 4th house. The Martian energy may disturb your mental peace. You may get involved in the past issues which will create problems for you. Take care of your emotions as harsh words may create distance from your loved ones. You are advised to work hard for maintaining harmony in relations.

  • Love and patience are required for a peaceful life.
  • If you are planning any investment in property then the time is supportive. Construction, renovation, or beautification of your house will remain your prime focus.
  • Work pressure will remain high. Your leadership skills will help you gain support of higher authorities and the government. 


The transit of Mars will happen into the 3rd house and the natives may expect mixed results. You will notice several ideas and business plans coming to your mind during this period, but you need to channelize it through proper means. Don’t take criticism too personally, as it may spoil your mental peace. You may have to go for short journeys related to your profession. There would be enhancement in your communication skills but be aware of any sarcastic comments. It is better to not to get involved in heated arguments.

  • Stay patient.
  • Stay careful while driving, operating machinery, or any other manual tasks.


You may face conflict on issues of ownership. The transit of Mars will take place into the 2nd house. Your voice will become authoritative and influential giving you dominance on others. You will be determined to make money but may have less moral values. You should remain conscious regarding your words as your rude speech may offend others.  You tend to show your ego and pride through your money and possessions.

  • Don’t spend unnecessarily as it may create situations for borrowing and financial crunches.
  • Health-related issues may trouble you.  


The transit of Mars will take place into the ascendant. During this transit your confidence level would remain very high. You would crave for attention and you will go anything for that. You will face all hurdles courageously. Business people may grab some new opportunities in their business for expansion. Take care of your relations with your spouse.

  • Building assets or property investment would be your prime goal.
  • Some head-related problems may occur. 


The Mars transit will take place in the twelfth house. The transit is not that supportive for Scorpions, Health-related issues may trouble you so you are advised to take good care of yourself and follow healthy eating and physical exercise. Expenses too may be out of control, so, one should make a proper budget before spending money.

  • People employed in MNC companies will do well.
  • Export and import related business will prosper.
  • Your enemies may become strong during this transit.
  • It is better to work on your flaws rather than compete with them and wait for the right time to fight back. 


It is an excellent time as Mars will into the eleventh house of your zodiac. Leadership quality will help in completing all work projects on time. You would turn more social and make beneficial connections with people. You will get name and fame in your professional life. Servicemen too may be promoted.

  • You would like to be involved in social welfare activities.
  • It is nice time for those connected with NGOs.
  • You would turn sympathetic towards others.
  • Students will succeed in competitive exams. 


The Mars transit will take place into the tenth house. The transit will make you more focused on your career goals and will also bring honor and recognition to you at professional front. There is a chance of promotion as well but you should stay away from ego. High energy and courage will help you succeed in every aspect of life.

  • Speak wisely to avoid conflicts.
  • Avoid negativity.
  • Avoid excessive work pressure to maintain harmony in personal life.


The Mars will transit into the ninth house of the zodiac. It is a challenging time for Aquarians as you have to work harder to prove your worth. Luck will support you. If you were thinking for a change in job then the time is supportive. Foreign opportunities too may give you benefits.

  • Students will excel in learning and may go for adventurous activities. 
  • Expenses will remain high, so it is advisable to plan a long-term investment.
  • Speak softly.  


The Mars transit will take place into mysterious eighth house. Professionally, the period will pose threats and will demand great amount of hard work even for a tiny success. Luck may not support and you may go for outings with the family.

  • High sexual desires may give troubles.
  • Health needs to be watched.
  • You may receive money which was blocked earlier.