Durga Puja: An Experience Full of Colours and Traditions.
By: Future Point | 08-Oct-2018
Views : 3130
The Durga Pooja is a celebration of divine feminine power of Goddess Adi-Shakti. Accordingly, goddess Durga Puja is a celebration of divine feminine power and victor over the evil demon. In fact, this is worshiped to bring to an end of Demon King Mahishasura.
Though the Indian mythology has many version of Goddess Durga, one of them states that Goddess Durga come to existence with the help of all the gods and goddess. Which means, the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh), their consorts and all other god and goddess decided to form the incarnation of Durga, where the soul of Goddess Durga would be of Goddess Adi-Shakti. Hence, it is believed that goddess Durga is the incarnation of Goddess Adi-Shakti.
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Why is the Celebration is carried out for nine days?
It is believed that the battel between Goddess Durga and Mahishasura lasted for nine days and on the 10th day, he was slayed by Goddess Durga. Since he was killed on the 10th day, the day is celebrated as “Vijayadashami”
Accordingly, the celebration starts on the month of Ashvin every year and during the present year of Navratri 2018, this would be celebrated from 9th October around 9:16 AM in the morning till 19th October 2018.
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How is the Celebration prepared?
For the celebration of Durga Puja, the activities begin almost a month before the start date. Usually, in the eastern parts of India, Durga Puja is celebrated with great fun. This starts with the making of Durga Idol almost a month prior to the celebration. The Durga Puja festival is a ten-day event, of which the last five mark the popular practices. The festival begins with Mahalaya, a day where Shakta Hindus remember the loved ones who have died, as well the advent of Durga.
The next most significant day of Durga Puja celebrations is the sixth day, called Shashti where the local community welcome the goddess and festive celebrations are inaugurated. On the seventh day (Saptami), eighth (Ashtami) and ninth (Navami), the goddess along with Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesha and Kartikeya are revered and these days mark the main Puja or worship, with recitation of the scriptures, the legends of Durga in Devi Mahatmayam and social visits by families to elaborately decorated and lighted up temples and pandals. A similar site as one would see during Ganesha Chaturthi in the western parts of India.
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In fact, it is believed that Goddess Durga took nine different forms before slaying the demon king Mahishasura. Following are the different forms that Goddess Durga took and the importance attached to all the nine days.
Shailaputri: Day 1, Goddess Durga is worshiped as the primal energy of the trident Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and was born as daughter (putri) to Himalayas (shaila - mountains)
Bhrahmacharini: 2nd days, here she is in the form that represents penance and austerity leading to blissfulness and moksha. This is the 2nd day in which goddess durga is worshiped.
Chandraghanta: 3rd Day, represented as 10-armed mother riding a lion, she adores a bell-shaped (ghanta) moon (chandra), and is slayer of evil forces.
Kushmanda: 4th Day, literally meaning "little warmth cosmic egg", she is the creator of the universe.
Skandamata: 5th Day, she is the mother of Skanda, or Karthikeya, the chief warrior of Gods.
Katyayani: 6th day, goddess Durga is worshiped as daughter of sage Katyayan, she is a fierce form of Durga.
Kaalratri: 7th day, she is worshiped as the death of Kaal (time), she showcases the other side of life - death. She is the most terrible and ruthless form of Durga.
Maha Gauri: She represents calmness and grants wisdom to her devotees.
Siddhidatri: The fulfiller of all the wishes and giver of boons.
Vijaya Dashami: the 10 day is Vijaya Dashami.
Accordingly, the importance is attached to the celebrations and Durga Puja is celebrated.
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Thus, to know more about Durga Puja and its significance, readers can write to us at mail@futurepointindia.com or visit our web site www.futurepointindia.com . We at Future Point have been practising astrology for the past three decades and have been suggesting the readers of the various Poojas to be performed to enjoy their benefit.
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