Chaturdashi Shradh - 1st October 2024 | Future Point

Chaturdashi Shradh - 1st October 2024

By: Future Point | 11-Sep-2024
Views : 492Chaturdashi Shradh - 1st October 2024

People are performing Shradh Karma for the peace of the souls of their ancestors. The scriptures rule that the Shradh of the dead person should be performed on the same date during PItru Paksha on which the person died. By performing Shradh on this day the soul of a dead person receives a part of the shradh performed for him. But the soul of a person who dies an untimely death does not get peace easily. A special day of Shradh has been fixed for such persons.

What is Chaturdashi Shradh?

It is said in the scriptures that the Shradh of a person who died in an accident, by poison or by weapons should be performed on Churdashi. On this day performing Tarpan and Shraddha of an ancestor who died an untimely death gives peace to their souls. The scriptures also say that for the peace of their souls. The scriptures also say that for the peace of the souls of the people who died an unnatural death. Chturdashi Shradh also called Ghat Chaturdashi is a day in the Hindu tradition dedicated to honoring deceased family members who passed away in unnatural circumstances, like accidents or violence. This observance takes place on the 14th day of the waning moon phase (Krishna Paksha) during the Pitra Paksha period.

Chaturdashi Shradh Ritual Time:

  • 1st October 2024, Tuesday
  • Chturdashi Tithi begins at 07:06 PM on September 30,
  • Chturdashi Tithi ends at 09:39 PM on October 01,
  • Kutup Muhurat: 11:47 AM to 12:34 PM
  • Rohini Muhurta: 12:34 PM to 1:22 PM
  • Afternoon time: 01:22 PM to 3:44 PM

Importance of Chaturdashi Shradh:

  1. Honoring ancestors: By performing Shradh rituals on this day it is believed that the souls of those who passed away unnaturally find peace and moksha (Liberation).
  2. Pitra Tarpan: The day is specifically important for offering Tarpan (water offerings) to soothe the spirits of those who faced sudden deaths.
  3. Breaking the cycle of rebirth: It is believed that correctly performing the rites can prevent the soul from suffering in future lives and help release them from the cycle of rebirth.
  4.  Seeking forgiveness: Through these rituals, families ask for forgiveness for any wrong done to the deceased while they were alive.
  5. Enhancing family well-being: Proper observance ensures the family’s prosperity, health, and happiness.

Remedies and rituals of Chaturdashi Shradh:

  1. Pind Daan: Rice balls mixed with ghee, honey, and black sesame seeds are offered to help satisfy the departed soul.
  2. Tarpan: Water mixed with black sesame seeds, barley, and Kusha grass is offered to ancestors helping release them from material attachments.
  3.  Offering food: A meal including dishes like Kheer, puri, rice, and lentils is prepared and later given to Brahmins or the needy as charity.
  4.  Charity (Daan): Donating items like sesame seeds, grains, clothes, and umbrellas is recommended for the benefit of both the living and the departed.
  5. Lighting a Diya: A ghee lamp (Diya) is lit and placed facing south representing a guiding light for the soul’s journey to peace.
  6. Chanting mantras: Mantras like “Om Pitra Devaye Namah,” are chanted to seek the ancestors’ blessings and forgiveness.
  7. Feeding animals: offering food to cows, dogs, and crows is considered auspicious as these animals are seen as connecting to the spiritual realm.
  8. Avoid non-vegetarian food: On this day family members should avoid eating non-vegetarian food and alcohol to maintain purity


Chaturdashi Shradh is a meaningful day to pay respects to loved ones who died suddenly or unexpectedly. Performing these rituals not only helps in granting peace to the departed but also brings harmony and prosperity to the family.